Makes You Wonder.

Five years ago no one suggested you would become famous. Even now, looking back, there was no suggestion, no personal connection, not the slightest indication, that many of the most important people in America would seek you out as a confidant. It’s a bit of a rush, to be honest, to have people like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pompeo, Ted Cruz, Don Jr., Marjorie Greene, Rand Paul, Newt Gingrich, Marco Rubio, Larry Arnn and dozens of other high-placed celebs invite you to join their inner circles. With a simple “yes,” you can be an exclusive member of Advisory Boards, Strategic Committees and Councils and Task Forces belonging to some of the most powerful people on earth. These people actually address you by your first name even though most of them never met you. They invite you to celebrate their birthdays and attend some exclusive occasions. How cool is that? Makes you wonder, though. You’re a nobody at home. Celebs from your own state — some whom you met and some you gave money — have no clue who you are or care what you think. You meet them at fundraisers. They always smile and politely show an interest in what you have to say. Amazingly, they say all the things you want to hear. The Constitution is everything. Education is everything. Limited government is everything. Integrity of the immigration system is everything. Free speech and individual sovereignty are everything. WOKE, BLM, Cancel Culture and Media tyranny are nothing — nothing but enemies to our way of life. Yep, with these leaders in Washington, your country is in damn good hands, or will be — someday. Someday. Makes you wonder, though. Because you heard that before. Because, with all due respect, some of these same people sound a bit like coaches of losing teams — as in, wait till next year. Also makes you wonder about elected state officials. These people are the leaders. Unlike a nobody (like you), these people occupy a platform. What they say counts. And should count. But you haven’t seen legislators mount the platform to hold a press conference in your town square — or author a position paper — to specifically denounce BLM, Cancel Culture, Election Fraud, WOK-ISM or a Healthcare System that mandates vaccines for children. Come to think of it, you haven’t seen the private sector leaders of your own County publicly bash the Marxist attack on America or comment on political corruption. Their voices and opinions would carry tons of weight and open a lot of eyes in state capitols and in local governments. They are in fact community leaders whose influence can’t be overestimated. But corporate CEOs won’t touch WOKE. Too risky. Better to aid and abet, to suck up and shut up. University presidents, even those who run private institutions, won’t touch WOKE, BLM or CRT. They raise millions of private dollars to build impressive infrastructures. They raise millions to build country club surroundings for rich kids. They create jobs and spur economic development. They bask in the limelight of accomplishment — deservedly so — but won’t dare publicly address the attack on America and America’s core values. If they did, they might disturb donors or faculty or offend students or lose prized recruits. Celebrity university coaches win national championships while the team’s T-shirts proudly praise BLM thuggery, and they use their microphones to advance the lie of systemic racism and “social injustice.” Such is the enormous power of the black athlete and the lust for advertising revenue — a sort of unspoken extortion. From the Christian pulpit, you won’t hear a word that could possibly offend any individual or group, no matter how they threaten the country whose central principle is founded on the life of Christ Jesus. The separation of Church and State provides clerics safe haven and justification to avoid confronting the money changers on the steps of the Lord’s House. And you can’t end this tongue-lashing without mentioning county commissioners who will bow and scrape to curry favor with glamorous WOKE corporations searching for a new manufacturing home. Makes you wonder why some elected officials blame America’s precipitous decline on grass roots apathy. The average citizen scratches out a living, pays taxes and gives precious money to elect leaders do a job. To quote actor Wilford Brimley who played The Postmaster on a Seinfeld episode: “In addition to being a Postmaster, Mr. Kramer, I’m a General. And as a General, it’s my job to , by God, get things done.” That, Matilda, is exactly what citizens expect of their leaders. Leaders in Washington. In State Houses. At City Hall. In the public and private sectors. It’s not a lot to ask. And in case leaders get sidetracked, they have a guide to help them — it’s called The Constitution.

Massive Lie.

