Certain, select movies have a place in history. They occupy that place because serious, ethic-minded screenplays often explore both the nobility and the depravity of mankind. The idea behind probing the human condition is to learn from mistakes and potentially make the world a better place. Good luck with that, Matilda. With regard to depravity, Washington D.C. is conspicuously fertile ground. You hear, read and witness accounts of Beltway wickedness in mammoth proportions, so wicked that basic Trust has been relegated to an ash heap somewhere. So blogs like this one join the avalanche of opinion that interpret political issues, as if the act of analyzing itself will shed light and magically make the pain go away. Wish on. Meanwhile, dozens of think tanks publish studies, dozens of pundits give speeches and dozens write books — all of which state the obvious and eventually solve — nothing. Nothing. The question is why. The subject comes up repeatedly in social gatherings and at civic pow wows. Why does criminal conduct by high ranking officials in high places go unpunished? Mercy, mercy, a crook may even be elected President. Why? Every slob on the street wants to know why. Why conscientious, principled members of Congress don’t sweep out their vermin and why elected and appointed officials are not held accountable for their sins. A screenwriter nobody ever heard of tells you why in four simple sentences. You mention him often. His name is Jonathan Lemkin. The film is Shooter, a story of Government sponsored corruption. Someone asks the question: “Who is responsible?” The answer is unequivocal — a hammer on the anvil:
There is no head to cut off. It’s a conglomerate. If one of them betrays the principles of the accrual of money and power, the others betray him. What it is, is human weakness.
What it is, Clyde, is blackmail. There you have it. No one in high places is squeaky clean. You can walk and talk courageously for the cameras but leave your big stick in the closet. For example, Trump named names and paid the price. Condemn, and you will be condemned. At the end of the day, keeping your seat at the table prevails over principle.
So pick your pet issue. Any issue. You will find that the accrual of money and power is the motive behind it. Every time. BLM has nothing to do with saving Black lives or elevating Black destiny. CRT (Critical Race Theory)has nothing to do with education, understanding or unification. Biden’s resumption of the Paris Agreement and other climate-based agendas has nothing to do with science. The U.S. immigration policy that allows open borders and illegal immigration has nothing to do with compassion and human rights. The selective COVID lockdowns had nothing to do with pandemic health concerns. Conversely, all of these issues have everything to do with the Biden Regime feeding frenzy that is committed to undo everything Trump — to seize and permanently sew up power. As Federal Government power escalates with impunity, individual freedom dwindles. And that, ladies and gents, is the preeminent issue — the only issue — upon which the American Republic rests. Forget everything else. Forget every issue because every issue is one more political power grab. Every issue is a smokescreen designed to take your eye off the real agenda — which is to marginalize the individual. Keep that allegation on your front burner if you can. Because America — The Idea — is under all-out siege. The American structure itself — codified under the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution — is dedicated to The Idea that changed civilization — The Idea conceived and consecrated by Christ Jesus — that the lowest mortals among you are as exalted as the most elevated — a prophecy resurrected 17 centuries later with the words of Thomas Jefferson — “all men are created equal . . .” Christian haters, Marxists, want to erase these words from America’s history. They tear down statues, terrorize cities, foment racism and indict the Founders as white supremacists. When will America finally decide to kick this latest version of Marxist trash to the side of the road? When will America sweep up the muck and take it to the landfill? When you stand up and announce you are sovereign — that you are the crux of American exceptionalism — that you carry a “spark of divinity” within you. When, regardless of your origin, you recognize that the basis of American greatness is the Christian ethic.
Christ died for it.