Real People.

This is a true story.

The man was elderly. Elderly, yet physically able. But on this day his strength was depleted by stroke. He could walk with a limp but could not speak. You thought he might suddenly utter a single word because he looked at you with the expression of preparing to say what was on his mind. His mind was compromised, but functioning. He could hear with some level of understanding. His eyes said, “I’m afraid.” He sat on the edge of the hospital bed, eyes fixed on the neurosurgeon who explained what was wrong, what needed to be done and the less than 50-50 chance of success. A leaking vessel created a large pocket of blood pressing against the brain. Immediate action was imperative. The procedure would involve drills and remedial measures to dispose of the blood and stop the seepage. No one could predict this old man could survive the surgical trauma or its aftermath. The surgeon explained all of this detachedly, as cold as the room’s polished tile floor. He was tall, fit and military straight. Imperious. Immaculate gray hair, navy suit, starched white shirt and striped tie. With clipped indifference, he spelled it out. The old man might as well have been an engine with a blown piston. Left alone for a moment, the terrified patient dressed and attempted to leave the hospital. Even with his diminished acuity, he despised the neurosurgeon for what he perceived as snooty insolence — just plain rudeness. Two days later, the old man was in ICU, two weeks later he was home and two months later he was fully recovered — no sign of stroke related fallout. The bastard surgeon was God.

Style vs. Substance

And there you have brief insight into the complicated nature of human beings. The old man hated the neurosurgeon (who by the way was Chief of Staff) for his offensive bedside manner, for his arrogant, dictatorial personality — yet this individual was also supremely dedicated to his profession — accomplished, talented and effective in his ability to enrich and save lives. You will find this same type of unlikable individual at the top of other professions — many of them insulting, if not militant  — while accomplishing great things that save the day for others.

The President

You ran across one of these individuals three years ago. Donald J. Trump never will win the Nobel “Turn The Other Cheek” Prize. Donald is many things, but one thing he’s not — is “phony.” And that “un-phoniness” is precisely what elected him the 45th President of the United States. Not his money, not his big-wheel friends, not The Apprentice, not his Tower, not his wives and definitely not his big hair. Straight off the dog eat dog streets of Manhattan, by way of Jamaica, Queens, Trump put himself squarely in Big Media crosshairs and shouted, “Up yours; I’ll see your 2 Smears and raise you 4 Stupids.” From the beginning, no one, not supporters or enemies, ever accused The President of having a world-class bedside manner. Real people didn’t care. Real people flocked to the polls to elect one of their own, meaning an American who was as far removed from politics as Hillary was removed from the Truth. Every Trump incivility — every taunt, slap or slur — rallies his disciples and inflames his highbrow adversaries. And while this particular surgeon slices and dices left wing eggheads, his policies uplift real people and strengthen a nation. But this bastard is no God.

Stark Comparison

Weeks, months and years after his surgery, the old man lived to praise the man who restored his life. He had no room for judging things like ego, style or insolence. Far from it. Routinely, he used the term “great man.” He put ability light years ahead of affability. He valued competence over courtesy. Conversely, fifty years later in America, Trump haters can’t bring themselves to put aside their hostility and offer begrudging credit. You hear nothing — not a peep — from GW and other pillars of the Republican Party. Putting aside its historic purpose, Big Media puts its animosity ahead of Trump’s achievement by burying it or lying about it. Big Education, always envious of earned wealth, has never been impressed by individual doers who pay the tab. Eminent professors would rather write revisionist histories than thank the hand that feeds them. Unlike the old man, there’s no praise for Donald from the blue blood political class.  He doesn’t care. And neither do real people.

The Rest Of The Story.

The old man died of pneumonia at 95 years of age. His magnificent bastard surgeon died of a heart attack at age 54.

Cash Cow.

