Dark Passage.

The cardiologist PA behind the mask looked up from her laptop.

“We can schedule you a week from Wednesday for a nuclear stress test. How would that be?”

You nod. Sounds ominous, you think. “Yeah, that’s OK.”

“Great. Now, you’ll have to get a Covid test this coming Saturday — and quarantine yourself for three days. That OK, too?”

No point in not being yourself. “Not really. Just had the test this past Thursday. It’s not like we’re doing surgery.”

She was quick with a comeback, indicating a lot of practice. “I’m sorry, we have no choice with Covid policy.”

You nod again, indicating compliance, a national stigma. As she hovers over the keyboard, you have a flash.

“Excuse me, what if I’ve had the vaccine?”

At least she didn’t roll her eyes. “Sorry, Sir, that wouldn’t make any difference. You know vaccinated people can still be infected.”

This interchange happened before the Delta variant blew into town, although pandemic watchers knew that viral mutations would eventually raise a good deal more hell. Only a matter of time. Well before the mass vaccinations began, screwy doctors and scientists — you know the ones — those extremist, insurrectionist types — predicted that mass vaccination would prolong the pandemic and eventually lead to recurrent lock-downs, persistent masking and eventual mandates. Big Media and Big Tech, colluding with the NIH, CDC and WHO triumvirate, suppressed, dismissed and deprecated these front line doctors and rebellious scientists, scorning their credibility. And now here you are, Matilda. Those agitator predictions have come to pass. Vaccinated people can get infected and pass along infection. So much for herd immunity. Vaccinated people still are required to wear masks. Which means, if 100 vaccinated people circulate at an indoor gathering, they enjoy no more freedom than 100 “selfish” vaccine-free conspiracy theorists. Under the circumstances, America’s Rulers have no choice but to demand that every man, woman, child and non-gender specific person, be vaccinated. Sure enough, the mandates are sweeping across America. Get jabbed or get out, pilgrim. Since COVID will never go away, since it will mutate indefinitely, you must be prepared to submit to an indefinite number of mandatory vaccines for the rest of your miserable life. Meanwhile, you don’t hear about the rather massive research underway to develop therapeutic treatments — something like a Covid Tamiflu. It is happening. However, based on your Government’s suppression of repurpose drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, there’s little reason to have confidence in any new development that could put vaccines out of business. The inconvenient premise is this — the Pandemic and vaccines serve a specific political purpose in two distinct ways. One, when a Marxist-driven Government controls your Healthcare, it owns your most fundamental, your most precious, freedom. Two, by creating fear and pitting groups of people against each other, your Government magnifies group identity and diminishes individuality, America’s vital force. The vaccinated believe themselves virtuous and caring of their neighbors. The unvaccinated are portrayed as public enemies — callous, indifferent and uncompassionate. Neighbor judges neighbor. As recently as this week, career bureaucrat Fauci, without conclusive evidence, blamed the unvaccinated for the surge in cases. Of course, he didn’t explain why fully vaccinated people made up 74% of infections in a Massachusetts COVID outbreak. Not since 1860 has America been more divided. Black vs. White. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated. Teacher vs. Parent. Life vs. Death. Marxism vs. Capitalism. Culture vs. Cancel Culture. WOKE vs. Law Enforcement. Relativism vs. Reason. American vs. Anti-American. Two political parties, irreconcilable, are engaged in a treacherous, treasonable war. If healing can begin, it can only happen through political decentralization — the restoration of State sovereignty and the substantial limiting of central authority. Without this renewal, under The Constitution, America is condemned to a dark passage of interminable length — pandemic or no pandemic.


Who To Blame?

More often than not, one of the most difficult admissions a person can make is “I’m wrong.” And that admission is exponentially more difficult if a person has been, in the words of Evan Sayet, “as wrong as wrong can be.” For many months, you have bashed Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theorists and other Marxist activists for blaming the White Race for racial discrimination against Black Americans. As you study CRT theory in depth and apply critical thinking to its suppositions and allegations, is it possible that systemic racism does indeed exist? The proof lies in the evidence — the data — as scientists are quick to assert. Perhaps there is unassailable proof that Black Americans have been denied admission to many lucrative career paths — to equal opportunity. Note: Statistical sources vary. African Americans represent between 13-14% of the U. S. population. White, 60%; Hispanic 18%; Asian, 6.0%.

Career Participation by Race *

56.2% identified as White, 17.1% Asian, 5.8% Hispanic, and 5.0% African American.

Most common ethnicity of U.S. engineers is White (73.6%), followed by Asian (13.5%). Hispanic (7.8%) and African-American (5%).

Of 111,000+ dentists, 48.0% are women. The most common ethnicity is White (67.1%), Asian (20.0%), Hispanic/Latino (7.5%), African American (3.5%).

