The very moment, the precise second you are conceived, you are at the mercy of your earthly god. She decides whether you should live or die. Her power over life and death is the ultimate authority. In America, she has legal, Absolute Power. But pregnant females aren’t the only people who play God. Notable among others are serial killers who admit that taking a life is like no other rush. Murder aside, millions of Christians believe in Genesis 1:27: “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” You are altogether free to interpret this entry. You might suggest that humans have God’s authority on earth — to act as His surrogates, so to speak. You naturally might assume the Clergy already view themselves as His official deputies. Human behavior, even among atheists, lends credence to these suppositions. In fact, all manner of evidence suggests it. Practically speaking, Hitler, Stalin and other former megalomaniacs were nothing less than military gods, wielding power through genocide. Most of human history records the divine right of royal families to be God’s instruments. Their reverent “subjects” treated them as such. In England, millions line the streets to catch a view of the Queen. More recently, you witnessed a similar type of obsequious behavior in America. Led by a fawning media, an enraptured populace worshiped at the altar of one B.H. Obama. Barack’s adoring admirers bowed before his haughty style, in much the same way this god from America bowed at the feet of his Muslim betters. But world leaders, royal families, mothers and Planned Parenthood aren’t the only gods that walk the earth. The rich, the famous, the power brokers — they know the feeling. They indulge and bask in celebrity limelight. These are the upper crust, the moneyed class, wielding god-like power. You behold sport heroes as they triumphantly raise their arms to the heavens as 80,000 voices scream in exaltation. In those moments of accomplishment, exceptional athletes know the god-like feeling. And so do you, when you come face to face with all manner of human brilliance. You salute genius, talent, superhuman effort and heroism. Their accomplishment deserve respect and reward. But there your idolatry ends. Great achievers are not gods — not now, not ever. Award winning movie idols have no more credibility than your golf buddies and barber. Talking heads and stand-up comedians are just that — talkers and comics. Unfortunately, television gives air time to celebrity opinions because programming execs believe the audience is star-struck and mostly brain dead — and likely they’re spot on. You don’t want to believe that millions of actual human beings apply god-like status to the likes of De Niro, Damon, DiCaprio and Depp; but reality says they do. Like all actors, these box office heavyweights spend their days pretending to be somebody they’re not with the help of artists, writers, directors, cosmeticians and stunt doubles. Devout fans admire and respect them. Who could view Saving Private Ryan or Forest Gump and not believe in Tom Hanks? It’s called playacting, Matilda. Thankfully, in the real world, truly great men and women live and work in anonymity, advancing the cause of civilization, protecting a free society. They are not Gods either. Their opinions also are no more important than your neighbor’s next door. But in their life’s work and through their meritorious actions, you get a glimpse of something in the wind. Like an inspirational melody, you get, you sense, a hint of something divine. You remember one such person. Born in Shanghai to missionary parents, Brit John Gillespie Magee came to know the feeling. In December, 1941, his Spitfire collided with another plane and he crashed to his death near Ruskington, England. He was 19. Two months earlier, he had sent his parents a 14-line poem entitled High Flight. The last lines read:
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.