Zillions think Donald Trump is guilty of something. It could be that “zillions” is a slight exaggeration; but this, after all, is the age of excess. Might as well join the Media Liars Club. Get in line with CNN and the entire media industrial complex that sold its soul to the Devil a long time ago. Getting in bed with the Rascal does have its perks — at least temporarily. Who doesn’t get off on what He provides — glitter, gold, glamour and center stage. Hang out with Hollywood, hang in with Washington, celebrate impeachment and hang on for Judgment Day, when Mr. Scratch finally comes calling. Well, the deed is done. Now, the talk will center on impeachment fallout. That’s easy. There’s bad news. It’s this. For an indefinite period, America is forced to continually put up with misfeasance, malfeasance, outright sleaze and treason that exist in the very bowels of the Federal Government. The good news is this. The perpetrator of this venality — the Democrat Party — is finally, unconditionally, out of the political closet. There’s nowhere to hide. Naked and panic stricken, the Dems have bared their anti-constitutional soul and socialist ideology. Every Democrat House member who voted for impeachment has smeared The U.S. Constitution. No more pretenses. The jig is up, thanks to one, and only one, patriotic American — one Donald J. Trump — who single-handedly has unmasked the evil actors of left wing ideology. No screenwriter in Hollywood could have written a more melodramatic story line. One man standing alone against Big Media, Big Entertainment, Big Corporations, Big Academia and Big Administrative State — not to speak of his own puny* Party. This is bigger than Maximus Decimus Meridius on the floor of the Colosseum. But Trump knows better than anyone — he really doesn’t stand alone. Tens of millions of Americans have his back. And they won’t desert him simply because he didn’t desert them. He delivered. The battle lines are drawn. American voters have never had a clearer choice. But the choice isn’t about Democrat vs Republican. You instead will choose between Trump and the Deep State. You see, you didn’t witness impeachment solely at the hand of Democrats. You easily forget that the GOP controlled both houses of Congress for the final two years of the Obama presidency. Barack blew them away like dust. They had control the first two years of Trump’s rule. With that influence, the GOP did (drum roll, please) absolutely nothing of consequence, paving the way for Democrat aggression. At best, the GOP greeted and treated the new president with glassy eyed toleration. Never forget for an instant. They didn’t want him as a candidate. They didn’t want him as a nominee. And they don’t want him as Supreme Commander, impeding his progress on important issues like The Wall. Wait a minute, you say. If the GOP dislikes Donald, why have they so vigorously come to his defense? One reason and one alone. Think about it, class. Yes, follow the money. Trump is  their cash cow. Cynically, you believe the GOP secretly welcomed (if not abetted) impeachment as a virtual gold mine for the taking. NRC fund raising is off the charts. Every day, dozens of texts and emails beg loyal supporters to pony up for Trump’s beleaguered defense. The money pours in — to stave off impeachment? Not on your life. The money grab has nothing to do with the DC circus. Impeachment is just a convenient excuse and now the NRC war chest is bulging like Popeye’s biceps. You concede NRC funds will help drive 2020 congressional races — to an extent. But nothing like the effect of Trump’s coattails, barring some cataclysmic upheaval. Before you count your chickens, class, remember the Democrat Party has at least another year with Dopey Pelosi at the helm. They can’t let impeachment go to waste. Four more years of Trump is their political apocalypse. Prepare yourself for their next accusation, their next obstruction. They can’t let him win again. That was the only purpose behind impeachment. Never to remove him from office. But to deny a second term. Will enough low information voters buy impeachment fiction and tell Trump to take a hike? The smart money says no. Your money says the GOP aristocracy can’t wait for him to exit the stage.

* You don’t condemn all GOP lawmakers. Some, a minority, are warriors.


Out On A Limb.

