The Oath.

It’s time to show your hand. Put your cards on the table. Leave the shadows of pretense. Especially stop lying to yourself. There’s no such thing as a political hybrid. If you believe in basic Socialist ideology, you are a Socialist. Go ahead. It’s OK. Say it out loud: “I am a Socialist.” If you believe Communism is the preferred political system, you are a Communist. Stand up and proudly say it. But don’t say it out one side of your mouth while out the other side, you claim that you believe in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Both founding documents are as incompatible with Socialism as Hillary is with the truth. America’s very being prohibits anything that resembles Marxist ideology. Incidentally, if you happen to be an elected U. S. Senator or Representative and you inherently prefer Socialism or Communism, you should resign immediately, or suffer impeachment and expelled. You should be kicked out for the most basic of reasons: You perjured yourself when you took the oath of office. For that matter, the person who conducted your swearing in ceremony should resign, knowing that you lied. As a reminder, the oath states this:

“I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

There’s no ambiguity about that oath. The Constitution doesn’t mention Socialism or Communism or any other “ism.” it doesn’t have to. It simply requires that “Members of the House be at least 25 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state they represent . . . and requires that all Members take an oath to support the Constitution before they exercise the duties of their office.” James Madison wrote: “Under these reasonable limitations, the door . . . is open to merit of every description, whether native or adoptive, whether young or old, and without regard to poverty or wealth, or to any particular profession of religious faith.” Anyone would agree the qualifications are basic, broadminded and definitely not exclusionary. You don’t have to be privileged by wealth or birth or color or gender to be an elected official. This is America, Matilda. But, remember, one stipulation is immutable. You must support and defend The Constitution. It means, for instance, that you must defend and support the 1st and 2nd amendments. Currently, more than a few congressmen (and women), in direct violation of their oath of office, are attacking both amendments. They therefore should be impeached. Immediately. For that matter, as a congressman (or woman) you must never vote for any bill or law that allows the Federal Government to meddle beyond its enumerated powers. Those powers are clearly outlined in Article I, Section 8 of The Constitution. As congressmen (and women), if you don’t want to be bothered with reading Section 8, the Founders said nothing whatsoever about giving the Federal Government power to regulate business, education, healthcare, housing, abortion, agriculture, welfare (subsidies, food stamps, etc.) or to give unrestricted amounts of taxpayer money to foreign countries. The Federal Government power grab means just one thing — Congress, the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch have conspired to betray the Constitution repeatedly for decades. More recently, betrayals by high ranking officials have risen to the level of treason. In truth, you can’t blame the crooks and the traitors. It’s what they do — the oldest game in town — cheat, lie, steal (and kill if necessary). You can’t say you didn’t see it happening. But you’re soft and spoiled. You have a good life; let’s not spoil it by being singled out as an agitator. It’s OK for BLM and Antifa to agitate and burn, destroy and kill, but that’s not you. You’re moral; you’re a good person; that’s why you kicked out that crude Donald Trump. You can’t have a President who insults people. Goodness, me. Biden may have a few character issues; but he has doggedly sacrificed 47 years on behalf of the American people on his way to amassing millions of dollars that he labored to earn. Harris is an avowed Socialist, if not Communist; but she was brainwashed by Willie Brown and deserves a pass. And while the bitter GOP lawmakers scrap among themselves, Biden will lead the Democrat Party to fundamentally change America to be more tolerant, more fair, more climate friendly, more diverse, more equitable, more sharing, more cooperative with other world powers — more like the superior societies and governments of Europe and Asia. As for The Constitution, you can see where there’s room for more interpretation. After all, as Biden might say, the Founders weren’t Gods. Anymore than God is God. Right, Joe?

Wrong Side.