15.6% are women; 75.6% men. Most are White (75.6%), Asian (13.1%), African American (4.7%)

General Contractors
White (77.5%), Hispanic/Latino (13.7%), African American (3.8%).

Approximately 419,000 welders in the U.S. 89.9% are men, 7.5% are women.The most common ethnicity is White (65.9%), Hispanic (18.8%) and African American (9.5%)

The most common ethnicity is White (65.3%), Hispanic/Latino (22.4%), African American (7.5%).

In 2017–18, about 79% of public school teachers were White, 9% Hispanic, 7% African American, 2% Asian.

Power Linemen
Of 80,000 currently employed, 6.6% women, 89.8% men. Ethnicity is White (79.1%), Hispanic/Latino (10.6%), African American (7.4%).

Nuclear Reactor Operators
Most common ethnicity is White (81.6%), African American (7.6%), Hispanic/Latino (5.1%).

Retail Store Owners
Most common ethnicity is White (73.1%), Hispanic/Latino (12.6%), African American (5.6%), Asian (6.0%), Unknown (2.2%).

Coal Miners
Most common ethnicity is White (79.4%), Hispanic/Latino (10.7%), African American (5.2%)

Federal Workforce
Primary ethnicity is White (64.7%), African American (18.1%), Hispanic (5.2), Asian (5.6%). Minorities constitute 35.3 percent of the Federal Workforce.

Most common ethnicity of electricians is White (66.5%), Hispanic/Latino (22.0%), and African American (7.0%).

Nurses (RNs)
Population comprised of 80.8% Caucasian; 6.2% African American; 7.5% Asian; 5.3% Hispanic; 0.4% American Indian/Alaskan Native; 0.5 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; 1.7% two or more races; and 2.9% others.

Medical Technicians
66.5% women; 29.1% men. Most common ethnicity is White (71.2%), Hispanic/Latino (15.1%), African American (6.6%).
Construction Workers
Most common ethnicity is White (63.8%), Hispanic/Latino (19.2%), African American (11.5%).

Factory Workers
42.5% women; 53.3% men. Most common ethnicity is White (71.2%); Hispanic/Latino (11.9%); African American (9.4%).

Restaurant Workers
Most common ethnicity is White (64.1%), Hispanic/Latino (17.7%), African American (7.4%).

Most common ethnicity is White (68.2%), Asian (16.0%), Hispanic/Latino (10.9%), African American (2.0%).

Computer Programmers
Most common race/ethnicity is White (69.1%), Asian (15.9%), Hispanic/Latino (7.5%), African American (6.3%).

Among the top eight largest tech companies, most common ethnicity is White (69.1%), Asian (14%), Hispanic (8.0%), African American (3.1%).

Most common ethnicity is White (80.0%), followed by Hispanic/Latino (6.9%) and African American (5.5%).

Accountants (CPA)
Most common ethnicity is White (64.5%), Asian (15.7%), Hispanic/Latino (9.6%), African American (2.0%).

By far, White (including Hispanic) represent 95.4%. Other agriculture producers are American Indian or Alaskan Native or African American, 1.7% and 1.3%, respectively.

Most common race/ethnicity is White (67.8%), Hispanic/Latino (18.0%), African American (9.8%).

Auto Mechanics
Among auto technicians, 90.6% are men. Most common race/ethnicity is White (66.8%), Hispanic/Latino (16.6%), African American (9.3%).

Film Crews
47.1% women; 48.8% men. Most common race/ethnicity is White(59.3%), Hispanic/Latino (18.7% ), African American (13.7%).

20.4% women, 74.7% men. Most common ethnicity is White (66.5%), Hispanic/Latino (12.8%), African American (11.9%).

30% of US Congress is ethnically diverse. Indigenous (1.5%); Hispanic (10.7%); Asian (5.0%). African American (12.7%).

This “white collar,” “blue collar” list is a small sample. But it tells a big story. Mostly a sad one. Under one category (Federal Workforce), African Americans are significantly over represented compared to the AA population. In several others, they are within 2-4% of a proportional representation. But for the substantial majority of career paths, Black Americans are profoundly under represented. The statistical evidence is irrefutable. Who to blame? CRT and BLM disciples point to White American culprits. Who else? They occupy the positions of power. Only one conclusion seems possible — White Racist Americans must be conspiring to prohibit the hiring of qualified African American candidates. But wait. You notice a deviation, an aberration, that confuses the entire issue.

The oddity is this. With respect to approximately 1700 NFL athletes, Black players have a 70% majority. In a distant second are white players who make up only 28% of the league. According to activist Richard Lapchick, the NBA in 2020 was composed of 74.2% Black players, with Whites a meager 16.9%. This racial disparity raises the question: Is it possible Black racism exists among Black NFL and NBA owners? Very likely not, since the NFL has not one Black owner and the NBA has only one (Michael Jordan). Evidently, white team owners are not guilty of systemic racism. Why not? These issues are paradoxically vexing. Any day now, you expect that BLM and CRT will clear up the paradox and reveal the identities of those white Americans who systematically violate the futures of Black Americans. Everyone wants to know just who they are. You want to know. Any day now you expect BLM and CRT to step up and expose the racists and the racism that snuff out any chance for Black Americans to prosper. Everyone needs answers. Especially Black Americans. They deserve to know whom to blame. Don’t they?

