
Summer, 2012

So self assured, sitting bulkhead, nursing a Dewer’s. So confident you’re doing the right thing, flying nearly 3000 miles to see Mitt and Ann. The fundraiser would be hosted at a billionaire’s mansion nestled in the rolling hills of Northern California. This is no small investment; but, by getting in front of Mitt’s “handlers,” you arrogantly (and stupidly) think you can persuade them to change his flawed campaign substance and style. He has to change, you think, because Barack Obama can’t win a second term, He’s not qualified in any way. By now everyone knows he’s an anti-American empty suit. And everyone knows his first term was an exercise in corruption, scandal, division and economic lunacy. You know Mitt can win if he steps in the ring, pulls no punches and fights like a warrior. Mitt’s people are very cordial. They listen to what you have to say and nod as eyes dart here and there. They suggest putting your thoughts in an email would be a good idea since time was limited. Mitt’s elevator speech gratified his supporters, smiles all round. The optimistic feeling percolated the garden surroundings. This perfectly groomed, former Governor, accomplished businessman, with his perfectly groomed, lily-white family, couldn’t lose to a, by now, thoroughly exposed Manchurian candidate. In the following weeks, emails went down a black hole with only one reply that said “thank you for your continued interest.” Uneasiness led to impatience as Mitt maintained his poised self-assurance. There would be no gladiatorial antagonism. Nothing he said would dare provoke a voting bloc. Then your impatience led to horror when Mitt choked during the third presidential debate — when Obama left him and his glass jaw lying on the canvas. Mitt the “flipper” and Mitt the “wimp” were exposed. You backed a loser. And America suffered a catastrophe. Or did she?

Winter, 2020

Donald Trump has a victory celebration, surrounded by those who are most personally and politically connected to him. He holds up the front page of the Washington Post displaying in all caps the headline: TRUMP ACQUITTED. He reviews the chain of events that began the day he was elected — the incessant and stealthy attempt to overturn the results of his election. Ironically, the coup attempt was orchestrated by the very federal department that Americans rely on to preserve their civil liberties — the one department that always upheld the standards of incorruptibility. Trust in the Department of Justice is now dead. The entire Democrat Party is guilty of aiding and abetting a treasonous crime and dozens of federal officials are guilty of treason. In the Senate, Democrats unanimously voted “Guilty.” The GOP unanimously voted “Innocent.” Hold on — it wasn’t unanimous. One GOP Senator voted to convict: Mitt “The Gyp” Romney. You won’t pile on Mitt. Whatever may portray his true character, he revealed himself in 2102, in 2016 and again in 2020. Looking back, it must have been divine intervention for Mitt to lose. If he had won, today we wouldn’t have Trump. If he had won, we would have, not only a continuation, but also a growth of the Deep State establishment. We would see a more bloated swamp. And most likely, we would be much closer to a New World Order. Trump can’t put an end to the Socialist slide or globalist schemes in one or two terms; but with his influence, perhaps more people will begin to rediscover what makes America tick and why she’s exceptional. On the bright side, Congress does have a band of warriors now. If the GOP can put aside its establishment politics and follow DT’s historic lead, we can gain some time to positively impact future generations. Unlikely, but possible. Say goodbye, Mitt. Glad you didn’t listen.

Fed Up.

