Story Of The Century

You have to give Black Americans a pass for voting Democrat. Psychologically, it’s difficult, sometimes impossible, to change lifelong beliefs and addictive behavior. After all, prejudice is all about an ingrained investment. Essentially, when you invest, you give part of yourself to a person, a cause, an institution. For example, you idolize a sport hero as a child and continue that veneration throughout your life, even to support the team long after the athlete dies. In 2020, some Black Americans have chosen to shake off the chains of prejudice. They have chosen to exit the Democrat Party, showing as much courage as 19th century slaves who fled their captors. To the majority of people who call themselves African American, these people are traitors for turning their backs on the concept of justifiable victim-hood and entitlement. But history will remember them as young American pioneers — heroes who escaped the prison of political dependency and blazed a trail to self respect, self reliance and freedom. Meanwhile, segments of White America — large corporate interests, big media, university faculties and students, and the entertainment industry — ignore these gallant Black advocates and make a pretense of devotion to Black America. These socialist ideologues are America’s premier virtue signalers. They prance and posture and pontificate: “Look at us; aren’t we just; aren’t we righteous; aren’t we humanitarian; aren’t we bighearted; aren’t we charitable.” Sorry, Black America, you’ve been conned for decades. And what a con job it’s been. Before this era of political correctness, you would have been called “born suckers” or “born losers.” But thanks to Donald Trump, the rip-off is coming to an end. Whether or not he’s elected for a second term, Black America will never, ever be the same. Mark it down. A new wave of young Black Americans are speaking out and ripping the duplicitous mask off the Ole’ Democrat Party. Relentlessly, they will expose the Media myths and lies:

Myth: The GOP is the party of the rich and the DEM is the party of the poor.
Fact: The GOP is the party of the middle class and the DEM is the party of Wall Street.

Myth: The GOP has always been the party that discriminated against Black Americans.
Fact: The GOP emancipated the slaves, passed the first Civil Right Act of 1866 and was responsible for passing the Civil Right Act of 1964 (which Lyndon Johnson called the “nigger act”); and Trump’s economic plan has lifted millions from the cycle of dependency.

Myth: The GOP doesn’t support Black Lives Matter, proving systemic racism.
Fact: The GOP doesn’t support BLM because BLM founders admitted their goal is to overthrow the American system in favor of Communism.

Myth: The GOP and Donald Trump’s economic policies punish the working classses to benefit the rich.
Fact: No President in history has lifted the working class higher than DT.

Myth: Black Americans are Liberals who vote Democrat because they support Socialism.
Fact: 68% of Black voters identify as conservative or moderate, yet over 90% vote. DEM.

Myth: Black males are disproportionately targeted by white cops and killed, proof of white systemic racism.
Fact: Black men commit nearly half of all U. S. murders, which is astounding, considering that they make up only 12-13 per cent of the population. (FBI Stats)

You can cite statistics til the cows come home and most voters don’t flinch. Black Americans keep drinking the Plantation Kool-aid, preferring the calm of lifelong charity to the dread of self reliance. Democrat Party officials and the Deep State bureaucracy lust for only one thing — power(money and influence) — and their ticket to power lies expressly in keeping Black America on the dole like good little victims. The last thing rich Democrats want — an existential disaster — is a broad, successful Black middle class no longer willing to suck at the Democrat Party teat. Then you have the millions of women who still vote with their genitalia, hating the GOP and Christians for suggesting that life is a sacred gift. Not only do they want Abortion on Demand, they want you to pay for it. And then you have voting teenagers (a huge mistake that needs repealing), some with high GPA scores, who have taken mental incapacity to a new level, who believe that their digital agility is indicative of their profound intelligence. Finally, you wrestle with two questions: Does the Democrat Party own Big Media; or does Big Media own the Democrat Party? Either way, the Journalism of Joseph Pulitzer is dead. Objectivity in media is dead. Truth is dead. Since you earned a degree in Journalism, you have every right to mourn its passing. And now this faithless, mainstream Media refuses to report on the Story of the Century — the rising tide of Black grassroots activists. Their story is the headline of 2020. Their story is the beginning of Black America’s leaving behind group identity and embracing the freedom of individual sovereignty — a concept antithetical to the subjugation of socialism. The new Black revolution holds the key to the ultimate end of racist division. And more important, the Democrat Party, the Republican Party and the Federal Government have not one damn thing to do or say about it.

You Wish.

