Right And Duty.

With heartfelt gratitude, you honor America’s Founders. Their wisdom, courage and personal sacrifice created a nation on the signal transcendent proposition — Individual Liberty.


circa 2022

Within the Course of human and current events, it has become necessary for the People to separate themselves from tyrannical bands that are in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States of America. Therefore, in accordance with the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and with a decent respect to the opinions of Mankind, the People are required to declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. Prudence dictates that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; but when a long train of abuses and usurpations reveals a state of Absolute Despotism, the people have the right, and duty, to throw off such Government, and provide for their future Liberty.

Let these Facts be submitted to a candid world. The United States Federal Government:

Has refused its Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

Has dishonored the Just Sovereignty of the United States by illegally fostering Open Borders.

Has, in direct violation of The Constitution, commanded authority over Education, Healthcare, Private Business, Energy, Housing, Agriculture and many other jurisdictions belonging to the Sovereign States.

Has criminally ravaged America’s financial integrity. Through unrestrained, wanton spending, has quadrupled inflation, placing a cost-of-living burden on suffering Americans and further swelling the already catastrophic debt placed on the backs of current and future generations.

Has sent America’s most priceless assets — Her Sons and Daughters — to perish on foreign soil — subsequently to abandon them as well as Her precious material assets; and with staggering deceit and faithlessness, left Her People to remain hostage, at the mercy of Her enemies.

Has, in direct opposition to the U.S. Constitution, embraced the policies of Marxism, a communist ideology that rests squarely on subjugation of individual citizens.

Has created a massive bureaucracy (Deep State) of unelected officials who do author and implement laws and regulations that affect every citizen — without Congressional approval and oversight.

Has abrogated the most precious Freedom — the Right to Life — by funding, and in fact encouraging, Abortion on Demand.

Has, with a stroke of a pen, shut down America’s Keystone Pipeline, leaving the average American’s energy cost to soar, and rendering the Nation dependent on foreign energy sources.

Has used the Covid 19 virus as a weapon to create fear and panic — to shut down small business, schools and churches, and bring the middle class economy to a devastating standstill.

Has engaged in massive, state-sponsored Covid propaganda — through Big Media and Big Tech — suppressing debate, labeling dissent as misinformation; and most egregiously, banning the use of proven drug therapies that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

Has systematically weakened America at home, promoting  class envy and unrest, willfully encouraging violence and creating an atmosphere that has led to heightened racism, suspicion, isolation and deep-seated anger.

Has, in direct violation of the Bill of Rights, weaponized the Justice Department, intimidated ordinary citizens with search and seizure, suppressed free speech and systematically undertook to undermine the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

Has demonstrated its intent to forego American Sovereignty and join the World Economic Forum’s global agenda — a new world order that  consolidates  healthcare, climate accords, energy and economic policies.

We, therefore, the People of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our intentions, do solemnly publish and declare that we are individually sovereign and that our States are sovereign, according to the Constitution of the United States. That we are absolved of any connection to a Federal Government that has mercilessly and maliciously corrupted its contract with We the People.


Ed. Note: On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from England. On July 4, 1776, the 56 representatives signed the Declaration of Independence. The partly plagiarized facsimile above has no signatures but welcomes any, literally or figuratively.



These are the words of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

The MAGA agenda represents an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic . . . . it doesn’t respect our Constitution . . . . it doesn’t believe in the rule of law . . . . and it doesn’t recognize the will of the people.

This is a nation that honors our Constitution. We do not reject it. This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We do not repudiate it. This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it. And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool. We do not encourage violence.

(  LOL Here )

Yours is not a gifted mind. But truly gifted minds for millennia have attempted to study the human race — to discover what appears to be a “decreed” behavior. Those who believe in reincarnation might theorize that genetic codes are perpetual, recycling new life that is predetermined to repeat itself. The trillions of words written on this subject bring you no closer to an understanding than the words of John Milton’s Paradise Lost, an epic poem of Good vs Evil, published in 1667. Which brings you to 2022 and Joe Biden. The President has many notable “ancestors.” They were dictators, many of them famous, who used deception, guile and deadly force to both swindle and coerce their subjects. By the way, Matilda, these are nothing more than the strategies of common criminals, both petty and powerful. Crooks always lie to “succeed.” If you read Biden’s statements above but aren’t aware the words are his, you would swear they belong to D.J. Trump. In the first paragraph, simply change MAGA to Biden, and it reads like a Trump indictment of the Democrat party.  You will never see a better example of classic communist tactics than Biden’s rhetoric — co-opt your opponent’s beliefs as your own. Biden will never be asked to back his statements with evidence against his opponent or, for that matter, evidence supporting his own, because liars do not — can not — tolerate interrogation. Like Hillary and many other politicians, Biden is a serial liar. This allegation is not unfounded. The evidence is documented, as clear and compelling as DNA. If journalism still existed as one of America’s trusted institutions, Media by now would have given Americans the benefit of objective truth and analysis. But no, like Dorian Gray, Media has long since sold its soul to the Devil. And its image has emerged ever more grotesque than Oscar Wilde’s hero. Biden’s statements above are based on the theory that the more outrageous the lies are, the more they will be believed by heedless citizens. There is a mountain of evidence supporting that opinion.

J.R. Biden Jr. remarks interpreted.

