Sit & Wait

July 4, 2020. Several hundred people gathered at a governmental plaza. Patriotic music echoed off the walls of surrounding buildings. Flags flew. Patriots came. They came to celebrate Liberty. They came to celebrate heroes of yesterday and today. They came to protest against the dictatorial behavior of a North Carolina Governor who, like a self-appointed King, picks winners and losers. They came to protest against sweeping domestic terrorism. They came to protest against elected officials who abdicate their responsibilities to uphold the law. And they came to condemn Washington’s treasonous federal officials and demand they face “equal justice for all.” As America burns and as historical monuments crumble, you wonder why only 300 citizens showed up. Why not 500, or 1000 or 5000? You wonder — how bad does something have to be before good people act? Americans by the hundreds of thousands fought and died on foreign soil to set free continents. Now the enemy is in your living room, literally tearing down American history. Sitting legislators and other elected officials colluded to hijack an American election. Out and out Marxism, camouflaged as Black Lives Matter, has invaded mass communication, professional sport, boardrooms and government. Consider this — the NBA is preparing to print Black Live Matter on team uniforms. ESPN is producing a docu-series on Colin Kaepernick. You wonder — what does it take to provoke Americans to step up? What hold does apathy have on America’s majority? A stranglehold? Good people sit at home, shaking their heads at TV news and political commentary. They wail at the onset of government tyranny and corruption. They complain about lawlessness, about children shot down in the streets. Both in private and on social media, they express fear that their country is at existential risk. They offer a wealth of opinion about what could or should be done by people in power, conveniently forgetting that, constitutionally, they themselves are the people with power. But they sit and wait. Doing nothing. They do not venture from their caves. They do not visit or call an elected official to state a view or demand an action. They do not write letters. Nor do they “sacrifice” two precious hours to celebrate the birth of their country and make a statement in Her honor. Apathy is the cancer in a free land. Affluence is her handmaiden. Dictators and despots love apathy — and ignorance. In a single century they put both to good use in the genocidal conduct of Germany, China, the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Korea and many other “civilized” nations. In America, in the passing of a few decades, that history is just a forgotten footnote; but its ideological virus is alive and well, walking down your streets, occupying your schools, kidnapping the news media, infiltrating the halls of Congress and contaminating the Deep State. As America’s foundation trembles, you must imagine that people believe She is too free to fail. So they sit and wait. Hoping, Wishing, Expecting. What?

Two years ago you plowed this same ground:

As your country creeps methodically into socialism — regardless of who is president and what party has power — over 80% of the American people are fat, clueless and indifferent. Something like cattle. No, exactly like cattle. They chew their cuds and watch as the Federal Government mandates the education of their children, the regulation of business, the labor of people, the housing of people, the health of people, the marriage of people, the birth of people, the transportation of people and the energy and climate of a nation. It turns out The Constitution gave those jurisdictions to the States. Now States are custodians. Irrelevant. Jumping when their Federal Master says, “Jump.” So — you ask — why don’t the States exercise absolute power and convene the Convention of States and chop the Federal Government at its knees, restoring it to its Constitutional limits? It’s a fair question. You can only surmise an opinion. State Governments are smaller versions of the Federal Government — hostile to change. Their leaders? Terrified to rock the boat and accept responsibility. Even so, 15 courageous states think it’s time to act. You can only hope, too. That finally something will incite the cattle to stampede.

Entitled. Not.

Citizens who love America, as self-avowed patriots, are suffering at this moment from some combination of emotions — among them, anger, fear, worry, desperation and melancholy. For some, even hate. In three short years, they have seen what amounts to an attempted overthrow of what you might call the American Ideal. They have seen Deep State Democrat operatives (perhaps with furtive GOP approval), engage in criminal activity to unseat Donald Trump. They have witnessed a complicit Media forsake its own historic underpinnings and join what amounts to sedition. And, now, they watch anarchists on the rampage — burning, looting, killing and tearing down America’s historic monuments. Most of these patriots might imagine that America’s Founders are turning in their graves in shock and disbelief. They would be dead wrong. If anything, Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Madison are sporting wry smiles, however sad. If you bothered to read their letters, you would have learned that none of them would have bet the ranch that their work could survive tyranny. Why would they? In the recorded history of the world, no organized nation had ever conceived the notion that individual human beings are sovereign, or that capitalism is the most moral of all economic systems. Government of the people? Are you kidding? In 2020, most of the civilized world still doesn’t buy it. Even so, Gentlemen, America hangs on by her fingernails to honor your sublime and divine gift — sometimes valiantly. Ironically, it was Patriots who carried your torch, Patriots who unfortunately gave birth to several generations of new Americans who have lost touch with history, industriousness, spirituality and morality — instead replacing virtue with nihilism, ignorance and godlessness. Like spoiled, arrogant children, they dismiss knowledge and wallow in a pathology steeped in self absorption and pity. Constant grievance is their disgruntled companion. Callous and soulless, they are woefully impoverished of purpose and meaning.

