
Well, the lid finally blew off. It’s about time.

For 12 years, 75 million voters tolerated the intolerable. When half the country elected Barack Obama twice, the other half swallowed hard. They swallowed peacefully. They stood fast while he proved to be anti-American, while he weakened America’s military, while he bowed to enemies, while he flaunted The Constitution, while he populated Washington with Muslim czars, and while he divided America across racial lines. The people objected, yes. The Tea Party conducted peaceful rallies. They kept their powder dry. When the streetwise toughie from Queens walked across the stage floor in 2015, all hell broke loose. The Establishment and Hillary shat their pants when the people decided America needed to rediscover America’s heart, soul and sinew. Against all odds, the billionaire outlier would prove to be, literally speaking, the most accomplished President in your lifetime. But, before he took office, and during the life of his tenure, the Establishment conspired to bring him down and drive him out. Using complete fabrication, with the complicity of an ethically bankrupt Media and Big Tech, they criminalized the halls of government, lied, cheated and committed treason. The 75 million voters stood by and waited for the conspirators to come to Justice. The evidence was clear. Hearings were held. The names of Sessions and Barr and Durham proliferated. Justice was always just around the next corner. The people waited. Nothing. Not one creep faced the Scales of Justice. The people complained to their elected officials. Do something. Raise some hell. This is America. Nothing. In the 2020 election, the President’s vote total eclipsed 2015 by millions. He substantially grew Black American and other minority support. The GOP won the important down ballot. But Trump “lost.” Key States broke Federal and State voting laws. A mountain of expert forensic evidence showed systematic voter fraud. Eyewitness poll workers were marginalized. The people complained. Without batting an eye and without a hiccup, the Media called the winner. The SCOTUS shucked their robes and left Dodge. Other Judges refused to hear cases of fraud. The people still didn’t give up. There was talk of a Legislative remedy. Good. Somebody, somewhere, somehow, would not allow corruption to prevail unchallenged in our most venerated institutions. The people waited. Nothing. The people gathered in DC to witness — what? As it happened, for the 12-year pressure cooker to finally blow. They left their homes, their families and jobs because they believed in America and Her goodness. Cornball patriotism, Matilda. They had nothing to gain, No statues to demolish. No businesses to burn, no stores to loot, no lives to destroy. But they are nonetheless condemned. Far more than BLM or Antifa. You take away what you already knew and expressed in 2015. The Washington Establishment and many State Establishments could not and would not stomach Donald J. Trump. Do not fail to call out the Establishment — both DEM and GOP parties, SCOTUS, the vast Deep State, Media and Big Tech. They would not allow DJT four more years to continue to peel back the foul Washington onion. The smut touches everyone. The tentacles of money, power and greed intertwine, cemented by blackmail and self interest. You have only to look at your own State’s elected officials. The Constitution says they work for you. Per Lincoln: Of the people, by the people, for the people. But who cares what The Constitution says? Apparently, not those who swore to uphold it.


No one admits to being brainwashed. Makes sense. Because if you make that admission, it must suggest you are either psychologically or intellectually impaired, or both. For the most part, that suggestion is bogus. Recorded history proves that millions of responsible, rational people have bowed to sneaky manipulation — and worse, the acceptance of it. Before you venture down a rat hole, get the definition straight. Brainwashing is covert manipulation. It has nothing to do with open education but has everything to do with dogged indoctrination — most apparent where it is most deadly — grades 1-6. By the time students matriculate to higher education, their minds are compliant sieves, ready to soak up the socialist ideology that dominates the so-called halls of higher “learning.” Fortunately for America, the majority of students skip the university playground and sidestep the often meaningless degrees. Instead, they matriculate to the work force, to trade schools, to apprenticeships, to the school of hard knocks, to entrepreneurship, to free enterprise. These are the people who make America work. They are the mainstays, the builders, the producers. They choose essential work while their university counterparts push paper. Thankfully, America’s hard hats aren’t as gullible as progressive Lefties. But even they aren’t immune to the unrelenting brainwashing schemes of mass communication. Begin with COVID. Make sure you spread fear and panic that CV is a death sentence. Hammer that theme. Mislead the rabble that wearing a cloth mask keeps you safe. Ignore mask behavior on TV. Ignore that everyone touches masks repeatedly, spreading their pathogens by not sanitizing their hands. Report the daily number of cases locally, statewide and nationally. Report by name every public figure that contracts the virus and especially one who dies. Always suppress the truth about the human devastation of state shutdowns. RACIAL INJUSTICE gets top billing. TV “public service” announcements (PSA) and corporate advertisers produce propaganda, especially for sport programming, that say “by working together, we can solve racial injustice.” You see, the messages are assumptive. They allege (without saying) “If you’re not black, you’re guilty.” The commentary is like the tide, continuously seducing you to believe that systemic racism is in fact real. Meanwhile Black America never, ever, publicly accepts responsibility for black “inequality.” SOCIAL ENGINEERING is in your face 24-7. Hundreds of times daily, advertising promotes mixed race marriages and relationships, as if they are the majority. Black America is 13% of the population. Yet television networks couldn’t care less, as black actors appear in over 50% of advertising and programming. THE BIG LIE works again and again. Big Media, Big Tech and Big Entertainment own the nation’s microphone. Their strategy is as old as the first witch doctor of the very first tribe — lie repeatedly and suppress the truth repeatedly. Above all, mass media understands one precept — if you keep pushing the same lie, the general public will believe it. History proves that their presumption is valid. COMMENT: The Founders understood the power of what then was called “the press,” but they believed the Balance of Powers (BOP) backed by The Constitution would offset corruption, ignorance and media brainwashing. The Founders also predicted the danger of a central government, therefore putting absolute power under the jurisdiction of the several States. Surely, they thought, their redundant safeguards would protect the Republic from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Sorry, boys, the POTUS, SCOTUS and Congress succumbed to power and self interest and the several States betrayed your trust by abdicating their duty. Average Americans did their best. They worked, paid taxes, fought and died in wars, worshiped God, built the infrastructure and trusted leaders to honor their oaths of office. But now America itself — Her founding principle — is under attack. Brainwashing has done its job, Matilda. You know Americans who are OK with the New World Order, who are either ambivalent or apathetic about American sovereignty. You keep looking to the States to exercise their power — legally. It’s either that — or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Have Faith.

