
When an American white person has an opinion that has anything to do with an American black person, the opinion, by definition, is utter racism. This rant is an example. Racism is a given in America. When a white cop kills a black person, it’s not enough that the white cop is put on trial and pays for his crime. No, America is on trial. America must pay. American citizens must pay. People of all races must pay at the hands of Low-Lifes (yes, Low-Lifes) who commit their own crimes and hurt the innocent. With premeditation, Low-Lifes kill, burn, destroy, loot and pillage. Some Low-Lifes look for any excuse to join a riot and steal something. Generally, these are systemically uneducated, ignorant, lowbred people. But not always. Apparently, some are members of the “educated,” millennial, upper class. You know the type — spoiled and arrogant in their monumental stupidity. They embrace Marxist ideology and despise America’s founding principles. Mostly young, they live meaningless, unproductive and ungrateful lives. Concealed by Mob anonymity, they childishly think they display courage, when in fact they are civilization’s ultimate cowards. But never forget for a moment that political lefties dearly love to see a white cop kill anyone who’s black. It gives them cause to expertly organize riots, stoke fires and brand all police as racists. Unrest and anger are sweet music to the rabble rouser. Then, on cue, out of the woodwork come all the virtue signalers who can’t wait to weigh in on the alleged systemic war by police on African Americans. Big companies care so deeply, they line up to donate to Black Lives Matter. No one would accuse them of pandering, would they? Surely not. Sellers like Walmart, Wendy’s, Nike, Coca Cola and dozens of others wouldn’t stoop to curry favor with their important black customer base and bolster their bottom line, would they? Amazon or Facebook do not in any way benefit from from their public generosity, do they? Pro football star Aaron Rogers wouldn’t speak out because 70% of the combined NFL roster is black, would he? Everyone knows that professional black athletes always choose to step up and build their dazzling homes, as well as businesses, in low income neighborhoods, don’t they? Get off it. Your sarcasm noted, Americans of all persuasions and races should think about rejecting domestic terrorism and discovering the facts — the inconvenient truth.

1. Derek Chauvin kneeled on the side of Mr. Floyd’s neck for just under 9 minutes. Allegedly, this subduing act was the cause of his death.

2. Mr. Chauvin, a 19 year veteran on the force, was charged with homicide. The record shows he had a history of excessive violence.

3. George Floyd was a career criminal. He had moved to Minneapolis after being released from Texas prison for aggravated robbery. At the time of his recent arrest, he was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine. He was in prison at least 5 times for theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery and drug abuse. He had entered a woman’s home and pointed a gun at her stomach to search for drugs and money.

4. The raucous charge of systemic, racist violence by the nation’s police against African Americans is a premeditated, outright lie. Fact Check ( the following:

4a. Black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded between 1980-2008; yet they make up only 12-13 per cent of the population. The offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and their victimization rate was six times higher.

4b. 3415 people were shot by police in the U.S. between 2017 and to date, 2020. Killed were 1398 whites, 755 blacks, and 1263 “others and unknowns.” (

4c. 93 per cent of black victims were killed by blacks and 84 per cent of white victims were killed by whites.

4d. Re all violent crime, the FBI data shows, between 2011-2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

5. Author Heather MacDonald wrote, “However sickening the video of Floyd’s arrest, it isn’t representative of the 375 million annual contacts that police officers have with civilians.”

Understandably, the video shocked everyone. Too bad we don’t have videos of thousands of other sickening murders. We saw videos of an American journalist beheaded by jihadists but no one rioted. You question — if a video showed a black police officer killing a white suspect, would white mobs blow up their cities? When a white cop is shot in the line of duty, does Congress kneel in his honor? Tsk, tsk, unfair, racist questions, someone says. Whites haven’t suffered slavery, didn’t suffer discrimination, weren’t treated as second class citizens and weren’t economically disenfranchised, were they? You would have to ask the white Irish, Italian and Jewish slum dwellers of the 19th century. If anyone ever suffered, these white people understood the meaning of vicious, systemic racism, didn’t they? Nobody gave them handouts and nobody rescued them from poverty. There was no Irish Lives Matter. Sorry, the story behind African American protests, both peaceful and violent, is not tied exclusively to George Floyd. In fact, Opal Tometi, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, said as much — that “(her) movement is “bigger than (brutality)” and that Floyd’s death was a ‘spark point’ that encompasses other injustices such as African Americans’ housing, education and health care struggles.”

“Other Injustices.” If African Americans suffer “other injustices,” then who are the parties committing those other injustices? Who abuses black America? According to Tometi, not just the police. Schools? Government? Business owners? The white race? Without specific information, you must assume that a majority of angry black Americans want something they don’t have and they want white Americans to give it to them. Big cars? Big homes? Big incomes? Control of Wall Street? The Presidency? Oh, they already had that. No, Matilda, Black America wants respect and acceptance as people — to be liked, to be “equal” in the minds of all Americans.