You are fully aware that you’re ignorant — of many things. Actually of most things. Unlike Rambo, you have no clue how to field-stitch a gaping laceration, much less perform brain surgery. You’re ignorant of giving birth, although some transgenders apparently have figured it out. You can’t build a combustion engine, operate a flying machine or decipher quantum mathematics. You are fluent in only one language. But, as ignorant as you are, you know precisely why America, immersed in Woke, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter and Gender “crusades,” has lost its ever loving mind. The diagnosis is simple. There is a culprit, a beast actually, living in every American home. Look no further than America’s Media Cabal. The cabal has many members, including Big Press, Big Tech and Big Entertainment (Hollywood). But the Cabal’s arch-villain? None other than the Big Kahuna — American Television. Without the Boob Tube, what now appears to be ongoing, nationwide applause for everything Woke would instead be a giant Ho-Hum. Without the Boob Tube, hundreds of millions of people in thousands of communities would be clueless about BLM and every other radical gang. All the virtue signaling bullies — the corporate CEOs, university chancellors, entertainment moguls and cowardly politicians — all could signal their asses off till doomsday with little, if any, effect. Colin (I love to kneel) Kaepernick and his racist followers on and off the field, would play to only one audience — the faithless fans who stupidly pay for tickets. Without the Idiot Box, you don’t suggest that Hollywood, Big Tech and Education fascists would discontinue waving the CRT flag and every other Marxist banner. Sure they would, with the help of, who else, federal and state politicians. But their bunk could never reach into every home, 24-7. And except for carrying morning obits, newspapers are basically dead. Before television, politics was a local, and sometime, state affair. Before television, your average voter couldn’t care less what a Hollywood celebrity thought about anything. Before television, your average voter just happened to think the word “gay” meant “cheerful.” Before television, children were not fed a daily diet of violence, explicit sexual content and gutter profanity. Before television, newspapers and radio were respected news outlets. Newspapers were so corny they actually respected journalistic standards for something called “the truth.” Before television, an entire population was not subject to mass brainwashing. You do get the message, don’t you Matilda? As an American, you assume radical minority uprisings have the backing of the people, coast to coast. You perceive that the majority is OK with de-funding the police and tearing down historical statues. That 40% of Americans are OK with Joe Biden as the leader of the free world. That white America is guilty of systemic social injustice and racism. That a transgender male should frequent the Ladies room. You think everyone has bought into Woke, lock, stock and barrel. Well, if you believe any of it, you’re knee-walking drunk on Kool-Aid. The vast majority, including millions of Democrats who pulled the lever for Benedict Biden, don’t believe in or endorse Marxist driven tripe. There is no national rebellion or referendum that is sympathetic to Woke, Cancel Culture, CRT, BLM, etc. What there is — is this: An insistent, unrelenting determination by American Television to fabricate a myth. With carefully designed programming, advertising and “news,” Big Television has shaped a massive lie — a lie that America is Woke, that what you hear and see is the Truth. Quickly, to those reading with clenched teeth, you would be the first to say that Television offers an abundance of worthwhile content and benefit. The entertainment value is dazzling. But excuse me; TV provides value out of its self interest, like the philanthropist whose generosity obscures all manner of sinister wrongdoing. But, most important, gone missing among Television’s reputable content is the historic responsibility of a “free press.” For generations, the American people relied on a free press to preserve and protect, to speak truthfully and objectively, to hold Washington accountable for its crimes. That responsibility is MIA. The lead dog of Big Media is corrupt. Corrupt absolutely. Corrupt defiantly. Without Television, the people would be encouraged to look inward — to solve local problems face to face, and raise their kids responsibly without leaving them to the “conditioning” of leftist PBS. Constitutionally, Americans were meant to walk freely — not march in lock-step. Being free is not possible with State-run Television. Ask the Russians or the Chinese or any other people who live under the Boot.

The Abyss.

