He Walked.

Sussman talked. Sussman lied. Sussman walked. Anyone surprised? John Durham did the lawyer thing by releasing an amicable statement acknowledging the jury and showing respect for the legal system. Despite your sudden onset of nausea at hearing his comments, you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Because, to be fair, you don’t know the man. He may be the true-blue bulldog that insiders say he is — ethical to a fault. All you know about the man comes from third party commentators. For many moons, Durham’s been chasing bad actors like Sussman and God knows whom else; and the smart money finally said he had the goods and you should expect indictments and the swift allocation of orange suits. But Sussman walked. He walked — rather arrogantly — like Godfather Michael Corleone after an impotent congressional hearing. It was in the bag. After kneeling over the toilet bowl for 10 minutes, the nausea subsided and your brain found its bearings. Most likely, it’s possible Durham knew the outcome all along. He certainly knew only 4% of Washington D.C. voters chose Trump’s name on the ballot. He knew he could voir dire jurors till the cows come home and never avoid a packed Democrat jury. If that fact is true, you must question why he didn’t ask for a change of venue when a clear, crushing bias existed in the jury pool, as well as in the entire city itself. Possibly he wanted to show the American people how justice could be cheated by corrupted jurors in a nefarious District Court. His ignoring a change of venue leaves you to think out loud, “Hmmmn, maybe he actually wanted the dirtbag to walk to give Hillary and her mercenaries a false sense of confidence.” Maybe Sussman was a test run. Maybe Durham’s guns are loaded for his real target — arguably the most degenerate female politician in U.S. history. Well, Matilda, speculation is one thing; reality is something else. Adding up reality ain’t pretty. Durham has been percolating on the public scene since 2019. Four years. During his investigations, the entire Trump/Russian collusion proved to be a massive hoax (everyday folks on the street knew the fix was in from the get-go). The number of Deep State people engaged in the hoax number in the thousands. Washington itself is mired in wholesale deceit and treason. Four years — one indictment (a deep throat informer). He walked. Take the time to examine crime in America from the beginning, including the infamous Mafia, the Family wars, the protection rackets, murder. Nothing rises near the level of Washington D.C. criminality. Four years — not one conviction. You are not qualified to judge Durham. Or to predict the future of the American system of justice. Your only option is to turn to professionals who rarely make mistakes. Vegas oddsmakers give the indictment of H. Clinton a “Yes” rating of +2000, and a “No” rating of -10,000. Pow!! Vegas also looks at odds for Hillary to make a presidential run in 2024. The “Yes” rating is +300; the “No” number -500. if you believe in the odds, your conclusion must be that Clinton’s popularity as a politician immensely outweighs her depravity as a human being. Therefore, you must also believe that Durham has no chance in hell of nailing the modern-day Medusa. Putting aside this negative stroke, sanity demands that Americans with moral fiber must still harbor some hope, must believe that good prevails over evil. That kind of locker room assertion sounds good. It sounds better if you’re willing to put your money where you mouth is. In either case, Durham doesn’t have to worry. He’s playing with House money.


Inconvenient Truth.

In the wake of Uvalde, a number of conservative columnists and rank and file pundits on the Right are calling AOC ignorant for her comments (essentially) demanding 2nd amendment action. Too many people accuse Left leaders and Left groupies of being ignorant, uneducated or even dumb — pick your favorite adjective. Unfortunately, those who suggest that Socialist loving politicians are stupid are themselves out to lunch. If you want to pick on America’s true dummies, you have millions to choose from — they are the gullible dimwits who elect the likes of AOC and members of her pinko tribe. AOC may be “uneducated” but she’s no numskull. Just the opposite. She’s cunning — savvy enough to exploit her bartending skills, not only to juice up a loyal constituency, but also to arouse media adoration. If she’s not the force behind the Democrat Party, she’s certainly the face of it. And God knows the party desperately needs a relatively pretty face. With Pelosi, Warren, Waters, Feinstein, W. Goldberg, J. Behar and H. Clinton on stage, the Covid mask was an absolute blessing. You must question why Tulsi Gabbard sits on the Left side of the aisle, given her looks, style, coherence and sensibility. She may be a diehard lib; but if she is, you suggest she’s still grounded in a few old school values and is therefore out of place hanging out with Marxists. Back to Uvalde, somebody has to state an inconvenient truth. In this free country, through the provisions of The Constitution, citizens are meant to have ultimate control of their Republic. But with that freedom comes the risk of individual bad actors committing all sorts of atrocities. If you question the tradeoff between liberty and gun control, you should, at the very least, make an objective study of atrocities. Among history’s disarmed nations, dozens didn’t die. Hundreds didn’t die. Thousands didn’t die. Millions died. The inconvenient truth is that dictatorships kill — the word is genocide. Understanding the evil of authoritarian rule, America’s Founders did not equivocate — they placed the 2nd Amendment at the forefront of citizen rights — and did so for one reason, Matilda — to protect them against the tyranny of their own government. Two hundred fifty years later, the enlightened nations of Europe snicker at America’s love affair with guns. They brag about how strict gun laws decrease crime (while Russia wages war next door). Yep, Socialist Europe is a fine example of enlightenment. Especially Germany, known for its historic devotion to peace. And where would this world be without the French who courageously fought Adolph for six whole weeks before throwing in the towel? After Poland and Belgium tumbled, the rest of Europe fell like Jack and Jill. Too bad every household in those countries didn’t own a tank, much less a BB gun. America saved Europe’s ass but the “old world” still has its collective nose in the air, clinging to its privileged families, a ruling class and state-owned, regulated economic systems. Meanwhile, America’s WOKE cabal wants to go European and join a global alliance to make the world greener, healthier, safer and gender neutral. Naturally, the first step toward enlightenment will be to follow Australia (who spits on its oppressed history) and ask Americans to voluntarily give up their weaponry; and then begin a series of more stringent gun laws — how many guns, the type of guns, the qualifications for owning a gun, the rationing of ammo, etc, etc. The sensible policy, you see, is to prevent another Salvador Ramos from gunning down children. However you slice it, the gun’s to blame. Not Ramos’ mother. Or father. Or school bullies. Or the pandemic. Or law enforcement. Or school officials who ignored simple security measures, as locked entry and classroom doors, especially when you hear gunshots on school grounds (duh!). Blame the Gun Lobby. Blame white rednecks. Blame the Sheriff. But really blame the gun. If Ramos had no access to a gun, Uvalde would just be another unknown name. Putting cynicism and sarcasm aside for a minute, you dare offer a suggestion. Men are responsible for 88% of gun violence and young men are the primary perpetrators. Teen boys are the primary school assassins. Excluding the military, teens are children. Perhaps they should be unable to purchase a firearm. Teens may not buy alcohol (tee-hee). Anyone who has reared a teen understands they are ruled by emotion, not reason (btw, a good reason to repeal the 26th amendment). Take just one baby step — prevent children from buying guns. This restriction will not satisfy gun haters. Because another inconvenient truth is the DEMs will never waste a good massacre to handcuff individual freedom. And be prepared for the craven GOP to follow suit. Screw The Constitution. Take guns from the law-abiding 99% — to purge the less than 1% that commit crime. Ignorance? You wish.


