Here It Is.

You have a kick-ass politician friend who routinely gets an audience’s attention with a booming “Here it is.” In his honor, minus the boom, “Here it is.” The move to a global new world order is well on the way to becoming reality. * Global big-moneyed players, in cahoots with big governments, have decided that the world’s alleged overpopulation, cataclysmic climate change, projected food shortage, projected pandemics, energy reversal, racial inequities and social injustice — all require the monitoring and control of worldwide business and individual behavior. You have already heard or will begin to hear terms like “your individual carbon footprint” or “your social credit score.” Don’t laugh. Losing your individual sovereignty is no laughing matter. The technology is in place, poised to calculate your social ranking — and that ranking would affect travel, employment, access to finance and the ability to enter into contracts of any kind. That ranking would also rate your social justice behavior, attitude and trustworthiness. Then factor in the eventual move to digital currency — that is, the elimination of cash money — you know, bread, bucks, celery, clams, lettuce, scratch, moola, dough — and, Matilda, when that happens, the bank has you by the ass. Don’t laugh. Big Brother is in the attic. Ask Biden. Ask Wells Fargo. Ask Bank of America. Ask the people who keep your investments. On second thought, they will only roll their eyes and advise you to ignore conspiracy junkies — the same loonies who claim the vaccine is a bioweapon. You have no weapons of your own but you do have thoughts about social justice and racism — opinions that Big Brother may want to place in your New World Order dossier for use at your trial. “Here it is.” You have nothing against members of any race, any religion, any gender, any sexual orientation or any cult. You have nothing against the poor, the rich, alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, bums and non-profits. But you do reserve the right to ignore and hate any or all of them. You don’t owe any of them anything — not your respect, not recognition, not courtesy and not a helping hand. Likewise, no one owes you anything. Anyone is free to revile you, to treat you with contempt. You deserve nothing in this life except the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — the building blocks of Freedom. America was built on this foundation. Live, learn, work, fail, learn, succeed, build, fail, work, conserve, grow. But “here it is.” The majority of black voters can’t live with true Freedom. They must be victims of racism. Racism is their “get out of jail free” card. They must have a built-in excuse for their inability or unwillingness to better themselves on their own. They must blame someone. They must somehow justify government handouts as payback for the sins of — who else — White America. You need only listen to one sermon from Georgia senatorial candidate Raphael Warnock who vehemently ignites his flock, kindling the fire of racial bitterness, resentment and victim-hood. Warnock knows the demagogue playbook by heart. He lives it.  He points a condemning finger at the enemy. He arouses a seething anger. He depends on that anger to attain power. Only then can he punch his ticket for a seat at the Capitol table with Whitey. And only with continuous antagonism can he stay there. And his flock? They truly are. Sheep. Meanwhile, the Global Elites have conceived their pathway to power and control. All the key dominoes are lined up. “Here it is.” Like Warnock, the Karl Schwabs and George Soroses have an enemy — so far unspoken. They are America’s vast middle and upper middle classes who represent America’s rugged individualism. These are patriots who will never cede their sovereignty. Or their country’s sovereignty. Turning their country over to the dictates of an international consortium would be nothing less than a sellout of American exceptionalism, and in your view, unconstitutional. To those who view the New World Order as outlandish imagination, review what happened in America the past two years. No, that hasn’t been your imagination. But it has been thoroughly outlandish.

