
It doesn’t suffice to comment only once about the “dumbing down” of America. The sickness is so pervasive, some highbrow could spend a career delving into the psychological and sociological quagmire — then publish a magnum opus for those who want to wade through the mess. Better yet, Dinesh D’Sousa should make a 45 minute film. He could edit tons of live video footage that speaks for itself. He could, and likely should, warm up with something trivial, yet symbolic — take a look at a bloke named Trevor Noah hired by somebody to host something called The Daily Show. You guess you’re supposed to think Noah’s funny because he thinks he is, as he delivers his cocksure zingers behind a brilliantly white, jaw-breaking smile. Evidently, nonstop grinning is considered funny by somebody. Pounded by media critics, his bosses at Comedy Central say the only audience they care about is the millennial mob. The rest of you, they say, can pound sand. But everyone knows millennials are dumb and dumber. If that allegation is true, shouldn’t you assume Comedy Central is itself dumb? Nope, not at all. CC is slick. It has exactly what it wants — a dumb, loyal audience. And, likewise, CC advertisers also love millennials, for all the same reasons. That’s sad, and not a bit funny. And, by the way, if you haven’t guessed, neither is Noah. But now it’s time for Dinesh to get serious and segue directly into rapid fire interviews with millennials to cover all manner of issues, from climate change to racism to American history to free speech. This segment could be titled “dumbness on parade” and would confirm why Noah is still a TV host. Moving along quickly, Dinesh’s documentary would cover his pet subject — education. If U.S. education is floundering as the statistics show, classroom interviews with kids and teachers would tell a troubled tale — at all levels. Of course, union and school board officials would offer excuses worthy of crafty public servants. Turning up the heat, Dinesh definitely would investigate the unconstitutional Department of Education to learn why and how 4400 employees spend nearly $70 billion annually to LOWER U.S. education performance. Ah, meet quintessential dumbness. But look, Matilda, the joke’s on you; it’s your tax money. The remainder of D’Sousa’s film will have to leave behind the dumb angle, because there’s nothing dumb about the war on America. He would want to dive into Energy, Climate Change, Immigration, Healthcare, Foreign Policy, Economy and the World Economic Forum (WEF). He would confirm that just 18 months ago ago, America was energy independent, powering a modern industrial renaissance and lifting millions of households out of the poverty-stricken cellar. But, then, a new administration would come along with another agenda. Dinesh might record that agenda, as follows. With respect to Energy, shut it down as the lifeblood of the economy. Justify the decision by claiming that Climate Change is an existential threat to mankind. With respect to Immigration Policy, allow the influx of millions of illegals, distribute them across America and give them funds and citizen benefits, including a pathway to the voting booth. With respect to Healthcare, use Covid 19 as a bioweapon to shut down business and schools, mandate vaccines, mandate masks and deny life-saving early treatment remedies. With respect to Foreign Policy, abandon Afghanistan. Abandon American civilians. Abandon the latest military equipment and technology costing billions. Abandon the trust of Allies and validate America’s strategic weakness. With respect to the Economy, implement the unrestricted spending and printing of money by the Federal Government and incur larger and larger debt. Create record setting inflation and ruin the middle class while many of the rich get richer. With respect to the WEF, domestic and foreign issues are not separate issues, but serve a Single Agenda — a new world order that summons America to surrender its sovereignty to a globalist hierarchy. Call it what you want. WEF is not new. It’s another name for the oldest game in town. You don’t want to tell DD how to make his film, but he might consider asking Trevor Noah to be the host — and try like hell to be funny.

It’s A Choice.

