
The U.S. Domestic Tribunal outlined below is fiction. It shouldn’t be. Ed.

Robert H. Jackson Center

The Influence of the Nuremberg Trial on International Criminal Law

Preface (excerpts)
The Nuremberg trials established that all of humanity would be guarded by an international legal shield and that even a Head of State would be held criminally responsible and punished for aggression and Crimes Against Humanity . . . . The awareness of the inadequacy of the law and the willingness to do something to enforce such new principles was slow in coming. . . . while the law limped lamely along, international crimes flourished . . . . Acts of mass violence have taken place in so many countries and on so many occasions it is hard to comprehend. According to some estimates, nearly 170 million civilians have been subjected to genocide, war crimes and Crimes Against Humanity during the past century. The World Wars lead the world community to pledge that “never again” would anything similar occur. But the shocking acts of the Nazis were not isolated incidents . . . . hundreds of thousands and in some cases millions of people have been murdered in Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Chile, the Congo, Bangladesh, Uganda (and many others). But what is possibly even sadder is that we, meaning the world community, have witnessed these massacres passively and stood idle and inactive. The result is that . . . . the dictator/president/head of state/military/leader responsible for carrying out these atrocities . . . . has escaped punishment, justice and even censure.

United States Domestic Tribunal

Judgment At Washington

The Case
Crimes against humanity are acts . . . purposefully committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, in times of war or peace. This case concerns public health policy in the United State enacted primarily in calendar 2020-21, continuing into 2022. The defendants in this case are high ranking officials of the Federal Government, U.S Health Organizations and the U.S. Media Industrial Complex.

The Indictment
The defendants, whom this Tribunal seeks to condemn and punish, have conducted a relentless campaign of fear and intimidation against the American people. The purpose of the campaign has been to manipulate the entire populace to accept Federal control of the nation’s healthcare system — to accept mandates — to submit to experimental gene therapy injections — to the forced shutdowns of primarily small business, schools and churches — all with life-altering, devastating consequences, including sickness, economic privation, psychological impairment and death.

The Indictment Counts
The indictment lodged against the defendants contains five counts: 1. Implementation of media propaganda devised to create an atmosphere of panic followed by a slavish compliance; 2. Suppression and censorship of alternative views of expert scientists and medical practitioners; 3. Banning the disbursement of safe and efficacious repurpose drugs for early Covid19 treatment; 4. Refusal to distribute via media outlets positive immune building strategies as a preventive remedy against Covid19; 5. Withholding information about potentially lethal side effects of the Covid19 injections.

Count 1: Propaganda and Panic
From the beginning of the Covid pandemic, the Federal Government issued 24-7 messaging that characterized Covid19 as a lethal virus. Through incessant national and local media campaigns, the American people were bombarded with information of Covid’s dire consequences — to psychologically portray the disease as a death sentence. Headlines trumpeted Covid cases and deaths through every broadcast and print media, stressing there was no treatment for the disease — thus the necessity for mandatory lock-downs, mask wearing, social distancing, quarantines, etc. The result of this communication assault led to isolation, depression, suicide and excessive drug use among all segments of the population. Of special note, under draconian school boards, small children have suffered in ways that affect them educationally, socially and culturally.

Count 2: Media Suppression Scheme
Mandated by the Democrat Party administration, the Media and Big Tech Industrial Complex colluded to suppress, repudiate and censor the publication of scientific and medical opinion that did not coincide with the DHHS narrative. Although thousands of qualified experts — epidemiologists, cardiologists, internists, immunologists, etc., offered remedies to treat Covid effectively, these strategies were classified unjustly, if not criminally, as disinformation and deception — even as conspiracy. Federal Government censorship of free speech has introduced totalitarian rule to America. This grievance cannot be overlooked or forgiven.

Count 3. Prohibition of Life-saving Drugs
The prohibition of proven Covid drug therapy is the central accusation behind the crime against humanity. Early in the pandemic, the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, along with other key supplements, were touted as early treatment remedies by many eminent physicians in the Covid front lines . These remedies were being proven and substantiated at a time when the establishment medical community offered no ray of hope to stricken patients. Not only were these remedies not recommended, but Federal and State Governments incomprehensibly banned their use, and commanded physicians not to prescribe them or pharmacies to fill them. By subverting the doctor/patient relationship, the Biden administration denied a patient’s most basic right under The Constitutionthe right to life. There is no apology and no defense for this crime, having been carried out with ruthless premeditation — as many thousands of Americans died forsaken. Those responsible for these deaths must stand in judgment.

