Seat At The Table.

No matter who wins the 2020 election, nothing will cure the great Black America/White America divide. At least nothing that has already been tried since the last life ended on the last Civil War battlefield. Ending slavery was the beginning of healing. Voting rights was a step. But segregation and discrimination persisted for 100 years. In 1945, Branch Rickey of baseball’s Brooklyn Dodgers broke the color barrier by signing Jackie Robinson. Then, in the mid 1950’s, the racial dominoes began to fall. Schools were desegregated. Businesses followed. In greater and greater numbers, Black Americans entered every arena of American life, including politics, education, business, sport and entertainment. Affirmative Action and other similar initiatives greased the wheels. The Black movement upward culminated when White America elected Barack Obama in 2008 and again in 2012. In 2020, Black Americans occupy high positions in Federal, State and Local Governments. Black Americans dominate major professional sport and are also over represented per capita in the music and entertainment industries. Black America comprises 12-13 percent of the U.S. population; yet represent at least 50% of the personalities in television advertising and in sport programming. This summary by no means intends to paint a comprehensive view of the Black/White subject — but does intend to suggest that Black progress not only has failed to conciliate the Black Community, but curiously has created greater dissatisfaction, greater disunity and greater racial divide. A casual observer from outer space might ask: “Why?” Good question, Matilda. But no one answers. Still, somebody is being blamed for systemic racism and social injustice. Since it is Black America doing the blaming, you must assume the “somebody” is anyone who is White. Under these dire circumstances, you believe America should suck it up and consider potential solutions for the alleged injustice and systemic racism. One apparent solution is to turn over all government positions to Black America — from U.S. President, to Congress, to the Supreme Court, to the Joint Chiefs, Governors, Mayors, etc. This strategy logically should take the starch out of Black Lives Matter. Black leadership on this grand scale may prove to have the same tonic for success that has been exemplified by Chicago and Baltimore, and among 2/3 of America’s 100 largest cities, also controlled by Black American administrators. Another obvious solution would be the transfer of White America wealth to Black America. It could work this way: If a black family has a household income of $40K per year and a white family’s income is $150K — the government would confiscate and transfer $55K from the white family, resulting in both families having equal income. This is a superficial, overly simplistic example but you get the idea. But neither of these two ideas seems fair, does it? A more equitable solution would be to fix the blame for bad blood exactly where it belongs, and dispense punishment accordingly. All Americans who are direct descendants of America’s founding colonists, particularly those who migrated to the South, should be forced to relinquish their assets; and those whose ancestors were slaveholders should be indentured to black families. This solution may also sound harsh, but the goal is to somehow, finally, satisfy Black America’s hunger for social justice. By redistributing wealth and punishing the privileged white class, you must assume, or guess, or wish, that Black Americans would effectively move to take over the professional careers of the guilty parties — careers like medicine, engineering, architecture, finance, mathematics and all the sciences. To be expected, many White Americans would object to any of these solutions, offering lame excuses that argue they are not personally responsible for social injustice or systemic racism. You will admit that there could be some truth in valid excuses; but in most socialist societies, much sacrifice is inevitable; and actually justifiable, to further the cause of social equality. To those who believe these solutions are widely unrealistic, if not ludicrous, you suggest they pick up a history book. Pick up A. Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag when the “privileged class” was displaced and put on ice (literally) at the Archipelago Islands. Well, this is America. It can’t happen here, can it? In any event, no matter who wins the election, Black America will not be satisfied. If Trump wins and Black lives continue to improve, they will still feel scorned. If BLM, Biden and Barack win, Black Americans will laugh all the way home, go back to their lives and expect a “better seat at the table.” Just what they expected for the eight years under Barack. The well documented truth about socialism is that devoted advocates trust they will get that seat at the table. They always think it. And think it . . . . . . . . .