Get Ready.

Get ready, if you haven’t already. MonkeyPox is being ginned up as another terrible affliction that allegedly has infected a few dozen people worldwide. U.S. doctors are on alert. The CDC says there might already be a vaccine that could be effective in dealing with this outbreak that transmits human to human and animal to human. But don’t kid yourself. That’s not the big news. The big news is that the White House is in the forefront of the announcement and that the “V” word is already being trotted out as the health strategy. Sorry, Matilda; but if you remain oblivious to tyranny when it smacks you in the face, you deserve to eat gruel in the Gulag. So get ready. The Federal Government has substantially nationalized Healthcare, lock, stock and barrel. It began before 2008 but Obamacare put the nails in the coffin, thanks in large part to a gutless GOP that still has the temerity to ask for a vote of confidence in upcoming elections. Not that you don’t have a choice in 2022. You do. It’s this. Pick your poison. What a racket. The Federal Government, through its various medical bureaucracies, and very likely the AMA, owns Healthcare. That, fellow Americans, means it owns you. However painful, don’t doubt it for a second. In the coming months and years, you will witness all manner of crises — call them pandemics, contagions, pestilences or some other term Steven King might dream up to announce a new best-seller. This prediction doesn’t mean your doctor is obsolete, or lacking in value; but it does mean private healthcare — your confidential relationship with your provider — operates under a higher authority. Covid was the apparatus — the device — that justified complete Federal jurisdiction over the finest private healthcare industry in the world. Some who read this will say, “Give me a break; you’re exaggerating. No way the U.S. will tolerate socialized medicine. The medical community won’t allow it.” In response, you would ask one question: Why early on did the vast majority of HMOs and physicians submissively adopt the Federal Government’s Covid protocols and policies, refusing to provide early, life-saving treatments and refusing to condemn the suppression of fellow scientists and physicians? You will venture a guess: They were staring down the intimidating barrels of Medicare, Money and Muscle, the Hippocratic Oath be damned. If the Fed has not commandeered healthcare, explain why pharmacies are prohibited to fill Covid drugs prescribed by a licensed physician. Even as the original virus wanes, nothing has changed or will change. You do see this, right? The precedent has been set. Once the Fed takes ownership over anything, it never relinquishes it. Ask any marginally educated American. If you stubbornly disagree, consider this — your Federal boss not only mandates healthcare policy, but now looks at cooperating with other nations to give the WHO governance and supremacy over global (America’s) health issues. Were he alive, Thomas Jefferson would drag Fauci and his ilk to the woodshed. It’s a shame colonial pillories and stocks are out of vogue. But skewering Fauci and other functionaries would change very little, if anything. Probably nothing. Nor would kicking the DEMs from here to eternity change anything. For decades, the Federal Government has systematically butchered The Constitution by annexing power not assigned to it. This is not opinion. Forget the politics for a minute. Forget parties. Forget animus. Forget the 30 trillion dollar debt. Unconstitutionally, the Federal Government has the whip hand over Education, Healthcare, Energy and Media. And now the 1st and 2nd amendments are under siege. To believe America will remain free for individual freedom would be a dumb, delusional fantasy. The Balance of Powers is belly up. The States, with rare exceptions, are mere custodians. For those with the courage of the Founders, there is a remedy to save your Republic. Does that spirit still live within America? Yes. But does it live within you? If it does, get ready. Act.


The ranting and raving of critical Dick.