  • Online Primary Source: Zippia (Career Experts)



Two days ago, the United States of America held its 244th birthday party. There was no party on the day of its birth. A bunch of white male supremacists went home or to a pub, or some other lodging, physically exhausted and quietly in fear for their lives, having signed their death warrant — a document that conclusively branded them traitors. Their futures were clear. Win a war or visit the hangman. Their prospects were just a tic above hopeless. G. Washington was in NY, entrenched for battle on the Brooklyn Heights. By accepted military standards, his “army” was poorly trained, poorly equipped and lacking discipline. In stark contrast, Brit General Howe had 32,000 crack troops. They fronted GW and the East River loomed at his rear. Howe’s admiral brother meanwhile commanded the largest expeditionary force Britain had ever dispatched — 10,000 sailors on 30 warships, with 1200 guns and as many as 500 supporting vessels. But for three happenings, the battle of Brooklyn should have relegated the United States to nothing more than a skirmish footnote in world history. Happening No. 1: Although his army battered the bewildered and beleaguered Americans, Howe didn’t want to lose Brit lives needlessly as he did at Bunker Hill. He decided to back off and wear down the enemy toward a less bloody conclusion. A foregone conclusion, you might say. Happening No. 2: Simultaneously, Washington conceived an audacious retreat in the dead of night — using small vessels to make repeated round trips across the East River, ferrying more than 9000 troops. Happening No.3: But that strategy would have failed had the weather not cooperated with favorable winds in the darkness, followed by a sudden, thick fog that shrouded the early daylight crossings. Thus, thousands of white supremacists on one side escaped certain annihilation by thousands of white supremacists on the other side. You don’t know if anyone celebrated America Sunday with knowledge of the Brooklyn Heights miracle. And you don’t know how many that did celebrate truly believe in America’s goodness — in Her essential virtues that radiate from the Founding principles of The Declaration and The Constitution. But one thing you do know — not all the WOKE, CRT, BLM, CANCEL CULTURE, REVISIONIST, FASCIST BULLSHIT in the world will change REALITY and TRUTH; ergo, a handful of white supremacist males were responsible for creating the United States of America. Thousands of primarily white supremacist males were responsible for defeating England and achieving independence. Hundreds of thousands of primarily white supremacist males defeated the United Kingdom a second time in the War of 1812. Hundreds of thousands of primarily white supremacist males fought and died in America’s Civil War to abolish Slavery and preserve the Union. Millions of primarily white supremacist males planned, financed, invented, designed and built America’s vaunted infrastructure, industry and educational institutions. Millions of primarily white supremacist males fought two world wars to defeat the despots of world tyranny. Millions of primarily white male supremacists built the freest most prosperous country on this earth, extending opportunity to all Americans. NO CANCEL CULTURE BS can cancel that fact. Ungrateful, ignorant millennials and zillennials, as well as militant feminists, are perfectly free to spew their hatred of white males. It was white males, after all, who gave them that right in the very beginning. Who else? No one else was around then to take up the challenge. Minority ethnicity didn’t seem interested in sailing west to create a new nation. Feminine voices were consumed by more important matters on the home front. Therefore, with time on their hands, a handful of evil white guys had the audacity to suggest that “all men are created equal” — a belief worth dying for. They happened to be the only ones interested in the concept of individual freedom. Most of their neighbors thought they were nuts. So did a few of the Founders. John Dickinson of Delaware was against separation and refused to sign his name. The arguments were fierce. At times, it seemed independence was a mission impossible. But, finally, the original Congress came together. They conceived and gave birth to a new nation. They fought an impossible war, and won. And, with all its faults, America thrived because white male supremacists placed in writing the covenant for individual liberty. So, America haters, have at it with all the hypocrisy you can muster as you live and profit from America’s blessings and benefits. Sit back with your devices, complain like losers, as do-nothings usually do; and relish Marxism as your salvation. This is your time. You own the Washington playing field. Take over. Take solace in having a USA central governing body that is mired in depravity, degeneracy and delinquency, light years removed from July 4, 1776.

Ed. Note:
Before anyone freaks out, minorities were represented in America’s wars — African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans and many other ethnicities. America’s illustrious story is the story of all its people, regardless of race or gender. The attempt to falsely characterize this country’s history and foment racism is a Marxist ploy, steeped in group identity. Parents, take note and heed — your children are in Communist crosshairs — at school.


The ranting and raving of critical Dick.