You can’t help but ask: Did you ever once think while you were committing mindless genocide, that you were on the wrong side of the issue? That would be a question for the German soldier wielding a machine gun in a concentration camp or a 20 mm cannon inside a Panzer tank. Did you ever consider that you were wrong to invade neighboring countries for the purpose of conquest? Did you ever suspect you were on the wrong side of the decision to execute helpless human beings — women, children, the elderly — in death camps? To be sure, tribal wars, regional wars and world wars spawn unspeakable atrocities. Mankind is always quick to condemn. After the fact, naturally. But to what end? Some ringleaders suffered execution. Some prison. But the vast majority — military and civilian alike — escaped the most basic judgment. The lines of responsibility dissolved. More like shared blame. Shared blame that amounted to no blame. In WWII, England’s Neville Chamberlain and other respected leaders accepted no responsibility for cozying up to Hitler to earn his good will. With one of Europe’s largest, most well equipped armies in the 30’s, French leadership caved and not only cozied up but also aided and abetted the Nazi Third Reich. It was left to the courageous French Underground Resistance to defend French Sovereignty. Other European nations chose up sides. The Kingdom of Italy, once the crucible of The Renaissance, allowed itself to be mesmerized by a psychopath. You can’t help but ask: Did you ever once think that you were on the wrong side of the issue? That would be a question for Mama Mia’s boys from Pescara to Palermo. For that matter, you could put similar questions to the Austrians, the Spanish, the Yugoslavs and Bulgarians. You might also ask the question of the “neutral” countries, which rather than choose sides, decided to bravely stand down while other nations shed their precious blood. One of those nations, America, buried its sacrificial dead in foreign lands and at home. By the tens of thousands. In short order, however, the evil Capitalist system went to work. Billions in U.S. foreign aid helped her enemies and allies with massive reconstruction. Unfortunately, nothing was spent on renovating the flawed political systems. Consider that before and during WWII, the European countries, including England, were ruled by some form of dictatorship, and some sort of parliamentary system they proudly (and euphemistically) called Democratic Socialism. Despite its parliamentary political theater and democratic facade, England was and still is steeped in the aristocracy of the privileged class. Old money. Vast holdings. Kings and queens and royal genes. Ditto for most of the rest of the Continent that likes to tout the outward trappings of “freedom and equality.” Keep the streets clean and orderly. Proudly showcase speedy public rail transport and universal healthcare. Be virtuous to proclaim civic equality, most visible in the socialistic concept of uniformity. Apparently, following the war to end all wars, no one bothered to ask the question: Do you think there just might be a connection to authoritarian systems of government and mass murder? Do you think? Pick your favorite example of totalitarian poison — Communism, Socialism, Monarchy. You have lots to choose from, meaning most of the countries on earth. All have one thing in common — scorn for the concept of the Sovereign Individual — the cornerstone of the U.S. Constitution. In 2020, no less than 51 dictators (all male) rule the roost. About a dozen European countries still have royal families and practice “Democratic Socialism.” Maybe you need a definition of that term, Matilda. DS is an economy where production and wealth are collectively owned, but the country has a “democratic system” of government. Ownership of private property is limited. The government regulates the economy. Translation: DS is a dictatorship pretending to be a democracy. The last thing the ruling families of Europe want is a free, kick-ass economy where some uneducated slob becomes a millionaire. Or worse, where some uneducated slob thinks he’s as independent and godlike as the Queen Mother herself. Don’t kid yourself. America has a ruling class that is no different than the Kremlin tsars. Socialism is their highway to ultimate power. The people they rely on to travel with them down that highway are minorities of all kinds, shapes and genders, as well as young mush brains. Yes, you guessed it. These are the clueless people the ruling class detests and that socialism continues to suppress and squash through generational dependency. But don’t take anyone’s word for that indictment. Hey, Joe, pick up a copy of History 101. See where 100 million bodies are buried. Check out the countries. And the governmental systems. Put two and two together. Did you ever once think while you were sequestered in that basement that you were on the wrong side of the issue? Silly question.

Crime Pays.

At this particular time, you must not fail to thank God for the freedom to live outside prison walls. This is not to say, at another time, you would feel content to stare through steel bars or shower at Shawshank with a guy named Bogs. But just imagine it. Stir. The Big House. You’re doing a five year stretch. Caught red handed. You look around. Bunch of guys in the slammer for possession, burglary, assault. Criminals all. You too. You broke the law and the Justice System nailed your ass and made you pay. The little guy always pays. That’s you, pal. The cops know how to nab two-bit crooks like you. It’s called justice. Down deep, you hate it but you take your medicine. Like Mom said, “Reap what you sow.” But Mom wasn’t entirely honest with you and that’s why you’re pissed and have nothing but contempt for the system. That’s why you want to blow up every prison and release every felon. Mom didn’t tell you that people at the top of the food chain — presidents, attorney generals, secretaries of state, senators, representatives, corporate execs and scads of Washington swamp dwellers — are more corrupt, commit more crime and engage in more wickedness than anybody in this cell block. By the time you get through fuming about this, “honorable men and women” will gather to officially crown a new U.S. President — in this case, a deceitful, treasonous individual whose life is defined by lies, plagiarism, sexual harassment and pay for play schemes. And those are the only crimes you happen to know of, well documented, in the public record. The Supreme Court justices will have the gall to authorize inauguration proceedings with their lofty presence, forever staining whatever stature and self-respect they may have earned. Maybe several will feel a lump in their throats. But not likely. The Biden Crime Family is now in charge, officially inheriting the playbook of the Clinton Crime Family. But Comrade Joe will have to go some, will have to hustle like crazy to measure up to the Clinton body count. As an inmate, your inflammatory statements will of course be dismissed as political sour grapes by a nobody. Fair enough. But in case you might be unaware, the criminal population, both on the street and behind bars, is the one group that knows the score. Jailbirds have no respect for law and order because they have zero respect for phonies who occupy the seats of power in DC, commit crimes and walk free. Chill, Matilda, not all politicians are crooks. But look at the past four years. High ranking officials, people who took an oath of office, dredged up a pack of lies to connive, disrupt and destroy a sitting President. Unlike us poor slobs who commit civil misdemeanors all across America — peons caught in the jaws of justice — the big shots walk away from the scene of the crime, and go back to cushy jobs or slip into cushy retirements. You can see them now, contemptuously extending their middle fingers in your direction. Under the circumstances, you can read the writing on the jailhouse wall. You tell yourself, “Don’t get mad; get even.” When you get out, put Chicago, Atlanta and Baltimore in the rear view mirror and settle in America’s #1 crime city. It makes sense. There are more crime opportunities and less justice in Washington D.C. If top lawmakers can commit crimes in broad daylight and get away with it, why can’t you? You can’t beat the crooks; so join ’em.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.