U.S. Migration.

The most alarming problem with immigration in America has nothing to do with Mexico, Latin America or any other country in the world. The most alarming problem with immigration in America has everything to do with the massive migration of Northeastern Americans into what used to be known as the South, and the migration of the Left Coast to Texas. Before you get your panties in a wad, Matilda, this fact doesn’t mean that all immigrant Yankees or all the fleeing Californians are Commies or sorry-ass, socialist-leaning numskulls. Not all. The last time a horde of Yankees swarmed to the South was in the 1860’s when Union soldiers laid waste to Southern soil and pillaged Southern homes. The good news from that devastation was that most of the “bluebellies” returned home; and for the most part, stayed home for the better part of a century. They returned home to build cities on top of cities — NYC, Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Providence — impressive cities and states that today are noted for soaring taxes, soaring energy costs, compulsory unions, high crime and municipal corruption. You might guess that these cities and states have Democrat-run administrations. You would be right. They are the nation’s proud Blue states who prefer to get in bed with a career phony — a latter day Judas who sold his high office for a pot of gold. The citizens of these states motor south by the thousands to take advantage of fair weather, less taxes, lower real estate cost and an amiable culture. They bring their accomplishments, their energies and their economic contributions. You welcome all of that. What you resent is that they also bring their progressive, socialistic politics — the very politics they cultivated before they escaped Gotham City. And immigrant by immigrant, they are changing the demographics of the South. Unfortunately for Texas, California has created a swelling new export — fed-up citizens looking for a new start in a place where political and economic policy offer hope and opportunity. If the 2020 election is any indicator, Texas immigration growth threatens to turn the reddest state in the union flat on its conservative ear. You must leave it to clinical psychologists to analyze the psychosis of blind loyalty to a failed social policy. You can only surmise — immigrants who cling to a Leftist ideology are like spouses who cleave to their abusers no matter what the cost. So Democrat Party immigrants are on the move and no State immigration law can stop them. Figure that — freedom has a drawback. BTW, Yankees may adore the Carolina Low Country, but don’t think for a second they have a whit of admiration for country bumpkins. Everyone North and Left of Dixie knows that the Sunbelt is home to a bunch of ignorant, gun and Bible toting rednecks. The men are stupid and the women silly. The fact that Southerners built cities and universities and power plants is nothing short of a miracle. You will rarely see a movie that features a Southern hero or depicts the South as anything but a breeding ground for racists and recidivists. Innocent Forest Gump was a perfect foil to pick away at Southern bigotry and benightedness. Nothing will end Hollywood’s continued debasement of the South, but money and lifestyle will still drive the Northern migration. In 2000, the population of metro Charlotte, NC, was 577,000. Today, as America’s 5th fastest growing city, that number has tiptoed to a mere 2,100,000. The city skews young and politically Left as do nearly all giant watering holes.

Prophetically, in his letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush (circa 1800), Jefferson had something to say about populous cities: ” I view great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man.”

In his Query XIX notes of 1787, “The mobs of great cities add just so much to the support of pure government, as sores do to the strength of the human body.”

To James Madison (12/87): When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become (as) corrupt as in Europe, and go to eating one another as they do there.”

In Query XVII: “From the conclusion of this war we shall be going down hill. The people and their rights will be forgotten. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights.”

According to author M. Andrew Holowchak, “Jefferson was consistently clear that political offices corrupt men . . . so citizens must always fight for their . . . rights through constitutional renewal with each generation, through carefully overseeing elected officials, and . . . to have the right to revolution when government consistently abuses its power and trumps the rights of citizens.”

Mr. Jefferson, your warnings have come to pass, sir. The blame falls on many heads but most of all on the Supreme Court. When Court Justices decided their stature was superior to the Founders — that they were empowered to disassemble The Constitution — America lost its delicate moorings. Article V is the one and only remedy. Do you have an opinion, Amy?

convention of states.com

P.S. Salutations to precious Yankee friends, family and flag-wavers.

Gotta Go.