THE LIE: “This is a nation that honors our Constitution. We do not reject it.”
THE TRUTH: “This is a nation that honors our Constitution. We reject it.”

THE LIE: “This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We do not repudiate it.”
THE TRUTH: “This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We repudiate it.

THE LIE: “This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it.”
THE TRUTH: “This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We do not honor the will of the people. We deny it.”

THE LIE: “And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool. We do not encourage violence.”
THE TRUTH: “And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool. We do encourage violence.”

None of the statements above are more blatantly false than “we do not repudiate the rule of law.” You understand party loyalty in Congress, but your stomach turns to know Democrat voters don’t turn on the party that is mangling the once lofty reputation of America’s justice system. While the Supreme Court looks on, the FBI, aka the KGB and Gestapo, is waging war against a former President for his daring to criticize an administration for waging war against the American people. Trump’s criticism is kindergarten simple. Taking America from energy independence to dependency. Locking down small business, wrecking the lives of millions. Confiscating the healthcare industry. Depriving Covid patients from early, life saving treatment. Mandating vaccines. Unilaterally abandoning Afghanistan, leaving behind American citizens and billions of dollars in arms and equipment. Conducting an immigration policy completely contrary to U.S. Immigration Law. Presiding over an economy racked by the highest inflation in over 40 years. And, incredibly, working to forge a new, nuclear deal with Iran.

But nothing Biden has said is more telling than his condemnation of MAGA followers, essentially calling them fascists.  Be clear about this — calling out an “unclean” enemy is what dictators do to justify a totalitarian policy. This man, who never had a real job and who has lived on the public dole for nearly 50 years has the effrontery to berate 80 million citizens, most of whom struggle to earn their way, while he lives the mega-millionaire life. If Harry Truman was living, he would look Biden in the face and say, “Joe, you’re a crook.”

Biden can’t change the record. He can’t change the evidence. He himself has never changed. He was a plagiarist as a young man. Exposed, he didn’t flinch. He didn’t stop cheating. Lying is as much a part of him as breathing. You and most likely everyone you know have lied at one time or another, but your lies don’t cost lives and endanger a nation. JB has never changed. Harry was right about career politician millionaires. Look at the evidence.




Proof Under Fire

Every four years Americans have the opportunity to re-elect a President or choose a new one. The majority of Democrat voters choose a Democrat candidate and the majority of Republican voters choose a Republican candidate. No critical thinking needed here. The rest of the electorate choose one or the other for wildly  different reasons. A few voters play multiple choice and do the eeny-meeny-miny-moe drill. Some might check out Vegas odds and go with the favorite. Others listen to alphabet soup Media. Of course, to feel all warm and fuzzy, most will side with their social pack. Very few of these people will bother to scope out qualifications, much less accomplishments. In hindsight, you remember Obama vs Romney. Obama had zero qualifications beyond his education. He admitted he didn’t believe in American exceptionalism. He embraced socialist policies and cozied up to the Koran. Romney had a superstar resume, and preached Constitutional principles and economic growth. Romney was clearly more qualified. Obama was an empty suit but he told the truth without actually saying the words — “I’m not really an American.” Romney talked conservative principles but he lied without actually saying the words — “I’m a liberal RINO.” Look at both now. True to his word, Obama did all he could to bring America down;  as a Senator, Mitt  has forcefully revealed his true, spiteful colors. You believe average Americans are mega picky about their choices of doctors, dentists, plumbers, roofers, carpenters, hair stylists and personal trainers. Not so with a politician. Except for the candidate’s family and friends and “the intelligentsia,” who can really know presidential material? At the very least, Matilda, you have to do your homework. There’s no mystery about Benedict Biden. He finished at the bottom of his class at both college and law school, lied about double majors, plagiarized numerous writings and speeches and never earned a private sector paycheck. He has spent 47 years as a politician, including eight (8) as vice president under B. Obama and nearly two (2) as president. If his accomplishments interest you, find them in the public record. Take 15 minutes. Well, 10 should do it. Check it out. But for the sake of choosing the next President, the last two (2) years would be more telling than his previous 45. You don’t know Donald Trump. Never met him. Never did business with him. Know someone who apparently did who hates him. Know people who voted for him in 2015 but now think he’s outlived his usefulness because apparently he’s disruptive. Tends to promote a chaotic atmosphere and has no political discipline. Let’s see, what else do others say? One, he can’t be elected. Two, while the Deep State attacks on him are bogus, he just isn’t someone you would call a “paragon of character.” Three, you can grin and bear his flaws because of his accomplishments, but America “deserves a president who brings both policy and character to the job.” And four, he always seems to “attract the attention of the weaponized justice system.” In other words, please, please don’t antagonize the other side. You assume these critics who want pristine policy and character are referring to the high character and policies of past GOP presidents and politicians who willingly bestowed a 30 trillion dollar debt on America’s taxpayers. Also several wars, a corroding education system and the disaster called immigration. Not to mention the cavalier rape of The Constitution. Everybody who’s conscious can experience what’s happening today. That’s easy enough. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. The presidential primaries are well over a year away. The people will choose candidates. When the time comes, you will do your best to avoid assumptions, personalities, fear and conjecture and simply look at proof of performance under fire. That’s what you do when you choose a surgeon or a mechanic — or especially a friend.



The ranting and raving of critical Dick.