Bright Side.

Geo-political conspiracies like 5G abound and, who knows, one of them may be true. Manipulate the people, create panic, undermine financial markets and essentially destabilize the world, not to speak of the grocery shelves. But all the conjectures don’t matter now, do they? COVID-19 is real. In a manner of speaking, it’s nothing to sneeze at. Theoretically, however, given the passage of time, a bright side always emerges out of Chaos. That assertion stumbles badly, of course, when you examine the Holocaust or 9-11, or, on a smaller scale, the handiwork of a John William Gacey. Still, nearly always, time heals. Memories dim. And Life has a way of dragging you along, sometimes even against your will. Put another way, in the words of a Saint, “This, too, will pass.” These philosophical musings may be comforting to some but they essentially disintegrate when Chaos is in full bloom. So the future is on hold. You tread water, as business and social activity shut down. Robotically, you walk in lock step. In the driveway, behaving like a criminal, you absurdly glance surreptitiously and pocket a vial of Advanced Hand Sanitizer (with aloe), having forgotten your wallet. On the car seat, a full container of wipes beckons reassuringly. At the supermarket, you sanitize every purchase, including produce, extraordinarily time consuming with grapes. At the gas pump, on go the surgical quality vinyl gloves, discarded immediately after use. At home, practice washing your hands after seeing an online demonstration, distraught that you apparently never knew how. Sport television consists of reruns and encore presentations and you wonder how many people are delighted by every Duke vs. NC basketball contest since the game was invented. You must avoid all news networks that dish out a litany of fear and foreboding as they rake in advertising revenue from manufacturers that make products that consumers have no interest in buying — and to make matters worse, PBS is boringly, nauseatingly, in the midst of its fundraising addiction. You could stomach the annoyance if the programming were not as mundane and repetitious as the talking heads whose irritating enthusiasm renders COVID-19 a thoroughly welcome distraction. You can only clean the grimy fridge so often. Ironing king sheets is a diversion of sorts, and as a last resort, you may consult a cookbook. So far, you haven’t sanitized tables and other hard surfaces but one potentially infectious visitor will change all that. Well, that depends on the visitor, doesn’t it? Until then, you decide it’s about time to dwell on the aforementioned Bright Side. In Amsterdam, the red light district is closed; moralists are thrilled. Families are discovering each other — in particular, fathers who travel non-stop. Limited by travel and shopping venues, discretionary income may find its way into long term investment. You can expect a resurgence in serious romance. Expectant parents can rejoice at creating life, as will Planned Parenthood at administering death. COVID-19 has exposed the stupidity of previous government leaders and may finally wake up the dummies who trash Trump’s foreign policy. Before DT, America was captive to foreign oil but now is energy independent. Yet, when it comes to the critical need for drug products, America plays second fiddle. In fact, your country relies on China and other foreign countries for 90% of its drug products. You can thank past Presidents and Congress for not only that pathetic statistic, but also for allowing the U.S. to be a debtor nation while it dishes out foreign aid to the tune of billions. With the stupidity of Washington and US business greed, China floods your country with cheap goods, steals intellectual property and buys up US soil. America’s flaccid economic policy gives China access and China gives the world disease. How’s that for a bizarre quid pro quo? Except for AIDS, the cesspools of China and India have been the author of nearly every global pandemic for 200 years. That should tell you something about totalitarianism and cultural putrescence. You pray the Chaos may finally shine a bright light on “putting America first.” Unquestionably, fear is a terrible thing but it also can be a learning experience. It can motivate individuals to examine priorities and play an important role in better business practices — as a nation and as a people. When COVID-19 moderates to a manageable degree and a vaccine eventually comes to pass, you will never again take basic sanitation for granted. Promise to avoid touch-feely types like the plague. And never again touch your face in public . Come to think of it, you must consider inventing the male Burka. It may become the high fashion of tomorrow. Hallelujah! Look on the Bright Side.





Two Faces.

Prejudice is built-in to all human DNA, and for that matter to animal DNA. Social scientists would instantly reject this conclusion. So would society in general, which demands that “no “decent” person should or could be prejudiced. You must go on the record just as instantly — with all due respect to decency, you are flat-out prejudiced. On a case by case basis, you have animosity, bias, aversion, dislike, disgust and even revulsion for all matter and manner of  things. And, if you have the “wrong politics,” Social Justice Warriors will happily lump you into the “deplorable” category — someone who is a bigot, racist, xenophobe, sexist, hater, liar, etc. You see, these Social Engineers are free to aim their brand of prejudice against you. Only their (justifiable) prejudice against you would never be called that — not on your life. And if you complain that it does, why goodness, Matilda, that proves you’re prejudiced. And round and round the pot and kettle it goes. Let’s be clear and honest — “virtue signalers” of the political Left own the Media stage through Big Press, Big Network TV and Big Entertainment. On a daily basis, they systematically hammer their malice, working to silence the very people who exemplify America’s freedom loving identity. Unfortunately for these self-absorbed thought police, they ran into a buzzsaw called Donald Trump — he, the embodiment of American audacity and backbone, the antithesis of the snooty, intellectual archetype. Trump has awakened real people who do real work, who live in the real world, where prejudice exists in real life. To suit their collectivist motives, the political ruling class defines prejudice as intolerance, suggesting you have beliefs that have no basis. You, on the other hand, define it another way — simply as “having preference” for almost every aspect of life, including people, places and things. To be fair, prejudice primarily refers to “intense preference” — an unwavering, unshakable preference. A few examples: You despise Socialism as the arch enemy of a free people. You despise Rap Music. You hate Uptalk and cringe to hear the metallic grating of female “vocal fry.” You have special disdain for government authorities who abuse the people’s trust to seek riches. For political opportunists who put their careers ahead of their country’s best interest. For university fascists who rampage against free speech. For cabinet officials who lie under oath and get away with it. For unequal justice under the law. Thankfully, however, there’s a counterbalance to this negative outburst — because you are flat-out prejudiced on another level. On a case by case basis, you have respect, tolerance, esteem, admiration, fondness and love for all matter and manner of things. A few examples: You worship the principle of individual sovereignty. You dig classical music — love the South Carolina Low Country — venerate the English language — have a deep prejudice for America’s founding ethos and the patriots who protect it — you’re nuts about dark chocolate — idolize the unappreciated blue collar working stiff whose strength and skill built a nation — and exalt Creation in its unbounded majesty, beauty, mystery and power — God’s gift. Consider a reality — prejudice has two faces — both essential to a discriminating life. Beware of tyrants who want to intimidate and rob you of your inner self. You have rights under the law to have and hold any opinion — any prejudice. Any. Prejudice. There’s a word for it. Liberty.