Quite a long time ago, you thought you coined the phrase “dumbing down America.” Talk about a dumb thought. Actually, the expression has been cited for decades. You and no other living person can lay claim to it. Apparently, a screenplay writer invented the term in 1933. Most likely he was male. Most likely, he was a white, racist, misogynist male bigot. He presumably said something like, “People, we need to dumb down this script; it’s got to appeal to a lot of low IQ’s out there.” Nearly a century later, the movie industry still dishes out rubbish that aims at an 8th-grade-level audience. But as a dumb-it-down expert, Hollywood plays second fiddle to TV advertising. These hucksters ostensibly are some of America’s most gifted communicators who work feverishly to lower an already embarrassing low bar. You shouldn’t really belittle them, though, should you, Matilda? You should climb down from your high horse. Movie makers and advertisers produce garbage because research proves that’s what buyers want. Nobody forces people to see garbage or hear garbage. In fact, you must conclude that the Dumbing Down of America is what the people desire. It’s a choice, after all. For instance, Americans have decided that English grammar is irrelevant. College professors, CEO’s, celebrities — and just about everybody else — think valley girl Uptalk is cool. Think of it. They can actually hear themselves talk, hear how it sounds. Especially the TV talkers themselves. And the execs who hire them. And the technicians who record them. It’s a choice. America’s education ranks somewhere around 45th among nations. Your average college graduates couldn’t pass a 1912 8th grade final exam. For that matter, lacking a suitable vocabulary, they couldn’t begin to write an essay without Google, an iPhone and spell-check. Meanwhile, down the street at grammar school, kids are fast-tracked to learn the value of gender “fluidity,” LGBTQ concepts and critical race theory, while being taught that American history is a racist myth. And the parents of these guinea pig sponges? They shrug their apathetic shoulders. It’s a choice. Not to be left behind on the road to oblivion, the music industry makes a good case to be named “Dumb-It-Down” Champion. The industry’s devotion to ineptitude was epitomized by the ’22 Super Bowl halftime show, an exercise in vulgarity attempting to impersonate talent; and an exercise in noise attempting to impersonate music. Ironically, out of step somewhat with rap trash, advertisers still rely mostly on classical music and songs from every decade of the 20th century. Thankfully, for them, dumbness is an affliction, but not without a survival instinct. It’s a choice. You want to blame America’s socio/political/economic upheaval on Her cultural vanishing act. Too bad it’s not that simple. It is true that culture plays a role. But a more ominous specter than dumbness hovers over your precious Republic. It has a name. It is ever present. It walks on two legs. It bears false witness. It plunders. It commits murder. It is not dumb. Evil. In the hands of the individual, Evil inflicts pain and suffering on groups of people. In the hands of government, Evil commits genocide on humanity itself. You don’t need to cite the hundreds of examples to prove it. Autocratic governments, the root of all Evil on a mass scale, always subjugate, plunder, incarcerate and liquidate. America’s Founders knew it. They risked everything to put Evil in a cage called The Constitution. Ever since, Evil has been seducing jailers to cut it some slack, to listen to a new song that a discontented people will love. Now millions of America’s dummies are singing that song — only it’s not a new song. Evil lied. In fact, it’s the song that took down Rome and gave the world Caligula, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Vlad III, and Mao. And now Joe Biden. Speaking of whom, he’s asking you to dance to that song, borrowed from his pals — it’s called the Left Wing Shuffle. It’s a choice.


Playwright Lillian Hellman wrote The Little Foxes, made into a movie of the same name released in 1941. Beyond human greed, her story’s thesis finally reveals itself in the mind of a young daughter who comes to understand the importance of not standing idly by, watching people do evil. Coming from Hellman, you find that sentiment perplexing, if not bizarre, considering she was alleged both a Communist and Stalinist. How much evil can you stand, Lil? Still, over 80 years have passed and unfortunately her admonition still falls on deaf ears. In fact, Americans are perfecting the art of looking Evil smack-dab in the eye, as they simultaneously concentrate on the merits of blind and passive obedience. As individuals, they line up reverentially, like zealous soldiers, to follow the Federal Government’s Covid 19 yoyo narrative while rejecting any scientific dissent to that narrative. As parents, despite the warning sirens, they eagerly tote their precious tots to the clinics and force them to submit to a speculative, experimental mRNA gene therapy. As parents and grandparents and citizens, they stand by as teachers inject young minds with vile critical race theory — with irrational gender studies — and with the dazzling features of sexual perversion. As small business owners and city officials, they abandon private and public property, allowing left wing thugs to burn, loot and kill. As corporate executives and university presidents, they reduce the shining city on a hill to a pile of rubble called Wokism and sacrifice centuries of human endeavor to the lowest common denominator of post modern despotism. As Presidents, Congressmen and Supreme Court Justices, they tear asunder the most fundamental tenets of The Constitution of the United States, leaving behind the Ship of State bleeding from a thousand stab wounds. As clergy, they hide behind ecclesiastic robes and cite the principle of “inclusion,” allowing them to ignore the decay of common decency. As media professionals, they dropkick the hallowed ethics of journalism into the trash bin; then, as the necessary arm of tyranny, use the microphone as a weapon to mislead, lie and brainwash a nation tormented by treason. As a Department of Justice, on a daily basis, they prove that equality before the law is an absolute myth. Looking Evil in the eye is one thing. Ignoring it is callous indifference. Indulging it is a serious blunder. Endorsing it is the act of the accomplice — as evil as evil itself. In the 20th century alone, the proof was in Germany, the USSR and PRC. In a very real sense, the United States was founded by individuals who had a sole purpose, a single goal — to restrain Evil — specifically to keep a free people from being subjugated — by dictators, by despots, by fascists, by tyrants — by mob rule. The Founders had one weapon — The Constitution of the United States. The Founders could not eliminate Evil, said to be one side of a line that transects every human heart. But, Matilda, they surmised that the concept of individual freedom would infect every human heart and thus would be guarded individually — at all cost. In large measure, they were correct. America’s footprint in history is evidence, despite the frenzied and farcical agitation of the cancel culture gang. But now you must face the truth. Evil occupies many seats of power in America. The specter of Marxism, with a century of abject failure as a resume, stands behind those seats. If you believe what you hear, read, and see every day, a nation is standing idly by, watching people do evil. You want to be wrong. So, should you stop hearing, reading and seeing — and stand idly by? Of such is a conundrum.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.