* Ed Note: See The Shadow State


The story is impossible to believe. A football coach of a major state university, hired to rescue a desperately ineffectual program, won the NCAA national championship in his very first year as a head coach. Predictably, the stunning performance dominated all media outlets for months. Incomprehensibly, however, six months later, the University Administration and Board of Trustees fired the coach following allegations of misconduct and behavior contrary to school policy. You can only imagine the resulting outcry. Understandably, students, alumni and fans were enraged and thousands stormed the main campus to demonstrate and to demand an investigation into the University’s action. The story is simply impossible to believe. So, Matilda,  you don’t. As you might expect, this contrived piece of fiction is illustrative of the true, ongoing saga of one Donald Trump — a neophyte politician who, against all odds, took America to unprecedented domestic and international victories in just one tenure at the helm. Incomprehensibly, his performance was repudiated by an alleged majority of voters in favor of a demented basement dweller. And understandably, millions of enraged voters smelled a rat and demanded an investigation into glaring irregularities — more like evidence — of election fraud. No one, including you, is interested in hashing over election theft. Despite  media-backed denials by the federal political cartel, massive fraud did happen. It’s done. It’s history. Much like the 200,000 murders that are committed annually in America — murders that go unsolved. But even some Trump supporters think there was no election hijacking and also accuse Trump of personally coordinating a violent attack on the Capitol. These are the same people who believed and still believe in all manner of other lies. That Covid was accidental, for instance.  Just bad luck. That the Covid infection is a death sentence. That cloth masks work (after all, doctors wear them). That a vaccinated person can’t transmit the virus. That a vaccinated person would not need hospital care if infected. That the Covid vaccine is safe. That reports of sudden death caused by the vaccines are rightwing propaganda. That booster jabs are absolutely essential. That unvaccinated Americans are sub-human. These are the same people who are free to choose for themselves in a free country — who also subject innocent children to the jabs, knowing full well that youngsters have zero Covid risk — but in fact do have serious vaccine risks, including the risk of death. And looking forward to 2024, these are the same people who say that Donald Trump has outlived his usefulness. That he can’t win. That he’s a negative influence, a drag on the GOP. That he should step aside to support a shining star in Ron DeSantis who has proved his mettle in Florida — a star that has no apparent baggage. You hope, you pray, DeSantis does run. His participation gives you strong reason for optimism, having another worthy candidate with backbone. While you have no interest whatsoever in throwing DT under the bus, there are those who do. They blame him for waging a self-serving war of vengeance, for creating turmoil and making enemies of the Democrat Party. Simply hungry for peace, former Trumpers are exasperated with the constant conflict and would gladly settle for business as usual in Washington. For the jellyfish, draining the Swamp is no longer a priority. Nothing has changed since 2015, The combined forces of Washington insiders — the Democrat Party, the GOP Establishment, Legacy Media, Big Tech, Big Lobbies, Woke Corporations and the ubiquitous Deep State — all who feed at the Federal trough — are determined, at any cost, to destroy the one person they fear the most. He is the enemy. Pugnacious, combative, insulting and hugely competitive, he is American through and through, born too late, better suited for America’s swaggering infancy, when She was straining at the leash to conquer the land and build the cities. Ego driven, he is always eager to step into the ring. But the personality you see in the ring is not the personality that sits in council, that listens extensively, that yields to advisers, that speaks thoughtfully and softly, and that acts decisively. The public face of TV celebrity Donald J. Trump may delight his followers, or infuriate his critics; but his private bearing and disposition are solely performance driven. You leave the 2024 prediction to the expert predictors. The outcome has no bearing on DJT’s legacy — leading America to a brief, brilliant period of domestic and international achievement. For you, however, he authored a more decisive feat — in exposing forever the corrupt, swollen underbelly of the Washington Deep State. For that alone, he stands alone.

WWIII & Denial

By now, people who bother to contemplate something beyond their own navels will have heard the talk about World War III. Naturally, the majority of them think the talk is — well, talk. Like conspiracy talk. Fear mongering talk. Red hot talk about the World Economic Forum and New World Order, right out of the latest version of Evil Genius 2: World Domination. But in this case, talk about WWIII comes from (unfriendly) top officials speaking at world symposiums, not from combative video games. You don’t have to look far to see the preparations — thousands of goose stepping troops, massive tanks, heavy armament, towering warships and sleek nuclear subs — busily engaged in war games — missiles and rockets hurtling into space. You don’t have to look far to see and hear that the CCP has it in for the West, with a bullseye painted on Her fruited plains. Elsewhere, a CCP announced ally is well past the posturing. You need only ask Ukraine about that. Three thousand miles to the south and west, the third enemy shouts, “Death to America, the great Satan.” You don’t need Google to figure that one out either, do you Matilda? Finally, never underestimate the fourth prong on the 21st century Axis — that wisp of a country commanded by his eminence Kim Jong Un who has always had a bone to pick with America. You might ask: “How does a Constitutional Republic compete with the combined forces of communism? How does any representative government, always at war with itself, compete with allied, all-powerful, nuclear dictatorships? These questions resonate emphatically, considering that your country has been infiltrated in every nook and cranny by your enemies. If you doubt this allegation, be honest enough to inspect the motives behind WOKE, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, BLM, the Covid debacle, a diminished military, a suicidal energy policy, the cracked economy — and what is happening to your children in kindergarten and on college campuses. Most ominously, however, examine the motives behind your own apathy and denial. They are the apathy and denial of the 1930’s when Hitler was building his war machine and dared an entire continent to challenge him. It is the denial that Joe Biden sends signals of appeasement and weakness to the world at large, inviting military aggression — yes, inviting WWIII. And the denial that America itself is under siege from within. The evidence stares you dead in the face. At gas pumps, at food stores, at every purchase you make in person or online, on the farms, at medical institutions, in your energy bills, in your retirement investments, in the classrooms, at your southern borders and in your churches. In years past, when immigrants aspired to become Americans, they saw a people who would not tolerate oppression. A people who were free from the controlling, imperious arm of governmental power — to go, do and say what was in their self interest — to choose pathways of self reliance, of success or failure. Freedom was America’s gift. That America was fueled by a nation of pugnacious, brawling, swaggering individuals. But no longer. Not as long as Her people shrink in compliance and remain in denial.

Ed. Note:  The Final War – The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America






The ranting and raving of critical Dick.