Geo-political conspiracies like 5G abound and, who knows, one of them may be true. Manipulate the people, create panic, undermine financial markets and essentially destabilize the world, not to speak of the grocery shelves. But all the conjectures don’t matter now, do they? COVID-19 is real. In a manner of speaking, it’s nothing to sneeze at. Theoretically, however, given the passage of time, a bright side always emerges out of Chaos. That assertion stumbles badly, of course, when you examine the Holocaust or 9-11, or, on a smaller scale, the handiwork of a John William Gacey. Still, nearly always, time heals. Memories dim. And Life has a way of dragging you along, sometimes even against your will. Put another way, in the words of a Saint, “This, too, will pass.” These philosophical musings may be comforting to some but they essentially disintegrate when Chaos is in full bloom. So the future is on hold. You tread water, as business and social activity shut down. Robotically, you walk in lock step. In the driveway, behaving like a criminal, you absurdly glance surreptitiously and pocket a vial of Advanced Hand Sanitizer (with aloe), having forgotten your wallet. On the car seat, a full container of wipes beckons reassuringly. At the supermarket, you sanitize every purchase, including produce, extraordinarily time consuming with grapes. At the gas pump, on go the surgical quality vinyl gloves, discarded immediately after use. At home, practice washing your hands after seeing an online demonstration, distraught that you apparently never knew how. Sport television consists of reruns and encore presentations and you wonder how many people are delighted by every Duke vs. NC basketball contest since the game was invented. You must avoid all news networks that dish out a litany of fear and foreboding as they rake in advertising revenue from manufacturers that make products that consumers have no interest in buying — and to make matters worse, PBS is boringly, nauseatingly, in the midst of its fundraising addiction. You could stomach the annoyance if the programming were not as mundane and repetitious as the talking heads whose irritating enthusiasm renders COVID-19 a thoroughly welcome distraction. You can only clean the grimy fridge so often. Ironing king sheets is a diversion of sorts, and as a last resort, you may consult a cookbook. So far, you haven’t sanitized tables and other hard surfaces but one potentially infectious visitor will change all that. Well, that depends on the visitor, doesn’t it? Until then, you decide it’s about time to dwell on the aforementioned Bright Side. In Amsterdam, the red light district is closed; moralists are thrilled. Families are discovering each other — in particular, fathers who travel non-stop. Limited by travel and shopping venues, discretionary income may find its way into long term investment. You can expect a resurgence in serious romance. Expectant parents can rejoice at creating life, as will Planned Parenthood at administering death. COVID-19 has exposed the stupidity of previous government leaders and may finally wake up the dummies who trash Trump’s foreign policy. Before DT, America was captive to foreign oil but now is energy independent. Yet, when it comes to the critical need for drug products, America plays second fiddle. In fact, your country relies on China and other foreign countries for 90% of its drug products. You can thank past Presidents and Congress for not only that pathetic statistic, but also for allowing the U.S. to be a debtor nation while it dishes out foreign aid to the tune of billions. With the stupidity of Washington and US business greed, China floods your country with cheap goods, steals intellectual property and buys up US soil. America’s flaccid economic policy gives China access and China gives the world disease. How’s that for a bizarre quid pro quo? Except for AIDS, the cesspools of China and India have been the author of nearly every global pandemic for 200 years. That should tell you something about totalitarianism and cultural putrescence. You pray the Chaos may finally shine a bright light on “putting America first.” Unquestionably, fear is a terrible thing but it also can be a learning experience. It can motivate individuals to examine priorities and play an important role in better business practices — as a nation and as a people. When COVID-19 moderates to a manageable degree and a vaccine eventually comes to pass, you will never again take basic sanitation for granted. Promise to avoid touch-feely types like the plague. And never again touch your face in public . Come to think of it, you must consider inventing the male Burka. It may become the high fashion of tomorrow. Hallelujah! Look on the Bright Side.