No More. No Less.

The portion of the script below is taken from the screenplay written by Abby Mann for the 1961 film Judgment At Nuremberg. if you’re reading this, and were a high school senior in 1961, you would have been a toddler at the end of WWII. Odds are you didn’t see this film as a teen. Today, you would be 80-81. Which means you are among 2-3% of the U.S, population. Which means most Americans never heard of Judgment At Nuremberg. The film was nominated for 11 AA, winning four (4). One of those was for actor Maximillian Schell, now deceased; another for Mann. The speech below, at a Military Tribunal, is Schell’s closing argument in defense of a German officer accused of crimes against humanity. You read this speech a dozen times. Why? Because it applies to high crimes at any point in history — and who is responsible. Who is responsible for crimes against humanity — against your own people? You believe Abby Mann wrote something for mankind to ponder, perhaps for always. For today, you make a humble attempt to very loosely replicate this speech as it applies to 2021. Thank you, Mr. Mann.

Hans Rolfe (Maximillian Schell

Your Honor…
it is my duty…
to defend Ernst Janning.
And yet, Ernst Janning has said he is guilty.
There is no doubt he feels his guilt.

He made a great error
in going along with the Nazi movement….
hoping it would be good for his country.
But if he is to be found guilty…
there are others who also went along….
who also must be found guilty.

Ernst Janning said:
“We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

Why did we succeed, Your Honor?
What about the rest of the world?
Did it not know the intentions
of the Third Reich?
Did it not hear the words
of Hitler’s broadcasts all over the world?
Did it not read his intentions
in Mein Kampf…
published in every corner of the world?
Where is the responsibility
of the Soviet Union…
who signed in
the pact with Hitler…
enabled him to make war?
Are we now to find Russia guilty?
Where is the responsibility of the Vatican…
who signed in the concordat
with Hitler…
giving him his first tremendous prestige?
Are we now to find the Vatican guilty?
Where is the responsibility
of the world leader Winston Churchill…
who said in an open letter
to the London Times:
“Were England to suffer a national disaster,
I should pray to God…
to send a man of the strength of mind
and will of an Adolf Hitler.”
Are we now
to find Winston Churchill guilty?
Where is the responsibility
of those American industrialists…
who helped Hitler to rebuild his armaments,
and profited by that rebuilding?
Are we now to find
the American industrialists guilty?
No, Your Honor.
Germany alone is not guilty.
The whole world is as responsible for Hitler
as Germany.
It is an easy thing
to condemn one man in the dock.
It’s easy to condemn the German people…
to speak of the basic flaw
in the German character…
that allowed Hitler to rise to power,
but also…
comfortably ignore
the basic flaws of character…
that made the Russians sign pacts with him,
Winston Churchill praise him…
American industrialists profit by him.

Ernst Janning said he is guilty.

If he is…
Ernst Janning’s guilt is the world’s guilt.

No more, no less.

Fodder Replication

Your Honor…
it is my duty…
to defend the Old Democrat Party
And yet, the Democrat Party is guilty.
There is no doubt Democrats feel the guilt.

Traditional Democrats made a grave error
in going along with the Communist movement….
hoping it would be good for their country.
But if they are to be found guilty…
there are others who also went along….
who also must be found guilty.

Democrats said:
“We succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

Why did we succeed, Your Honor?
What about the rest of America?
Did the rest of America not know the intentions
of Obama, Biden, BLM, Antifa and Cancel Culture?
Did America not hear the words
of Obama, Biden, Harris, Cortez and other Leftists
broadcast by left wing media?
Did America not read the intentions
of the Radical Democrat Party
published in every corner of the nation?
Where is the responsibility
of Republican Party leaders
who refused to unite behind Trump?
Who enabled Democrats to lie and cheat?
Are we now to find the GOP guilty?
Where is the responsibility of Governors
and State Legislators who rolled over?
Who allowed terrorists to destroy their cities?
Who shut down their state economies?
Are we now to find the Governors guilty?
Where is the responsibility
of Business Leaders and Major Corporations?
who give money to Communist organizations
and support Cancel Culture and Critical Race Theory?
Where is the responsibility of Educators
who choose social indoctrination over education?
Are we now to find all teachers guilty?
Where is the responsibility
of so-called conservative Americans
who whine and moan about Socialism,
yet go along with it as they sit on the sidelines?
Is the average hard-working American guilty?

