How Bad Must It Get?

Some time ago, in a land once known as “the home of the brave,” somebody asked a State GOP Legislator how rotten things had to be in Washington D.C. before the State finally decides to show some backbone and say, “Enough is enough.” The Legislator replied, if Hillary should get elected, that would be the proverbial “straw” and the proverbial camel would go down for the proverbial count. Okay, pal, look at America today. That woman is a racketeer, conspirator and liar; but compared to the socialist renegades running the show now, she’s a baby step closer to Mother Teresa. The Constitution’s femoral artery is hemorrhaging and America’s most powerful political organizations are making like Nero, fiddling, fidgeting and doing what they do best — bootlicking like mad at the feet of their Federal Master. You see a few examples of defiance among them but they amount to a bare whimper, not what’s needed — which is a fuming, frenzied war cry. The question hangs out there: how bad do things have to get? Hillary and her groupies are prancing in the wings, impatiently waiting to occupy some portion of Biden’s Bizzaro stage. Behind his pathogen soaked mask, Biden sloppily drools as he vengefully demolishes the greatest economic comeback in U.S. history and tramples on the graves of heroes and U. S. sovereignty. The NRCC is busily doing on automatic pilot what the NRCC always does — raise money for the 2022 midterm. Behind closed doors, GOP bigwigs are animatedly chattering, “Well, boys and girls (and zees, hirs and theys), we made some super gains with the down ballot and, by God, we finally got rid of that asshole.” Meanwhile, more than half the country is fighting mad, looking for elected officials to do their jobs — to ACT, for God’s sake. Evidently, it hasn’t occurred to 27 GOP Governors (a majority) that they might unite to uniformly push back on Federal overreach. True, they may not understand what it means to stick together, but all they need do is study any one of the other 576 special interest groups in America, like teachers unions, BLM, Antifa, Common Cause, etc. Naturally, some stickler reading this will announce that there’s already a special interest animal called the National Governor’s Association. Oh, yes, that. It’s defined as a “bipartisan” organization that “promotes visionary state leadership, shares best practices and speaks with a collective voice on national policy.” Really, Matilda. National policy? What policy? How to turn a Constitutional Republic into National Socialism? They must have studied the United Nations. It makes sense that the current chairman is Andrew Cuomo. Likewise, it hasn’t occurred to 34 GOP Senate chambers and 31 GOP House chambers (super majorities) to tell the Federal Government to go pound sand. But the States don’t act. Why? How bad must things get before good people save the greatest country on earth? Here’s the deal, class. The majority of Americans, including most Democrats who stupidly voted for Biden, don’t like what’s going on. They hate “cancel culture.” They despise PC indoctrination in the schools and in the workplace. They reject Big Media’s nonstop barrage of propaganda telling them what to think, what to say, how to act and how to feel. They don’t want foreign governments dictating American policy. They’re sick of spineless, greedy politicians who line their pockets and career politicians who do and say anything to stay in the Club. They’re fed up with minority special interest tails wagging the majority dogs. They’ve had it with a Federal Government that has seized dictatorial power in direct violation of The Constitution. And they despise the relentless attempts to abridge 1st and 2nd amendment rights. All this enabled by an impotent Supreme Court that either has lost its soul or has been blackmailed into submission. How bad does it have to get? Barring a miracle, the sterile States will not act. It’s left to the People. It will be a minority. It always is.

The Real You.

It’s time to talk about America in a way that is so utterly fundamental, you will frown and say, “Why state the obvious?” Why? Because nearly everyone from coast to coast — every man, woman and child — the exec at the bank, the grandma at Green Acres Retirement Village, the snowflake at Harvard, the wide receiver in the NFL, your best friend or your lover — does not or will not see the obvious. Or to be fair, has honestly lost touch with America’s most essential underpinning. No, it’s not The Constitution. Or the Bill of Rights. Or the Minimum Wage. It’s you. You are the underpinning. Take a good, long look at yourself. The real you, please. Not the phony you show the world almost every waking hour. And realize this: You are America; you are Sovereign. Like George Bailey in “It’s A Wonderful Life,” if America had never been born, you would be living under some form of Pottersville under the thumb of a King or other type of tyrannical ruler — as the majority of humankind lives today. Unfortunately, you don’t know what “sovereign” means. You think you know. You think it means you can come and go and do as you please. Not so. In the summer of 1775, Samuel Ashbow Jr. knew what it meant. He was a Mohegan Indian from Montville, Connecticut, one of four brothers who fought and died in the American Revolution. Samuel was the first Native American to die in that war. He left behind a wife and two-year-old son. Nobody reading this harangue ever heard of him. Or for that matter, of the slaves who fought alongside their white “brothers.” Sam understood “sovereignty.” He understood it even though he likely never heard or perceived the word. Regardless, it meant he could stand tall at a skirmish line, raise his right arm and extend his rigid middle finger in the face of King George, the most powerful ruler of the most powerful country on earth, and bellow in a proud, defiant voice, “In the sight of God and man, sir, I am your equal.” That exclamation, that defiance, is the essence of the American Attitude. America will never rediscover the fateful, transcendent import of Her Founding until individuals today rejoice in that triumphant cry of liberty — until individualism sweeps the nation. Sounds like a worthy goal. Sure, something just a tad more difficult than indicting the Biden and Clinton crime families.. It won’t happen, Matilda, until you and everyone else embrace the meaning of individual sovereignty. What exactly does it mean? It means you are responsible for yourself, period. So is every other individual, regardless of race, color, creed or social or economic standing. You are free to offend anyone and be offended by anyone. You are free to hold and voice any opinion. As owner of a business, you may hire and fire for no cause or any cause. As a prejudiced or bigoted owner, you are free to refuse service to anyone. You are free to be a racist. you are free to be a miser. You reject the coercive concept of Group Identity and believe it is the seedbed of all international and domestic conflict. You are not free to physically harm another individual except as an act of self defense. You may not steal in your personal or business life. You are not entitled to anything and deserve nothing that you have not earned. You believe healthcare is not a right. You are free to respect anyone or disrespect everyone. You are free to decide if any lives matter, or not. You believe the Federal Government should be stripped of at least 60% of its jurisdiction. You believe placing a 30 trillion dollar debt burden on American taxpayers is a vile, immoral atrocity. You believe that creating generational dependency is a crime against humanity. Therefore, you are free to raise your arm and extend your middle finger in the face of the U.S. President, the most powerful head of the most powerful country on earth, and shout, “In the sight of God and man, sir, I am your equal.”