General Michael Flynn gave the keynote speech. Several hundred people gussied up to see and be seen at the country club. Elected officials were there to be recognized. Candidates were there to be recognized. Donors were there to support the Guilford County, N.C., Republican Party. Party leaders were there to recognize volunteers who generously donate themselves to the GOP cause. And the cause is . . . . .? Why, save America by sending Republicans to Washington. Hmmm, Matilda, hold that thought. Think local cause. Put GOP candidates in city, county and state offices — county commission, school board, city councils, election board, etc. For General Flynn, the cause is survival. He wasted no time with preliminaries. His style was classic military. You could imagine his addressing a battalion or regiment, just before deployment. Simple, authoritative sentences. Repeating phrases and sentences for emphasis. Driving home key points. To paraphrase his message, he said the world’s a mess. It’s not just the Russia-Ukraine war. He said China just inked an economic deal with the Solomon Islands, a strategic military gateway, where America spilled Her precious blood in WWII. He said the U.S. government is allowing China to buy up hundreds of thousands of acres of American land — oil rich land. He said Europe is captive to Russian energy. He said that World Economic Forum elitists doggedly pursue world domination, ominously suggesting that in 2030, “you will own nothing and be happy.” Internationally, the world is locked in deadly maneuvers; but as bad as that is, he said things are far worse in America. He said America is at the brink, at greater risk today than during the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Great Depression and all the other adversities combined. He said your country is in the hands of people who are determined to override and take down America’s founding principles in favor of collectivism and globalism. He said Big Media, Big Corporations and Big Government are at war with individualism; thus are Woke fixated. He said, whether you know it or not, you are at war. He said this is happening now — not last week, not yesterday — NOW. He said you have to act Now. With urgency. In military parlance, you have to act at the “speed of war.” He said some States have already fallen into the abyss. The other States are poised at the very edge of the cliff, with the abyss lurking below. He said, if it were possible, he would take a broom and sweep Congress clean. He said there are 10 federal agencies that should be axed today. He said people thank him and other military members for their public service — but he asks, “where is your public service?” He said that every American needs to show up, stand up and speak up. He said he wasn’t asking; he wasn’t begging; he was pleading. He said there are no options left. He said he grew up in the Democrat Party but that Party is gone. The Democrat Party is anti-American — the enemy. He said he looks into the eyes of the children. He said you can not abandon children to an inglorious future. General Flynn received a well-deserved standing ovation. Without doubt, he expertly laid out the cataclysmic circumstances. Sad to say, you left the venue bummed out. You see, General, the troops in the audience already knew most of your bad news. And they are living the bad news now. Perhaps unrealistically, you expected a specific battle plan from the General — the special strategies and tactics that troops can implement in the face of a special crisis. But what you heard was — stand up, speak up and elect good people. With all due respect, sir, the GOP for years has been electing “good people” some of whom quickly morphed into not so good people. With the best of intentions, local GOP activists put their time, resources and trust into identifying good people. But especially on the Federal level, the GOP has failed and failed miserably, fully complicit in bringing America to the edge of the abyss. In his remarks, General Flynn could not have issued a more dire warning. The Federal establishment has been corrupted absolutely and will not willingly relinquish an ounce of power. Well, sir, the Founders were keenly aware that central governments tend toward tyranny; so they gave you a contingency plan under Article V of The Constitution — a plan to allow “the people” to establish what you will call the Great American Reset. General Flynn looked at his audience and said it’s up to the people to make it happen. But he didn’t mention how. Like all other “public officials,” and especially congressional candidates, he made no mention of Article V or Convention of States — the one and only existing constitutional remedy specifically designed to abolish tyranny. You must assume that both seated and wannabe GOP politicians look at COS as a political liability. It gets in their way. After all, their careers have to co-exist with the Deep State, with the RNC, with Big Money. And what of General Flynn, the much maligned National Security Advisor who was brutally abused by the Deep State? He is devoted to his country and to The Constitution. But evidently, and oddly, despite his pleading, the abyss is not quite tragic enough for him to invoke Article V. A pity.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.