No, Your Honor.
the Democrat Party alone is not guilty.
Most of America is just as responsible
for Socialism as the Democrat Party.
It is an easy thing
to condemn a few people like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi & Biden.
It’s easy to condemn the Democrat voters…
to speak of the basic flaws
in the Democrat voter’s character…
that allowed Biden to rise to power,
but, then, also…
comfortably ignore
the basic flaws of character…
that made the GOP disloyal to Donald Trump,
That made Big Media corrupt its sacred trust,
That made Big Business sell its soul
That made the Average American abandon freedom
And made the Average American get in line.

The Democrat Party is guilty,

If it is…
the guilt is America’s guilt.

No more, no less.

What You Need.

Liberty Mutual is an insurance company. It ranks 7th among all television advertisers. Impressive. Various critics give the company high marks for creative expression. But spending leaders who choose saturation advertising have only one real goal — name recognition. You see it enough, think it’s clever or cute, and subliminally you conclude “it must be good.” But if you bother to analyze the pitch, you might think twice. Liberty tells you that “you only pay for what you need.” My, my, how utterly magnanimous. What that message really means is that you’re stupid. You’re stupid for paying your current insurance company for what you don’t need, which obviously implies that your insurance company is ripping you a good one. Liberty tells you that it will “customize” your auto policy. What that really means is that other insurance companies don’t, but only offer you cookie-cutter Plans A, B, or C — you have to pick your poison. Naturally, with Liberty, since you have a “custom” policy, you will pay less because you’re “only paying for what you need,” whatever that is. Good luck with that. Of course, you can test the Liberty program. Since you only pay for what you need, tell Liberty Samaritans what you need and ask them to give you their price list for what you need. Then compare Liberty’s price with, say, Nationwide and State Farm. Easy enough. What is that you say? Oh, you depend on the insurance company to advise you and tell you what you need? Seems fair. You’re no expert, Matilda. As your trusted consultant and advisor, therefore, Liberty studies your circumstances and tells you what you need. You say OK and then Liberty asks you to pay for it — that is, for only what you need. Take heart, Liberty isn’t the only advertiser on TV that dishes out bullshit. At the very least, 80 percent exaggerate, or inflate, or fudge a little or even misrepresent. Some of the 80 percent, like fragrance advertisers, have no differentiated message; so they offer beautiful bodies, special effects and mysterious landscapes. Pharma ads follow a boring template, hyping a wonder drug with happy people before mentioning the 20 side effects, one of which is death. The fast food industry shows you close-up views of carefully merchandised items that have zero resemblance to the actual flattened thing you eat. With exceptions here and there, the auto industry is asleep behind the wheel.. Beverage ads have nothing to sell but images of people enjoying a carbonated life. But the worst are hackneyed, stereotypical ads by attorney talking heads who encourage you to “get what you deserve” by saying “We don’t get paid unless we win.” By contrast to the 80 percenters, the 20 percent crowd is rare indeed. They entertain you and present a product or service for what it really is — no claims, no chest pounding. Johnsonville Sausage is an example. Forest creatures tell you the sausage patty is bigger and they have a good laugh about it. Geico tells you that “fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.” It could. Meaning it may not. But while you consider it, have a little Geico fun. “As Seen Products” on TV are pure feature/benefit ads that show and tell what some gizmo does. Most often, the products deliver, backed by a return policy. You can debate the 80-20 advertising rule till doomsday. Few things are more subjective than TV ballyhoo. But there can be no debate — none — about the 100% advertising rule. That rule requires that all television advertisers must dive neck deep into the social engineering pool. Every swimmer in the pool must must be dedicated to affirmative action. The AA rules are pretty simple. At least 50% of advertising actors must be some shade of black. At least every other couple, married or not, must be mixed race. When desirable, be sure to include same-sex couples who are White or Black or Asian, who are female, or male, or mixed race, and those who have a son or daughter, or gender to be decided. The idea of over-representing the minority category is an affirmative action influence, consistent with the Neo Marxist WOKE religion that despises Christianity and the sacred precepts of Western Civilization. Sorry to be grim. Unfortunately, politics was bound to rear its ugly head in any discussion of television advertising. But without politics, advertising would lose its most persuasive and powerful voice; and without that voice, you would be forced to read and think critically, all by your lonesome. And, incidentally, if you happen to be one of the few who chooses books over TV, be sure you only pay for what you read.