You have a message for black and white America alike. No one has the right to command respect of anyone. You live in America. You own the single greatest gift any country ever endowed to any citizen. You have individual liberty. Under the law, you are sovereign. Free to hate or not. Free to own weapons. Free to speak your mind. Free to accept or reject. Born rich or poor, free to make choices for your life. If George Floyd was murdered, his individual liberty and right to life was denied — the most serious of all crimes. That crime was between him and his killer, not between him and the American people. The leaders of the organization that authorized Derek Chauvin is alone complicit, not all law enforcement agencies and the thousands of men and women in blue who put themselves at risk. So-called White individuals do not keep Black individuals down. Black individuals keep Black individuals down. So there it is. A racist rant. Obviously.


Better Face It.

“We live in uncertain times.”

Well, shut my mouth, Matilda. You are incredibly lucky to get this news. Many thanks to the TV advertisers and news media for their extraordinary insight and vaunted intellectual prowess to state the obvious and state it incessantly. For weeks now, you’ve been thinking about how lucky Americans were who lived in the “certain times.” The times from 1861-65 were definitely certain as 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War and the South burned to a crisp. But TV wasn’t there to tell anyone how they should feel about it. The 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic killed another 670+ thousand Americans. Some cities shut down movies, schools and other gathering places as, simultaneously, World War I raged in Europe — as two million U.S. soldiers fought the virus of fascism. But TV ads and media pundits weren’t there every single day to hand out fatherly advice and sympathy. Just before WWII, the certainty of the Great Depression put millions out of work, driving families into poverty and deprivation. But as people suffered and persevered on their own, TV talking heads weren’t around to express sentiments of compassion, charity and comfort. The adults who lived through WWII, Korea and Vietnam knuckled down to build families, grow cities, tackle civil rights, confront the drug culture and endure Jimmy Carter’s Misery Index. But you didn’t hear advertising mouthpieces or government officials express condolences and advise you how you were supposed to cope. Nobody gave you daily assurances. Nobody felt your pain. What was certain in a certain world? Nothing. There was no stimulus, no handout. More important, Americans didn’t ask for it. Didn’t expect it. Didn’t get it. Thankfully, the new Millennium changed all that, changed the heartless, self-reliant attitudes and ushered in a new era of charitable feelings. Very quickly, America embraced a new sensitivity. Students everywhere sought out organized, safe spaces. Universities outlawed offensive speech. Helicopter parents adopted a health and safety obsession, shielding children from risk and failure. The daring mentality of youth gave way to caution and restive entitlement. And behold, what should step onto this already apprehensive, skittish landscape? None other than COVID19. The response from Media, advertisers and government authorities was predictable. We must treat America’s adults like grammar school children. Feed their uncertainty with Pollyanna, feel good messages. Feed the people neighborly platitudes. TV Land Channel led the way with its saccherine theme “Alone Together.” Reynolds Wrap declared “When we can’t be close, we can still be close.” How sweet (and silly). Since you are so acutely fragile and flustered, politicians must continuously tell you what to do, when and how. “Stay in, Stay home, Stay put.” Advertisers put it another way. They capitalize on the PR opportunity: “Stay safe. Stay home. Stay with us.” Then, in direct violation of The Constitution, Governors tell people what businesses can stay open and which must close. They allow abortion clinics to end life. And prohibit churches to live life. If it has done nothing else, CV19 has revealed something far more sinister than a pandemic. You now have a clear look at Big Brother. You have a sharp taste of what individual liberty truly means. And what it would be like to lose it. Better face it. Most Americans would accuse you of exaggeration, at best; or at worst, melodramatic fear mongering. Better face it — you do live in uncertain times. And it has nothing to do with bat spit.

Guess What?

FYI, below is a tiny fraction of headline messages you receive daily. These do not include messages from dozens of Conservative institutions like Judicial Watch, Hillsdale College, Prager U., etc. All of these say they want to  see The Constitution upheld to restore the Balance of Powers, and rein in the Federal Government from its runaway growth and fatal spending. All of these have forever pledged their allegiance to America’s founding principles. But talk changes nothing  and nothing will change. There is no great purpose in Congress. Trump is a metaphoric island. The GOP claims to be the enemy of Socialism but that claim is a lie. The GOP is part and parcel of the relentless slide into Socialism. So, call it like it is. America has metastatic cancer. It flourishes untreated. Except for a most distinct minority, elected officials are consumed by wealth and power and incumbency. In the bigger picture, State Governments are irrelevant. Their members are well dressed custodians who studiously chase a better deal. The vast majority of good citizens are apathetic to a fault. Like GOP politicians, they talk a good game but prefer not to take the field. Shakespeare said it best through Macbeth’s overused quote about the poor player (who) struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more . . . a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Likewise this sullen summary. Washington has heard it all. It’s just one more voice bellyaching — or perhaps it’s a plaintive cry. Regardless, Washington isn’t interested in prognosis. Once you suffer through endless committee meetings and congressional hearings, you’ve heard it all. You are equally immune to enlightenment and stupidity. And you can’t insult the Beltway.. You remain on the mailing list for only one reason. To wit:

Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel emailed you. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell emailed you. Karl Rove emailed you. Newt Gingrich emailed you.

