The cardiologist PA behind the mask looked up from her laptop.
“We can schedule you a week from Wednesday for a nuclear stress test. How would that be?”
You nod. Sounds ominous, you think. “Yeah, that’s OK.”
“Great. Now, you’ll have to get a Covid test this coming Saturday — and quarantine yourself for three days. That OK, too?”
No point in not being yourself. “Not really. Just had the test this past Thursday. It’s not like we’re doing surgery.”
She was quick with a comeback, indicating a lot of practice. “I’m sorry, we have no choice with Covid policy.”
You nod again, indicating compliance, a national stigma. As she hovers over the keyboard, you have a flash.
“Excuse me, what if I’ve had the vaccine?”
At least she didn’t roll her eyes. “Sorry, Sir, that wouldn’t make any difference. You know vaccinated people can still be infected.”
This interchange happened before the Delta variant blew into town, although pandemic watchers knew that viral mutations would eventually raise a good deal more hell. Only a matter of time. Well before the mass vaccinations began, screwy doctors and scientists — you know the ones — those extremist, insurrectionist types — predicted that mass vaccination would prolong the pandemic and eventually lead to recurrent lock-downs, persistent masking and eventual mandates. Big Media and Big Tech, colluding with the NIH, CDC and WHO triumvirate, suppressed, dismissed and deprecated these front line doctors and rebellious scientists, scorning their credibility. And now here you are, Matilda. Those agitator predictions have come to pass. Vaccinated people can get infected and pass along infection. So much for herd immunity. Vaccinated people still are required to wear masks. Which means, if 100 vaccinated people circulate at an indoor gathering, they enjoy no more freedom than 100 “selfish” vaccine-free conspiracy theorists. Under the circumstances, America’s Rulers have no choice but to demand that every man, woman, child and non-gender specific person, be vaccinated. Sure enough, the mandates are sweeping across America. Get jabbed or get out, pilgrim. Since COVID will never go away, since it will mutate indefinitely, you must be prepared to submit to an indefinite number of mandatory vaccines for the rest of your miserable life. Meanwhile, you don’t hear about the rather massive research underway to develop therapeutic treatments — something like a Covid Tamiflu. It is happening. However, based on your Government’s suppression of repurpose drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, there’s little reason to have confidence in any new development that could put vaccines out of business. The inconvenient premise is this — the Pandemic and vaccines serve a specific political purpose in two distinct ways. One, when a Marxist-driven Government controls your Healthcare, it owns your most fundamental, your most precious, freedom. Two, by creating fear and pitting groups of people against each other, your Government magnifies group identity and diminishes individuality, America’s vital force. The vaccinated believe themselves virtuous and caring of their neighbors. The unvaccinated are portrayed as public enemies — callous, indifferent and uncompassionate. Neighbor judges neighbor. As recently as this week, career bureaucrat Fauci, without conclusive evidence, blamed the unvaccinated for the surge in cases. Of course, he didn’t explain why fully vaccinated people made up 74% of infections in a Massachusetts COVID outbreak. Not since 1860 has America been more divided. Black vs. White. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated. Teacher vs. Parent. Life vs. Death. Marxism vs. Capitalism. Culture vs. Cancel Culture. WOKE vs. Law Enforcement. Relativism vs. Reason. American vs. Anti-American. Two political parties, irreconcilable, are engaged in a treacherous, treasonable war. If healing can begin, it can only happen through political decentralization — the restoration of State sovereignty and the substantial limiting of central authority. Without this renewal, under The Constitution, America is condemned to a dark passage of interminable length — pandemic or no pandemic.