It’s easy to get fed up. And stay that way. There’s so much that’s wrong. Sean Hannity likes to talk about it incessantly in that nasal monologue that never heard of a little dot called a period. He’s the only talking head that can list, in one sentence, all 150 things that are wrong while simultaneously recalling his dishwasher, bartender and waiter days, his proficiency with guns and martial arts and his investigative prowess. If an encyclopedia could talk about quantum mechanics, it would be easier to follow and easier to tolerate than a Hannity monolgue. He is bearable on TV because he has guests and programming limitations; on radio, he’s a sing-song, chest-pounding, self-serving whiner on steroids. Whew, enough about that. When you’re in a bad mood, pick one goiter to lance. Just pick one favorite complaint for 2020. That’s easy. As far back as the emergence of “talkies,” the entertainment industry has carried on a systematic debasement of The South — the geographic area also known as the Southeast. Southern moviegoers evidently are oblivious to this deprecation. They don’t seem to recognize or care that movie makers believe Southerners are ignorant, racist simpletons who live on this earth to be made fun of or vilified. Only rarely will you see a movie that admires any aspect of The South or its people. The hero of GWTW Rhett Butler was no Rebel. He had contempt for the cavalier Rebs. He was cast to be a real man in direct contrast to the sniveling, Southern aristocratic Ashley Wilkes. In almost every war movie, you see the token redneck corporal who mocks and taunts the innocent black private. Regardless of time periods, venues and subjects of movies, Southern characters almost always have minor roles that display their stupidity and low-bred roots. The great “My Cousin Vinnie” laughed at the slow-wittedness of the South. From the earliest days of cinema, the A-List actors almost always hailed from NY and other major metro areas. That’s still the case. Currently, there is only one (1) actor among the top-40 from The South — and by The South, you really mean Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. For some reason, moviegoers don’t notice Manhattan accents that permeate wild west cowboy movies. They don’t bother being offended when Yankee actors (badly) imitate Southern personalities, while no Southern actor is ever chosen to imitate a Yankee. Certainly, there are exceptions. Georgian Holly Hunter had (has) starring roles — but as a Southerner playing a Southerner. There is no argument, however — for authenticity sake, the movie industry chooses Southern actors only to play minor roles and those roles generally depict either imbecility or bigotry, or both. The debasement of The South is not a conspiracy. Conspiracies are clandestine. The Media-Industrial Complex (Hollywood, Television, Media) stands on the open stage, unrepentant. They proclaim it out loud without saying the words: The South is ignorant, low-life, vile. The North is intelligent, virtuous, good. You can hear the clamor now — this summary is a gross exaggeration. Well, the denials won’t work, Matilda. There’s a Mt. Everest of celluloid evidence airing 24-7 in every hamlet coast to coast. But all is not lost. Fortunately, Yankees  are willing to sacrifice themselves to help rehabilitate The South. They pour into the backwoods in droves, leaving behind their superior cities and towns, determined to civilize a backward culture. And if the Globalists have their way, the continuation of unchecked immigration, added to Yankee migration, will surely begin to wipe out every vestige of the Old South, relegating it to the dustbin of history. That history has recorded many invasions — countries forcibly marauding their neighbors to annihilate, pillage  and occupy. Nobody talks about about “peaceful” invasion. Nobody recognizes it. Regardless of changes in demographics, Hollywood will continue to disparage The South and demean its people. Hollywood enjoys doing it — all the way to the bank. So you’re fed up. So what?



Outside of university classrooms, very few people give a rip about advertising– well, except the drudges who toil in the business and those who think they have a future in it. Hundreds of books and loads of movies have detailed every nuance of the trade, from the ridiculous to the sublime (as they tritely say). Don’t you bother doing the research. Be satisfied that at least eighty percent of all advertising ranges from the ridiculous to the god-awful (as you originally say). But you should never dismiss the huckster industry for its deficiencies. Dreadful advertising has a far greater impact on American culture than schlepping products and services dreadfully. You don’t have be a clinical psychologist to realize that media practitioners are neck deep into social engineering, almost rising to the level of public education’s indoctrinating intrusion. Since Progressives monopolize America’s brainwashing institutions , what else would you expect to see? Some television ads are blatantly proselytizing, others ingeniously subtle. You know the drill. Push racially mixed couples. Applaud same sex marriage. Foster LGBT awareness. Cater to young women’s inflated self esteem, motivating them to demand opportunities based on “gender equality.” But Progressive thinking has far more sweeping influence on American culture than pushing a few gender identity issues. That influence is based on use of what has become the most important word in advertising. That word is — “deserve.” Major advertisers appeal to Entitled Generations by telling them they should get what they deserve. Personal injury lawyers lead the way by bad mouthing insurance companies. “They are not your friend. Call us and get what you deserve.” Drug makers allege that 50 percent of the male population unnecessarily suffers from ED, when they can get the help they deserve. Financial companies advise you that you should have the secure future you deserve. If nothing else, ad agencies are experts pulling your chains. They do the research. They know how millennials feel — their preferences, their desires, their attitudes. Above all, they understand the entitlement mentality of the spoiled generation; and they know that entitlement is spreading throughout the general population. Their strategy is clear. Feed them. Feed their emotions. Tell them they deserve to be safe, to be secure, to be healthy, to be respected and to not be offended. Politically, it’s a baby step toward having basic “Rights” — the right to a good job, to a “fair” wage, to free education, free healthcare and free housing. Under the circumstances, you can understand why the Founding Fathers have come under attack. Arrogantly, they limited human beings’ rights to Life. Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. These privileged white men could graciously have offered some government guarantees; but no, they must have been callous, knowing full well that all men are not really created equal. They didn’t write a word about “fairness,” meaning they didn’t really care about the poor. There’s nothing in the Constitution about equal pay for equal work. Evidently, the Founders didn’t believe anyone deserved anything. If anything, they seemed to have gone out of their way to avoid the subjects of need and want. With this hindsight, you deserve to fantasize what America would be like if today’s leaders had been in charge. You don’t need fantasy. Just look around. Since the Founding, your faulty Constitution has been annotated by the Supreme Court with over 2800 pages of distinguished interpretations that have alleviated the blunders and defects of the original document —  and thankfully relegated it to the dust bin of history. In truth, Congress now believes it deserves to ignore The Constitution as it was written.. And so it does, daily. As American culture continues to change, advertisers will continue to reflect that change and pander to the needs and wants of new generations. How nice it will be, in the years to come, to know that millions of parents will give birth to such deserving children.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.