You have been selected! You’ve been identified as one of President Trump’s TOP supporters and we wanted to reach out to let you know about your EXCLUSIVE offer.

We just pulled your April End-of-Month Deadline Donor File: Supporter: DT End-of-Month Gift: MISSING

We have HUGE news. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity and dedication of grassroots conservatives like you, we reached our mid-month rapid response goal of 150 unique donors.

Kelly Loeffler
Rush Kelly a 3X donation. This is an amazing opportunity to show everyone — The Swamp, The Squad, and the Fake News Media — that we have a grassroots movement that’s fired up thanks to the dedication and commitment of grassroots donors like you.

URGENT: Our End of Month fundraising deadline is TOMORROW and I still haven’t heard from you.

Devin Nunez:
Friend, I need your help. Ever since I exposed the Democrats’ reign of corruption, they will do or say anything to silence me. Because of my fight for the truth, the radical left has made me a TOP TARGET, and I need your support.

Steve Scalise emailed you. Newt Gingrich emailed you. Donald Trump Jr. emailed you. We have a problem, Friend;  we’re 581 contributions short of where we need to be.

We’ve reached out to you over 10 times in the past 3 days, but you’ve ignored several top Republican leaders.

Genevieve Collins
RT, we’re coming up on the first end-of-month fundraising deadline  . . . we need to prove that we can CRUSH our end-of-month fundraising goal in the next 48 hours. but  we’re still $17,426 short.

Friend, each day, my team has given me an updated list of Patriots who have contributed to help us CRUSH our critical April End-of-Month Goal, and each day, I’ve noticed YOUR NAME is MISSING.

Anna Pauilina Luna
RT, the news is grim. Radical Democrat candidates are out-raising Republicans in must-win swing states by HUGE margins.

Trump Pence
D, I emailed you. My sons, Don Jr. and Eric, both emailed you. Newt Gingrich emailed you. Lara emailed you. Sarah Huckabee Sanders emailed you. Trump Finance emailed you. And now I’m emailing you. Again.

Friend, It’s the LAST DAY to contribute before our April End-of-Month Deadline and I need YOU to help us DESTROY our $5,000,000 goal.

Mitch McConnell
RT, the news is grim. Radical Democrat candidates are out-raising Republicans in must-win swing states by HUGE margins. Our Senate Majority is in danger.

D — Republicans are staring down a major fundraising deadline and we’re falling behind the Radical Left… frankly, it’s much worse than I thought.

Martha McSally
DT, we are down to the wire. There are only a few hours left until the end of month deadline, and we are still $42,972 short of our goal.

Donald Trump Jr.
This is worse than I imagined.
I emailed you. Mitch McConnell emailed. Karl Rove emailed. Newt Gingrich emailed. We all tried to warn you, and we were all ignored. I am extremely disappointed, but I am reaching out ONE FINAL time. 5X MATCHING has been extended 24 hours. Please don’t let us down again. Make a 5x-matched donation immediately to defend our Republican Senate Majority!

OK, they want money. Yours. What the GOP is telling you is this: “We need your money to protect our majority in the Senate, to win back the House and guarantee another term for Donald Trump.” Let’s be clear, Matilda. GOP lawmakers need your money to get elected, and once elected, need more money to do the jobs that they were elected to do. Don’t snicker. They’re dead serious, and that should tell you something. The GOP had a majority in Congress during the final two years of Obama’s supreme rule. And it was just that — he pummeled the GOP and turned them into crybabies. Then — horror of horrors — Trump won. Shocked GOP lawmakers ran home to grieve and sob in private. For the first two years, the party kingpins and establishment clenched their teeth and learned how to publicly stomach their new leader. And guess what? He turned them into crybabies. Still, they kicked the can and wouldn’t give him what he needed.  And guess what? They got blown out in the 2018 midterm. Obviously, the sales of Kleenex skyrocketed. Trump didn’t flinch. He put on his Ninja gear and took the US to unprecedented heights in every category you can name. The GOP indwellers took notice and, like good little minions, crept to his side to share a ray or two of the limelight. One NC senator who said he would vote against Trump’s border emergency declaration, flipped overnight to become his ardent supporter. He’s a politician. Read the tea leaves and keep your master key to The Club. Not ones to dismiss an opportunity, the GOP congregation now has one strategy — to grab and hang onto the robust coattails of DT. Pragmatically, Trump is helping the GOP build the war chest. As whining, inept and spineless as the GOP has been,* Donald needs the base to win and get things done. He knows the Party never wanted him and doesn’t want him now — but both stand to gain something. Trump should merit a place on Mt. Rushmore. A GOP Congress might take a Constitutional baby step in the right direction before it folds its tent. Well, likely not.

* Editors note: Some members of Congress are patriots. They are not in the majority.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.