If It Walks Like A Duck.

The most irrational, nonsensical statistic to emerge from the 2020 presidential election will be that 60+ million human beings will vote for a Socialist. Many, if not most, of these beings will say they are Democrats. Many — you know a handful — will say they’re not Socialist — just Democrat. That’s like saying you’re not a Drug Trafficker — just a Drug User. You’re not a Thief — just the Receiver of stolen goods. Democrats will take offense at these comparisons but they can’t deny the truth. The truth?  They can’t be Democrats and simultaneously believe in America’s founding doctrines. Things like individual freedom, 2nd amendment, right to life, property, free speech, individual responsibility, justice, due process, morality, freedom of association — you know, the fundamentals, the basics of a free people, the corny stuff that millions of Americans died to preserve — here at home and where they lie, in foreign lands. If Socialists had met in Philadelphia in the 1770’s, there would be no America as you know it, Bernie. So, let’s be clear. Just who are the human beings that vote for Democrat politicians?

Monied Power Brokers — these are the very rich, some Corporate Giants, who have no interest in “little people.” They want and like BIG Government from which they profit. They believe in the aristocracy of an intellectual class — their class — that runs the show. They believe in Globalism — and in continued dependency of minorities.

African American Community — these are Americans, successful or not, who view themselves as victims. They assume the white community rejects and scorns them because of their skin color. Racism defines and unites them. They think Democrat Party leaders identify with them and actually care about them. They are fiercely loyal to the Democrat Party because they depend on BIG Government for financial aid and other handouts.

Higher Education — generally, university professors denigrate the competitive enterprise system that allows certain individuals to amass wealth while others fail. They have aversion to the profit motive, preferring a system like Socialism that exercises income and price controls and regulates society. They adore Europe. * Like other power brokers, educators believe they are intellectually superior and should be part of the ruling class.

Teens/Young Adults — everyone knows it’s normal for young people to be idealists who naturally want to save the world. Because they identify with Media/Entertainment propaganda, they believe the Democrat Party is the party of the “disadvantaged and discriminated.” Generally, the spoiled generation is ignorant of history. They distrust business, feel “entitled,” want theirs now and believe government should provide free stuff — like free college, contraception products, abortion on demand, etc.

Ancestral Dems — going back generations, their families and friends always voted Democrat. They stand up proudly and announce: “Right or wrong, I’m a Democrat.” Psychologically incapable of “crossing the aisle,” they treat politics as a sporting venue. They believe in “the golden rule” but prejudice remains their guide and bedfellow, even if it means choosing evil over good.

LGBTQ2 — Americans whose identity rests solely with sexuality believe the Democrat Party offers them a haven. Their political goal is to infiltrate public education, grow their numbers and thus their power. Having a high profile homosexual mayor as Democrat candidate for president substantiates their progress.

Women — Over half America’s voters are women — a key statistic the Democrat Party relies upon. “The Battle of the Sexes” is nothing new. Women already control the nation’s purse but remain unsatisfied because men occupy more seats of power. For one primary reason, women gravitate to the Democrat party — that reason resides in Roe Vs Wade. They believe the “Right to Life” is for them to decide because they “bear” that Life. They want the right to choose the convenience of Death. Further, they believe Big Government(the taxpayer), through Planned Parenthood, should pay for that Death, for contraception and other related services.

Immigrants — primarily from south of the border, a healthy number of illegal and legal residents will vote Democrat for obvious reasons — they view the Democrat Party as the maravilloso  gravy train. A no-brainer. In order to survive, Socialism must have the domination of dependency. And gun ban.

These overly simplistic definitions of group identity have a simple intention — to allege that the Democrat Party has officially adopted Socialism — therefore, Democrat voters, by definition, are Socialists. “If it walks like a duck . . . etc.,etc.” But this conclusion doesn’t mean the remainder of voters — including Republican voters — are off the Socialistic hook. Listen carefully and try not to roll your eyes. America is already at least halfway down the Socialist highway. Big Government has achieved the Founder’s worst fear. That fear is called tyranny. Tyranny is the takeover of every domestic jurisdiction — originally assigned to the States by The Constitution. Trump notwithstanding, America is staring at tyranny because Republicans and Democrats alike dug that hole. Every election year you sing the same sad song. “So sad the song . . . .when the moment of truth suddenly arrives.” Thank you Gladys.

* Ed. Note: Enlighten yourself by learning about the model “Socialist European Country.”

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.