All the attention is fixated on the Presidential debates. Big mistake. Barring some cataclysmic eruption by either candidate, the debates will not move the election needle. Meanwhile, there’s a much a bigger story brewing. That story will reveal just how loyal — just how true — the Grand Old Party is to one Donald Trump. Before his nomination, the GOP openly scorned him. Before his election, it passively (and happily) anticipated his defeat. And during his tenure, the GOP establishment has grudgingly tolerated his reign. With the exception of a few constitutional conservatives, GOP lawmakers, at best, sit complacently on the sidelines while Trump stands, bloodied, on the field. In the next two months, you will see proof of this allegation — or, against all reasonable expectations, you may see the GOP finally grow a constitutional backbone. In the next two months, two things must happen to vindicate the GOP. 1. The Senate will confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. And, 2., the U. S. Department of Justice will bring indictments against a host of bad actors, including sitting members of Congress, who conspired to execute a coup d’etat — to unlawfully bring down a duly elected President. You have no grounds to believe, based on years of reality, that either of these things will happen. Think of it. Examine the evidence. When the GOP has power, it blames the Democrat Party for preventing the enactment of its high-minded policy reforms. Nothing happens. Ever. When the Democrats have power, GOP lawmakers complain — whine is more like it — that Democrats don’t consult them, that Democrats just “don’t play fair, Mommy.” Obamacare is the best recent example of wielding power. Obama had the united backing of his Democrat soldiers. And Obamacare still lives. The GOP is anything but united under Trump. It’s true the Senate eventually appointed Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, but only after allowing Democrats to take over the process and conduct a disgraceful, indefensible witch hunt that assailed him and his family. It’s too late in the game to detail GOP fecklessness; so you’re left to play a kid’s game — to “wish upon a star.” You wish patriotic Americans would wake up and put aside their sleepwalking apathy and robotic mask compliance. You wish small business owners would unite to stick their middle fingers directly in the faces of tyrannical governors. You wish business owners would defend their properties with lethal force. You wish both amateur and professional sport worlds would dissolve their bootlicking surrender to Black Lives Matter. You wish the mainstream media will pay out the nose for all its lies, deceptions and subversive activities. You wish all the social justice warriors would have the courage to publish a list of the people (by name) who are to blame for alleged social injustice. If he wins another term, you wish Donald Trump would abolish the Department of Education and several other agencies and announce his support of the Convention of States resolution. As the “days dwindle down to a precious few,” pay attention to Durham, Barr and the GOP Senate. What happens or doesn’t happen will speak volumes. As the dust settles, ask yourself if you lifted a finger for the future of your country. Truth be known, you already know the answer to that question.

One To One.

In the freest country on earth, young people are the primarily tools of mob violence, terrorism and anarchy. Young refers to teens and adults in their 20’s. Yep, get it out of the way — there are exceptions. This fact isn’t shocking to anyone. By far, young men commit most of the violent crimes in America. By the time an individual reaches 35, his taste for criminal activity lessens dramatically. When the older generation commits crime, the motives are generally pragmatic, thoughtful, reasoned. Cheat in business for money, murder parents for money, murder a spouse for freedom and money, murder a lover over jealousy. Yep, get it out of the way — there are exceptions. Teens and young adults are much more haphazard and spontaneous in their criminal behavior — b&e, robbing, raping, drug-related killings, gang killings, etc. Hormones raging, today’s rioters have an agenda rooted in racism, resentment, political ideology and simple anger. They operate under the authority of justifiable violence as many of America’s reputable institutions endorse their alleged “grievances.” Just as “the poor are always with us,” so are young agitators. To be fair, you have to cut them some slack. You remember agitating in 10th grade biology, leading the entire class* to go on strike, protesting an unfair test. Child’s play for sure, compared to blowing up buildings. But there’s still a connection. Teens and young adults are by nature afflicted with a brain disorder brought on by two interrelated “infections” — ignorance and arrogance. Yep, get it out of the way — there are exceptions. To adults who have toiled for a lifetime, there is nothing more annoying than hearing the blathering stupidity of young “intellects” who believe they invented knowledge and truth — who don’t have the common sense to know that everything they ever thought was thought a thousand years ago. The ignorance is dizzying; the arrogance vulgar. You can forgive youth their unbridled passion until the age of 16. By then, they should be tried as adults. But few reading this rant would agree. After all, college students now must have access to “safe spaces.” Sportscasters refer to 26-year-old athletes as “kids.” Parents decorate their vehicles with stickers that read “I have a great honor student.” There’s no mention he’s a 29-year-old living in the basement. As unseasoned as young Americans are, their supreme ignorance is in not grasping that they own the greatest gift in human history — their Individual Sovereignty (IS). To be fair, you can’t blame them, because most Americans don’t get it either. They think sovereignty simply means “free.” Sure, its does, but more profound than that. IS is the polar opposite to Group Identity (GI). Look around. GI owns the playing field. Almost everyone identifies with a group, thinks like a group, acts like a group and pays homage to a group — or “gang” is more like it. Political parties are gangs, Mafia-like. Nancy Pelosi is the Godmother. Dem House members obey the leadership or kiss their careers goodbye. Ditto the GOP. BLM is a gang. There are thousands of others, extreme left and extreme right. They have two things in common — (1) members identify with and are obedient to the group narrative, and (2) the goal is power. All wars depend on GI. The Nazi Party, circa 1930’s, represented the classic example. BTW, the goose steppers are still stepping. America is certainly not immune to despotism. She has been fractured by GI. Black Americans are black first and always, defined by their group. Yep, get it out of the way — there are exceptions. LGBTQ is a group knitted in the mosaic of its sexuality. The Aryan Brotherhood is dedicated to white supremacy. You can count over 130 feminist organizations. Evidently, NOW couldn’t cover the depth of female discrimination. The Anti Defamation League keeps Anti-Semitism on the front burner. Okay, you get this thesis — GI is a virulent malignancy that infects this country and others. It will not go away because human nature remains fixed. Nonetheless, you look for the day when the true spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States makes a bold move and authors a comeback — when individuals avoid “group think” and associate as individuals — one to one — when individuals may honestly discriminate without fear — when they can love and hate as they see fit, say what they think, be responsible and individually bear the slings and arrows aimed against them. As a sovereign, you have the right to accept or reject anyone or anything — that freedom is America’s true essence — the astonishing story behind Her wonder, bounteous history and audacious tribute to the Rights of Man.

  • The pretty Yoder twins expressed their individuality and refused to join your boycott.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.