The only thing flying higher than the economy is Trump’s MAGA Army. And, as predicted, the members of that Army are soaring like eagles thanks to the impeachment three-ring circus. They are thrilled because they give credit to “Pencil-Neck” for assuring Trump’s reelection in ’20. What’s more, the smart money is all-in with The Donald. Just as the smart money behaved in 2016. Oops, back up. Come to think of it, that was the year the smart money anointed a career criminal to win in a landslide and instead slid down the drain with her. So, if you believe DT has 2020 locked up, you haven’t paid attention. Your First mistake is thinking that the majority of voters are well informed. Your Second mistake is not realizing the naked truth — that when someone is charged with wrongdoing, the majority of people always believe that very someone is guilty. Ask Brett Kavanaugh or George Zimmerman. It’s a reality called “the court of public opinion.” Put another way, “where there’s smoke, there must be fire.” Put more frightfully, it’s called lynch mob rule. Your Third mistake is believing that Democrats really think impeachment can run the Trumps out of town before 2021. No, they don’t believe that for a second. Impeachment is dedicated to one simple goal: put just enough doubt in the mind of the average bewildered voter. Your Fourth mistake is believing this strategy can’t work because the average bewildered voter is overjoyed with Dow Jones, the S&P 500 Index and trickle down economics. Your Fifth mistake is assuming that a booming economy means a growing majority of Americans really want to see Trump reduce the size and scope of the Federal Government — to drain the polluted swamp. You really think so? A news report of a recent Gallup poll might raise your eyebrows a skosh:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Americans’ reaction to the term “socialism” remains more negative than positive in new Gallup polling . . . At the same time, Americans are expressing . . . greater support for activist government across a range of measures, suggesting a more conducive climate for socialist-style policies taking root than has been the case in recent years. Since 2010, the percentage of Americans saying government should do more to solve the country’s problems has increased 11 percentage points, to 47%, and the percentage wanting government to take active steps to improve people’s lives is up eight points, to 42%. Gallup also finds a nine-point increase — to 25% — in the percentage who would prefer to have more government services and higher taxes rather than the alternatives of less government services and less taxes . . .

Typical of any “news” report, and typical of “polling,” the contradictions confuse everyone and satisfy no one. Concluding that Americans don’t like the term “socialism” means absolutely nothing, because most Americans would never admit to approval of socialism. It’s un-American. Well, poppycock. The statistics tell a different story — the poll says the people do approve of an increase in socialist policies to “solve the country’s problems . . . to improve people’s lives . . .” What does that language tell you, Matilda? Please try to grasp it: if you want an increase in “socialist-style” policies, that’s the $#?/&!# definition of Socialism. That’s your Sixth mistake — thinking that the Gallup Poll is some kind of scoop. America is already way past halfway to outright Socialism. Your Federal Government, even with Trump at the helm, runs your Healthcare system. The DOE runs your Education system. The Federal Reserve runs the Financial system. Every business in America operates under strict Federal regulation. Fifty-one — count ’em — major agencies exercise absolute power over energy, transportation, housing, welfare, labor, environment and every other aspect of commercial and personal life. Deny it all you like. There is a deep, Deep State. The inevitable final step toward institutional Socialism will be the nationalization of Energy, Healthcare, Transportation, Education and other critical enterprises. Some would say Media already is “State-owned.” Very soon, a Socialist demagogue will step to the stage and suggest ever so sincerely, so logically, that no private company should have authority and control over life’s basic necessities. Millions will nod in agreement. Then, when the Federal Government controls education, healthcare and electric power, you can kiss your free ass goodbye. And just in case you have a spark of delusional optimism that four more years of The Donald’s robust economy will drain the swamp and wipe out $24 trillion of debt, consider this statistic — spending under the Trump administration is eclipsing the master of all spending — one Barack Hussein Obama. Finally, like a deadly sin, your Seventh mistake is believing that Republican Party officials — those elected and those appointed — will lock arms, mobilize and march in unison to lift up one Donald John Trump to his 2nd term. What nonsense. You must remember — the GOP establishment is part and parcel of the Deep State, along with their cousins on the Left. The GOP is King George, 243 years removed. DT is the blacksmith, the farmer, the brash, uncultured rube who dares spit in his eye. The GOP doesn’t want him. Never wanted him. Wants him to go away. Prissy loser Mitt Romney is one who doesn’t hide his aversion. Except for DT’s small group of loyal congressional soldiers, the GOP wears the mask of toleration and the NRC is in frenzy mode, using Trump for the party war chest. Use him and lose him, they think secretly. Once again, 2020 is up to the rabble — the hayseeds, hicks, blue collars — the ordinary people Hillary called “deplorable.” Make no mistake. Despite appearances, Trump lives out on a limb.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.