The individual, left alone, is America’s fleeting hope.


The question is always the same from people who can’t or won’t believe the unbelievable. The 2020 election was a massive cyber attack involving who knows how many players. Some were ringleaders who knew the score. Some were pawns, easily manipulated. But when the SCOTUS and lower courts stood down, when Big Media shrugged, when Big Tech suppressed speech, when Barr took a hike, the disbelievers said, “You can’t sweep that much corruption under the rug. If it were true, why didn’t the Supreme Court or the FBI or CIA or DHS or Congress or the Governors or the State Legislatures or the Electors agree to do something? If they all agreed there was no fraud, then there was no fraud. True? The answer to that question is staring directly at your puss, Matilda. A country filled with very good people, many in high places, did try to do something. The forensic cyber evidence alone was collected by experts and it was damning. It was and still is DNA evidence. A million people traveled to D.C. to bear witness with their presence. Poll worker whistleblowers testified under oath, risking charges of perjury. Cool your jets, pal. You aren’t saying the entire Federal system has been corrupted — that the Deep State, the Established Democrat Party, Republican Party, Big Media, Big Tech and Big Corporations are all in cahoots? Listen up, class. See what’s in front of your alleged common sense nose. Don’t bother digging for buried secrets. Ask yourself the easy question: Why did the combined Establishments hate Donald Trump to such an extent that they organized the political weapons of mass destruction against him? Because they thought he was rude? The Left tolerated all GOP Presidents before him. Sure, they organized political opposition but it was business as usual for four years, even eight. For their part, previous GOP Presidents made a show of opposition to so-called Big Government; then went about making it even bigger. But along came Donald and he immediately became the enemy of the Deep State and the Ruling Class. From the get-go he announced his intentions. Drain the swamp. Scrap regulations. Give a voice to the silent majority. Minorities were too dumb to know it, but he was their champion. But The Left saw it and it scared the doo-doo out of them. He threatened the flow of money between foreign governments, corporate hierarchies and the Ruling Class. In bulldog fashion, he challenged China hegemony and Socialism. Above all, Trump awakened the spirit of America as it was created by The Founders — as it was recorded in the Founding Documents — and that was the agenda The Left could not and would not stomach. Beginning with Obama, they had managed to get rid of the Flag, God, the Declaration and Due Process and taken over the public schools. By God, Trump was not going to restore America’s ideals. MAGA was nauseatingly patriotic. More ghastly, another Trump term meant just one thing — too many very important people had too much to lose — so much to lose that the Democrat Party is now intent on impeaching Trump, the CIVILIAN, to prevent him from making another run in 2024. Your country now is in the hands of Socialist ideologues, pilgrim. Or is that unbelievable? These people will never admit who they are and what they believe — and approximately half the rabble won’t admit it either. Many Democrat voters fool themselves in believing they fight against the filthy rich and fight for the downtrodden minorities, when the truth is exactly the opposite. Then you have those millions who want Big Brother benefits and dependency. The disbelievers most likely will continue to disbelieve. Doing otherwise would be uncomfortable and inconvenient and certainly just one person can’t fight city hall. What can one person do about the New World Order, Climate Change and Energy Dependency? Anyway, you hear the assurances from many friends, “Not to worry, America has always righted herself.” Which is a gigantic MYTH. Since 1915, America has slipped steadily down the slope of Socialism. The slide at times has slowed but never ceased, and has never reversed. Today, the rush to collectivism is more of an avalanche. Yes, one person is powerless. Only The States have absolute power — if they would bother to exercise it. Disbelievers don’t buy that either.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.