You have this message for them and all citizens, regardless of age, race, gender, color and religion: No one owes you anything.

You have the incredible gift of individual sovereignty.

You are endowed by your Creator with the right to Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. As a citizen, that is your entitlement — period.

You’re entitled to all the provisions of the Bill of Rights.

You’re entitled to be free and responsible for yourself.

You’re entitled to privacy.

You’re entitled to the privilege of free speech.

If qualified, you’re entitled to vote in local, state and national elections.

You’re entitled to like, love and respect whom you want and to dislike, hate and disrespect whom you want.

You’re entitled to discriminate for or against anything or anyone you choose.

You’re entitled to associate with persons or refuse to associate with persons.

You’re entitled to support yourself and to own property.

You’re entitled to be a racist, a bigot, misogynist or homophobe, or all of the above.

You’re entitled to be generous, kind and charitable or to be stingy and inhumane.

You’re entitled to bear arms and defend yourself against individuals as well as tyrannical governments.

No matter who you are and whom you hate, you are not entitled to assault anyone or steal from them.

You’re not entitled to suppress the free speech of others.

You’re not entitled to have a job if no one wants to hire you.

You’re not entitled to charity and welfare.

You’re not entitled to free healthcare or anything else free.

You’re not entitled to break the law, including theft, murder, armed robbery and the defacing of private and public property.

The laws of America were crafted to protect your individual sovereignty. No other people in the world have had this degree of freedom and opportunity. If this freedom doesn’t satisfy you, you should state specifically what you believe you are owed, and who owes you.

You are free to divulge the roots of your discontent.

Be specific.


Time To Name Names.

Led by organizations like Nascar, NFL, NBA, PGA, SEC and the rest of the Sport world, television is drowning in suck-up public relations messaging that panders to the Big Lie. Not far behind are corporations like Bank of America, non-profits like AARP and a host of other high profile institutions desperately anxious to kneel, proving to African Americans how much they care. If you were black, you would be the first to say: “Up yours.” Television gives a voice to these so-called opinion leaders — a voice that gushes and crawls and apologizes. None of this crowd has the guts to say what needs to be said. But the majority of America, including millions of black Americans, know what needs to be said. They have no television voice. If they did, they would say something like this. “Racism is ginned up by people who want power and who benefit by keeping Black Americans ignorant, marginalized and dependent.” The last thing BLM, Jackson, Sharpton,  Barak and the Democrat Party want are self reliant, independent, black Americans. The problems that afflict the black community must be solved by the black community, not by white Americans and not by the Federal Government. Major black sports and Hollywood celebrities who “have made theirs” do the black community a disservice by jumping on the systemic racism myth. Martin Luther King would spit in their faces. Black Americans are pawns and don’t know it. History shows that African tribal leaders sold fellow Africans into bondage. That bondage is still in place — self imposed. Like a systematically abused spouse who prefers the persecution of the enemy she knows, the black community trades its self respect for benefaction — and chooses the solace of victimhood over the obligations of freedom. Nascar driver Bubba Wallace kneels to bring attention to the plight of his race. He indicts America for systemic racism and injustice. He and all the virtue signalers that kneel with him are a self appointed jury. The accused is America. With all due respect, Mr. Wallace, it’s time that you (and Kaepernick, BLM, NCCAP, Obama and anyone else who kneels) stand on a Nascar podium and specifically call out the bad guys. It’s called due process. Please clear the air once and for all. Just who is responsible for the grievances borne by Black America? Be explicit, Mr. Wallace. This is not the time for generalities, sir. Its time to name names. America is on trial, sir. Living people are on trial, sir, not the dead who founded America and not the dead who owned slaves and not the dead who discriminated against African Americans. However, be assured, Mr. Wallace, you need not stand alone. You can share the platform with Lebron James, Aaron Rodgers, Morgan Freeman and dozens, if not hundreds, of outspoken millionaire celebrities who would be happy to stand by your side. BTW, the first name on your bad boy list is Donald Trump. That’s a given. Also, sir, you need not mention people in the South who still fly the Confederate flag and those citizens who do not like black people. None of them are in a position to plunder 43 million black Americans. The nation’s law enforcement system and the cops must be on your list, but even you would agree that all cops aren’t bad boys. Be sure to compile the list. The names are important. You can’t allow any of the bad boys (and girls) to get away with it. And you should take a long look at the person who wrote this blog and others like him who speak out. When he was nine years old, boarding a bus in a small Southern town, he was offended at the sign “Colored to the Rear.” In silent protest, he strode to the back of the bus and sat alongside the black patrons. They looked at him with something like scorn. No matter. He grew up. Now he’s a racist.



The ranting and raving of critical Dick.