Count 4. Refusal to Offer Immunity Building Strategies
From the outset of the Covid19 pandemic, the Federal Government used the Industrial media complex to propagandize fear-inducing messages, while avoiding the responsibility to offer all Americans positive anti-Covid guidance. For example, the population with comorbidity issues would have benefited from immune building strategies — simple tactics, including nutritional supplements and home remedy health practices. In this case, the Federal Government has been guilty of withholding crucial information — among them, the refusal to acknowledge the power of natural immunity and positive effects of monoclonal antibody treatment.

Count 5. Blatant Lies re Vaccine Safety
At no time did the DHHS and other agencies of the Federal Government reveal the full range of potential side effects of Covid gene therapy injections. Every drug advertised on the market is required to announce potential side effects and those side effects also accompany the pharmaceutical literature. Under the EUA umbrella, the so-called vaccines were deemed “safe” — period. Americans were told the injections might cause temporary soreness at the site, perhaps minor fatigue, possible nausea and other typical side effects similar to the flu shot. Only a year later did the truth emerge. Vaccinated individuals do indeed contract and transmit the virus. But most damning, the emergency vaccines would lead to thousands of debilitating injuries and death. In fact, the true story of the RNA vaccine is yet to be written. But it is undeniable — vaccine side effects were deliberately obscured to quell vaccine hesitancy. Essentially, the American people have participated in a massive clinical trial. While long term health consequences are unknown, life altering side effects have been substantiated and now are under serious scrutiny.

Indictment Summary
Thousands of Americans have lost work to vaccine mandates. Thousands have lost small businesses and have seen families destroyed. But even worse, thousands have died unnecessarily. Their deaths are on the hands of key leaders whose blatant disregard for the 1st Amendment has not only violated the trust of the People, but also has destroyed the very fabric of the American Republic. The crimes of this indictment qualify, not only as crimes against humanity, but as treason against the United States.


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko came to prominence for his research and implementation of the drug Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Azithromycin used in combination to save thousands of patients stricken with Covid 19. He subsequently is on the record saying that hundreds of thousands of American lives would have been saved, were it not for the crimes against humanity. In this regard, Zelenko’s views are consistent with Fodder commentary. Ultimately, he renders a deadly judgment.

The Point.

Pollsters make gravy ginning up opinion surveys. More than a few cynics would say that the surveys are more artifice than art. In fact, these doubters would argue that pollsters are as much opinion makers as they are opinion takers. Surely it’s some of both, depending on their levels of ethical conduct (if you believe such a thing still exists). Pollsters churn out statistics every day but are best known for political forecasting — carving up the electorate to measure attitudes and outcomes. At any given time, on any given issue, they decide what 160 million voters believe, think and want by taking “samples.” But you’re not smart enough to decipher pollster spreadsheets much less analyze voter behavior. And because you lack the proper insight, you turn to CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc., forever grateful that these media watchdogs are on the case. Good luck with that, Matilda. Seeing the media in action is like watching a haughty Hillary Clinton lie under oath. But you can’t blame Hillary if you know she’s a liar and if she knows that you know she’s a liar. Instead, blame her believers. Insanely, they number in the tens of millions, still choosing Barabbas over Jesus, figuratively speaking. Well, nobody cares about polls and lies anyway. That’s why this editorial stalled right here. It languished on your desktop for weeks. Stuck, seemingly nowhere to go, you made a decision. Drag it to the trash and be done with it. But something happened later that night. You sat in a balcony to hear rock star clinical psychologist JP ask provocatively, “What’s the point?” Peterson wasn’t clairvoyant. He had no psychic connection to you or to mundane politics — far from it. Deep into scrupulous psychoanalytic thinking, he was wandering on stage, arms raised, fingers wiggling, consumed as always with his search for existential truth. Days later, you couldn’t shake his message and his question. It nagged. What – is – the – point? The point is — be willing to look reality in the face, for God’s sake. Yes, the point is — polling companies, ad agencies and political surveyors have no interest in you, your life, or your circumstance. You’re not even a person. You’re an entity, a demographic statistic. You have no individual identity. You are the obscure member of some group. You represent a race, a gender, an age, a neighborhood, an economic bracket. You’re nothing more than a GPS coordinate on the global grid. Polling companies aim at you on that square millimeter of earthly space. Advertising agencies create ads that aim only at your group identity. Under the circumstances, most Americans are easy pickings for the polling industry — Black Americans especially — who reside thoughtlessly in the back pocket of the Democrat Party. Short of a cult following, the Black Community happens to be the most conspicuous example of group identity and group-think — by no means the only example. But you pick on Black Americans because their identity is defined by the pigment of their skin. If you’re black, you’re a victim — underprivileged, disadvantaged, disrespected, oppressed, exploited — willfully resentful. If you’re black, your identity is embedded — confined — to your skin color — not to your mind, or your heart, or your spirit, or your sense of self. So BLM steps in and speaks for you. Famous athletes speak for you. Privileged college athletes wear BLM shirts. You have Black history month. Advertisers and corporations pander to you. So, what’s the point? The point is, almost all Americans, regardless of race — rich and poor alike — have voluntarily relinquished their individuality to group-think. Covid provides the latest proof of that assertion. Of course, not one American will admit to being a “groupie.” In fact, group identity is on the rise in America, a country conceived entirely on the presumption of individual freedom. Thankfully, there is push-back. A growing army of outspoken Black individuals have decided to get off the African treadmill and board the American Flyer. Thousands, millions, of ordinary citizens are rediscovering the American spirit that told King George where to stick his royal scepter. In that spirit — will grassroots America — one individual at a time — tell tyranny to buzz off? If not, what then is the point?