One last election observation— an obvious one. So why state it? To make you feel better. At least one half the voting American public decided it was OK to vote for a life-long politician who in his career has been proven to be a serial plagiarist, a serial liar and a conspirator who sold his office for money — not to mention his touchy-feely tendencies with little girls and the Tara Reade case. Except for the Reade (very believable) allegation, all of these accusations are dead-dog facts — with tons of evidence, video and otherwise. His voters cannot deny them. He is a father who, as R. Guliani said, used his own son as a bag man with foreign governments — a traitorous activity that drove Hunter deeper into vicious drug addiction. Yes, he did that to his own son, reminiscent of Mafia family pathology. D. Trump is thought by many to be rude and crude, something of a talking, patriotic pit bull. But even his worst enemy can deny his pro-American accomplishments during a 4-year impeachment coup. So half the electorate chose Biden. I expect that the other half asked the question: Why? In fact, looking at plain facts, you might ask — how could anyone vote for Biden? Why did he receive even one vote? The only answer you can dredge up? Because they despise Trump. To be fair, you know there are different reasons. Party prejudice. Uninformed stupidity. Socialist/Communist ideology. Single issue mania (women/abortion). Group identity servility (LGBT, Blacks, College Teens). In particular, group identity is pernicious “group think.” You have to factor in this need for people to be accepted by their peer group. But half the country? Educated people, parents, the family next door, the person behind you at supermarket checkout, your doctor, a family member. Yes, Matilda, exactly. Following this analysis to a wearied conclusion, you must ask: When persons knowingly choose to support and side with a criminal, does that aiding and abetting make them potentially corrupt and untrustworthy in their own everyday lives? You imagine a Biden voter would argue that Trump is also “a crook and a liar and contemptible human being. Who are you to throw stones?” There is no evidence DT’s faults rise anywhere near to Biden’s criminality, but there’s no going down that “he said, she said” road. Get back to the issue. Can you coexist, or more specifically, be associated, even casually, with anyone who voted for Biden? Immediately, you set yourself up to be holier than thou, to be superior, almost sanctimonious. You set yourself up to be shunned, perhaps isolated by people who read this. That’s the risk you take; so there it is. You would not knowingly embrace a traitor or criminal, period. There’s no gray area here. That stand doesn’t make you better or less sinful in any way. Your closet is as full as anyone’s. But voting is a premeditated choice. Half the country chose to align with evil, knowing the truth. At times like this, you imagine the loving couples who were at opposite ends of the Trump/Biden choice. Somehow they put their differences on a shelf. You could not. Thirty years ago, love conquered politics because both political parties believed in the essence of America’s founding principles.  Back then, outright communism disguised as socialism wasn’t a stark reality. The long and short of it is you would not, could not, live with an avowed socialist. Were you in that boat today, you would be out the door. “Love you, baby; but gotta go.” You can be in anyone’s company for a short time and be polite. But not cozy up and pretend to be friends. They chose Biden. They chose him, knowing him. “Birds of a feather . . . .”


Self Serving.

On a national level, the pandemic is enough of a menace to remind people to put their differences on hold — to recall that it’s time for Americans to remember what unites them. But it’s been an election year. Up is down and down is up. Truth and trust are on extended leave. And the dogs of war are in the streets. Less than a year ago, America was rockin’ and rollin’. All the signs pointed up. They pointed up for both majorities and minorities, for black and white and everything in between, for Main Street and Wall Street. The power of positive thinking occupied the White House and filled the air. And while Donald Trump was busy putting the American people first, his mutinous enemies were busily, criminally, using incendiary tactics to kick him out of their Club. Under this unprecedented attack, his own Party’s establishment mostly stood on the sidelines, acquiescent as ever. They never wanted him in the Club to begin with. However, don’t be naive. American politics has always been a duplicitous, deceptive, dirty business. That allegation doesn’t mean honor and integrity — or good works — are absent from the Beltway. Honor, like God, isn’t dead. It does mean, however, that the majority of elected officials put their political careers ahead of all other considerations — something The Founders just didn’t expect. Instead, their best laid plans for the concept of public service has been obliterated by a simple human aspiration — wealth. Median net assets in Congress are well over a million bucks. True, quite a few went to Washington with mega bucks. Quite a few others got well on the Beltway. Let’s see — in 2008, Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) was worth $123K and change. He’s House Agriculture Committee chair. Today, his average net assets are $4MM+. Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) was worth less than six figures in 2008. Today? A mere $7.1MM. It took ten years for Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)to find some coin, but he did it — magically turning $600K into $10.7MM. For most of the 19th century, lawmakers served 1-3 years, doing their bit part-time as citizen legislators. Gradually, things changed. Tenure escalated. Public service mutated to self serving. Average tenure now is 8-10 years — average. That means at least 100+ members hang out for 15-20+ years. The issue isn’t in dispute. Money controls Washington. The money game begins during election races. On average, candidates running for a seat in Congress spend over $10 million of somebody’s money. The big money has “strings.” The seat is expensive and stays that way. Very few marginally bright people would argue that fact. In 36 hours or so, millions of people will cast votes for a guy who has milked the system for 47 years. He used his office as influence to reap millions from foreign governments, a practice that in times past would have been punishable by death. Think of it — instead of a firing squad, he might get to face “The Squad” as he attempts to take the Oath of Office. Yes, think of it — Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan — and — and — Biden. Do you cry or laugh at the absurdity? The Founders read and spoke several languages. Biden is a serial plagiariser who can’t speak intelligible English. When the dust settles in two days or two months, nothing will change the sickness in D.C. In the simplest terms, Democrats and Republicans are in a gang war. The war has nothing to do with the American people and nothing to do with The Constitution — but to see which Party runs the show. Both Parties are unnerved, if not terrified, by Donald. He’s churning The Swamp. Astonishingly, he has publicly supported congressional term limits. Wham! He’s opposed to America’s being sucked into a New World Order and world communism disguised as “stakeholder capitalism.” He’s dedicated 100% to 100% American sovereignty. So don’t lose sight of the stakes. No President in your lifetime has worked harder than Trump. Win or lose, he will expose the worth and character of the American people.


The ranting and raving of critical Dick.