People who call themselves “conservative” would say that they believe in The Constitution. Not only do they believe in it — in the general sense — they believe in it — chapter and verse. In other words, don’t bloody monkey with it. On behalf of the Founders’ vision, that hard core attitude on the part of Conservatives is commendable; but their attitude didn’t stop the Supreme Court from butchering The Constitution as if it were nothing more than a dime novel. Now that Socialism is taking over the country, true-blue Conservatives are going apeshit. You will forgive the foul language, but the English language gave us vulgarity for a damn good reason. Conservatives aim their hostility at Democrats, as if those treacherous and treasonable Lefties are the culprits that gave us Multiculturalism, Cancel Culture, BLM, PC, Woke, Astronomical Debt and Climate Change. So sorry, Matilda, but you need to know that the DEMS aren’t single-handedly responsible for America’s descent into the cultural wasteland. True, they wrote the playbook. But the rest of Americans, represented by ineffectual and often two-faced GOP officials, have stood by apathetically, year by year by year, and shrugged their defeatist, slumping shoulders. Which brings you to an inconvenient truth. By now, you should finally look at history and realize that the only generation of Americans who were doggedly devoted to America’s founding principles happened to be — the Founders themselves. If you bother to put aside a natural tendency to rationalize, that assertion shouldn’t raise your hackles. In recorded history, despite the brilliantly democratic contributions of Athens and Rome to Western political thought, all nations and all peoples have always chosen to live under one form of dictatorship or another. The Founders’ ideas of individual sovereignty and free enterprise economy were decidedly preposterous. The Founders understood their idealistic tendencies. They knew their creation was an audacious, if not quixotic, leap of faith. But, pragmatically, they knew also that recorded history was not on their side. Consequently, they labored to put in place all sorts of checks and balances to prevent America’s eventual plunge into some sort of tyranny. They even predicted that probability. And why not? People the world over eventually choose tyranny. They want rulers. Someone to make the decisions. Someone to abolish terms like responsibility, accountability, self determination, self reliance and self interest. Undeniably, for the mass of humankind, there’s something comforting about subservience to a ruling power. The majority willingly trades overrated freedom for the assurance of underrated security. You can roll your eyes and snicker at this allegation. Roll away as the 1st Amendment weeps. Snicker away as free speech and thought are mandated and monitored in the workplace. Smirk as Big Tech bans a President. As Big Media engages in propaganda and outright deceit. As Governors ban the distribution of therapeutic drugs. As government education indoctrinates children. Abolishing and controlling speech is always, always the first step on the ladder of tyranny. Nazi Germany didn’t have the Internet. It simply burned the books. First, regulate speech. Second, regulate the right to bear arms. But the Left will not unilaterally ban weapons. Definitely not. No, begin with mandatory gun registration. Broaden qualifications. Prohibit certain classes of weapons. Record and restrict ammo sales. The gun bills are on lawmaker’s desks today. BTW, you can forget the rest of the Bill of Rights, as important as they are. Things like Due Process. Unreasonable Search and Seizure, etc. By default, they are inconsequential. America’s Left — call them what you want — Liberals, Progressives, Marxists — want to amend, modify, reshape or abolish the 1st and 2nd Amendments. These two amendments are the final barriers to Absolute Power. The Federal Government already has its hooks fastened to Education, Healthcare and the Financial System. If the 1st and 2nd fall (and they are on their way), you can kiss your free ass goodbye. It’s true that America’s grass roots, including some Democrats, support The Constitution; but a minority trashes it. Conservatives sit around in social groups and talk about injustice, but a minority slaps them silly. So, naturally, you want to know why this tail wags the dog. To repeat, here’s why. Socialism, Communism, Statism, Marxism, Kings, Queens and Dictatorships (Hard and Soft) — have survived and ruled the Earth because the people want it that way. It’s in human nature — it’s in your nature — to submit. So stop whining because Biden lets illegals flood the country, or because he wants you to pay for transgender sex reassignment surgery, or because he wants America to once again be dependent on foreign countries for energy. Sit back. Drink your wine. And trust your congressman. He wants only what’s best for you.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.