Fear OF Death.

Death is ever present. You might say it’s the most significant drawback to living. Fortunately, most people are too busy — and gratefully so — to give death much thought. They have enough to worry about, chasing the sources of happiness — among them, hefty bankrolls and healthy rolls in the hay. However, try as they might to juggle the exigencies of living, Americans have been forced to confront death on a daily basis. They — you — have been witness to a siege — every bit as relentless as a protracted military engagement. This assault, unprecedented in your lifetime, was orchestrated by the U.S. Federal Government and implemented by the Media and Big Tech Industrial Complex. The assault has had three primary components: 1. Spread fear, bordering on panic; 2. Repress and discredit scientific and medical views that conflict with the official Covid narrative; 3. Deny the efficacy of preventive and early drug treatments and ban their use. Oh, well, the Covid controversies are tiresome and everybody wants to pull the mask off the Old Lone Ranger as well as themselves. Nobody looks forward to reading the next Covid Op-Ed piece from the next expert scientist, much less from the next amateur opinion monger like Fodder. Reality tells you something you hate to concede — that many millions of Americans, among them friends and acquaintances — are along for the Covid ride wherever it goes. These people are spectators who believe that whatever happens, happens — that their opinions have no ear — that their actions have no outcome — that, even so, America’s trusted health leaders and medical practitioners could not possibly be involved in premeditated malfeasance; or God forbid, criminality. Accordingly, vaccinated Americans will continually boost with whatever the CDC recommends, whenever the CDC recommends it. In the latest news that landed days ago — the FDA says the Federal Government now has plans to push annual COVID-19 shots — for the vaxxed, unvaxxed and the naturally immune. When Gomer read the news in the Mayberry Gazette, he shouted, “Surprise, surprise!” Necessarily and understandably, the vaccinated are vested; there’s no turning back. Nonetheless, the DHHS will chastise any backsliders and chase after the unvaccinated. In both cases, it will continue to stoke the airwaves and digital landscape with creative messaging that keeps the fear of death in the forefront. As a new Covid variant turns the page to a new chapter, the two-year (and counting) reign of terror will dominate the midterm elections, along with the confirmation of Hillary’s crime against Trump. The political rhetoric will reach historic highs. Clinton haters by the millions will drool a river, praying for her indictment. That would be a waste of good spit. Because in Clinton’s case, Justice will shrivel and creep into the shadows. Meanwhile, based on 8% inflation and governmental behavior that most closely resembles organized crime, the GOP confidently covets control of Congress — and 80 MM Trump voters giddily anticipate a reawakening of America’s values and an end to the Biden boondoggles. Reality says you damn well better “curb your enthusiasm.” If history means anything, the GOP in power would prefer to whine than wield that power, grumbling that “those meanie Democrats just refuse to cooperate, Matilda.” Reality says any GOP bills will die on Biden’s desk or in Obama’s hands or whoever else happens to be the puppeteer in charge of the asylum. Reality says you better wake up, America, to understand that nothing — nothing — in Washington will change materially until the Deep State is stripped of its unconstitutional lawmaking and regulatory power — and until DOJ, CIA. NSA, DHS and DHHS criminals walk the plank. Failing that action, the two Parties will continue to destroy the most impeccable Republic on earth in three ways — suicidal spending, tyrannical Federal overreach and continued rape of The Constitution. Most Americans have a 99% chance to survive Covid 19. Pretty good odds. About the same as dying in a car accident. Unfortunately, America has only a 1% chance to survive its terminal illness — with immediate surgery and the restorative implant of Her Immaculate Charter.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.