In your comings and goings for the past six years, you have in one way or another attempted to approach your family, friends, acquaintances, sitting politicians and unknown parties with information about Article V of The Constitution. Your (unrealistic) goal was to raise, through them, an army of advocates. With rare exception here and there, your entreaties to them were greeted primarily by a mixture of polite nods, polite skepticism and polite indifference. Some eyes rolled; some heads shook with dismay — some in outright opposition. Regardless, you couldn’t cut through the ubiquitous apathy, even as America’s foundations shuddered in desperation. Among the most outspoken critics of Article V and the Convention of States resolution have been State GOP legislators. They fancy themselves patriots but their professed defense of The Constitution is more like combat paralysis. Day by day, they see corruption invade every agency of the Federal Government like a metastatic cancer. In broad daylight, they witness traitors walk the halls, arrogant in their infallibility. Criminals commit election fraud, political thugs intimidate and threaten poll workers, the Media colludes with Evil — and still State legislators cower, unwilling to shoulder responsibility, unwilling to be worthy of the sacrifices made by the Founders and legions of heroes since. For those of you who welcome facts, here is one you can FactCheck in two minutes. The States of the Union have absolute power under The Constitution to tell Congress, the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch to go pound sand. Never forget — Federal authority was the reluctant creation of the States. Like Dr. Frankenstein, the States agonized over creating such a Monster. Unquestionably, their worry — indeed, their fear — was as strong as 18th Century morality. Regardless of the 2020 election outcome, Article V is this nation’s only peaceful remedy. The U.S. Government is hopelessly ruptured, in desperate need of repair. Biden voters are too stupid to understand that his policies will reincarnate the political pathology of Jimmy Carter. Trump voters are too naive to understand that four more years will not root out the rot, will not reduce the size and scope of the Fed and will not restore and protect The Constitution. Therefore, you recommend that Trump should invoke Article V at his earliest convenience, advising States to join the 15 states that have already approved the Convention of States resolution. He is the only person who can mobilize the Nation to rally behind this historic proceeding. Failing this remedy, the only remaining strategy is Secession, necessarily on a massive scale — in which at least half the States simply say “NO” to the Big Steal. This isn’t the first time somebody blurted the “S” word:

In 2004, Democrat leader John Kerry proudly displayed his middle finger to the American Heartland. His spurious outburst is a reminder of how long the American divide has been underway.

Before you know it, 2020 will slip away. Like any other agitator, you have predictions: If Biden (and likely Harris)is at the helm in 2021, the divide among race and ideology will widen even more. Anger will seethe, distrust will escalate and militancy will rise. If Trump persists, he will continue to unify races through Americas First policies, while commie revolutionaries will continue to push anarchy. Identity politics and political correctness will keep flourishing as long as Education remains in the hands of social engineers and political bureaucrats. Younger generations will continue to read less, know less, work less and have less purpose. Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok and other dirty players will get away with it. The Covid vaccine will not alter irrational behavior, as masks become standard apparel. A large segment of the American population will continue to be the most offended people on the planet. Against all odds, you will continue to discover more reasons to have faith in the human race.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.