Few people would deny that 95% of mobile Americans are dutifully, even proudly, obeying their global masters by wearing masks in public places. Professional athletes (bowlers excluded) do not wear masks as they run, throw, swing, hit, slide, jump, smash, etc.++. but when they do leave the field, some retrieve their masks, some don’t. What all mask wearers do, and do incessantly, is fiddle, finger and fidget with their masks, ignorant of the fact that they are ruffling and provoking thousands of external and internal microbes, distributing these infernal critters to their hands and to the world at large. What a pity. Because they are masked, what wearers do is visit, travel, shop and play, comforted by the imaginary safety of a cloth veil. Meanwhile, the Media creates an avalanche of pandemic news — beware, the number of cases is escalating at an alarming rate. Every infected celebrity and every tainted politician deserves and receives headlines, special recognition and sympathy. Oh, my God, if these famous people are poisoned, what chance do you have? Seemingly, no one can explain the surge in cases. It must be an existential mystery. Or maybe not. Possibly, an army of infected white supremacists are roaming neighborhoods to spread Corona to Black America. Or, more likely, the Media Industrial Establishment is distributing false data to demolish the Trump campaign. Any decent detective would look for a motive — who or what benefits most from a prolonged pandemic? You can make a case for the greater Medical Industry. Every hospitalized Covid patient, especially those who succumb, is worth a small fortune; medical equipment and sanitation products are huge profit centers for greedy manufacturers; Big Pharma is bound to cash in on the pent-up need for vaccines. The motivations are sensible. But not logical. Logic tells you that the rise in Covid cases means America is finally opening up and millions are attempting to return to normal lives. Something also tells you that a new rise in cases indicates that infected mask wearers share the responsibility for unknowingly infecting others. Some State Governors like North Carolina’s Roy Cooper will opt to further delay opening their States, further relegating citizens to unnecessary economic hardship and health concerns — and extending the pandemic for months and even years to come. The substantiated fact is there’s treatment for the Corona virus, just as there’s treatment for seasonal flu and other viruses. But you don’t hear about great strides in successful treatments. Instead, the Media has one intent — to report pandemic news every hour on the hour — to spread fear — to represent Covid 19 as a death sentence, and arguably to put those deaths at the feet of the President. All the while, you spend days attempting to uncover the truth behind the pandemic — the source, the spread, the treatments, the true stats, the management strategies and the political agendas. Lots of luck, Matilda, because once you dig in, you play hell digging out. Desk jockey scientists say one thing; practicing physicians say another. Like so-called “climate change,” the debate among self avowed experts is corrupted by political influences. Still, based on third party evidence, here is fallout to date:

Multiple reporting agencies say that the number of infections in the U.S. is likely 12 times greater than known cases — meaning the 8+ million confirmed cases is closer to unconfirmed 100 million. The majority of people are either asymptomatic or have mild symptoms that anonymously come and go.

Based on 8.5+ million confirmed cases and 226,000+ deaths, the mortality percentage of confirmed cases is .027; if the estimated number of infected persons is actually 100 million, the percentage is .002+.

Shutting down America has had a devastating effect in job losses. Low income earners are the hardest hit. The CDC reported in June that the rate of suicide has spiked by 35%. Mental illness, depression and drug use are on the rise. Surgical backlogs threaten those with chronic illness.

This past week, more than 20 states saw increases in their seven-day average of daily new cases. Some states threaten to double down and shut down again, even though one reason for the escalation is the substantial increase in testing.

Americans better get wise. If you’re elderly, with one or more health issues, limit your exposure without imprisoning yourself. Everyone else — get back to work, go to school, play, keep your distance — and live again.

Clarity Of Thought

This is the second time in the 21st Century that Fodder has hosted a guest commentator. His name is Tom Klingenstein. He will introduce himself. His video message runs for about 17 minutes. You believe his message should be viewed by all who prefer America to any other country in the world. Those who devalue America will dismiss it. As an aspiring writer, you know without doubt that Mr. Klingenstein labored over his message. He identified a simple theme, carefully chose every word, structured every sentence, every paragraph. He reads his essay in a straightforward, dispassionate, focused manner — eliminating exaggeration, false claims, hyperbole or churlishness. You don’t expect anyone will offer a more luminous, objective analysis of the State of America and the coming election. You have listened to this summation four times and urge anyone else to listen at least twice and forward to friends, foes, elected officials, etc. You would be surprised if traditional Democrats themselves did not give pause and think. Nothing has come from the U. S. Congress — either Party — that offers this clarity of thought.

Ed. Note: If you want to forward, simply copy and paste link below.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.