
You haven’t set foot in a hospital maternity wing for 13 years. Doubtless, many efficiencies and other improvements have improved the birthing process and postpartum care. And no doubt, new parents and extended families must be learning to form new attitudes and adjust to new codes of behavior in this generous and benevolent environment. For instance, society is finally ridding itself of the archaic, discriminatory practice of greeting expectant families with either “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl.” Greeting card companies are following suit by eliminating these trite and thoughtless phrases from birth announcements. You’re grateful that the PC Gender & Sexual Preference Council has brought about these policy changes, and also instilled in you a sense of inclusiveness in  your relationships. To be fair, no one really has a handle on gender. A newborn may be a they/them; tey/tem; fae/faer; xe/xim; zhe/zhir; jee/jem or a dozen other designations. There’s absolutely no excuse for creating precious lives by assuming them to be male, female, boy or girl. Those decisions can be made later, after they have had the kindergarten opportunity to study gender options. These enlightened attitudes also are essential in new studies on what has been called the “feminization of men.” Easy enough to spot, especially among millennials, males are tapping in to their epicene nature, willing to recognize the value of emotional sensitivities.  You heard the feminization before you saw it. You heard it in speech patterns. Uptalk dominates the elocution style of males under 50. Uptalk is the hallmark of Valley Girl “speak” that not only has infected young men but also has swept the world and moved into older generations. Something like a virulent addiction, raising your voice at the end of a sentence softens your opinions and subdues confidence, certainty and resolve. This girly talk, in a sense, sedates masculinity. You saw feminization most recently in men’s apparel, with the introduction of UNTUCKit shirts. Lots of men wear ordinary, untailored shirts loosely. But now young men wear tailored, fitted shirts as a fashion statement, much like women have worn blouses for decades. Psychologically, perhaps subconsciously, young men in particular may have sensed the bull rush of feminization, leading them to carefully contrived “five o’clock shadows,” the manicured facial stubble that shouts, “I’m rugged, forceful, tough.” You shouldn’t ignore the connection among gender equity, the transgender movement, political correctness and the feminization of “men.” You haven’t bothered with studying root causes of social evolution because making a true study would almost certainly interfere with your bias and keeping that bias under 1000 words. Therefore, your prejudicial view is that decades-old Militant Feminism has been the crucible fueling the relentless attack on the traditional, biological view of mankind. Apologies to those offended by the “m” word. With particular attention to transgenders, non binaries and everyone in between, you do recall two scientists who we’re at the forefront of gender studies three quarters of a century ago. The pair introduced gender discoveries not on anyone’s radar. They didn’t win the Nobel Prize — or any peer recognition, for that matter. But their work is highly relevant today.

Bud Abbott: Well, let’s see, we have on the bags, Who’s on first, What’s on second, I Don’t Know is on third…

Lou Costello: That’s what I want to find out.

Abbott: I say Who’s on first, What’s on second, I Don’t Know’s on third.

Costello: Are you the manager?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: You gonna be the coach too?

Abbott: Yes.

Costello: And you don’t know the fellows’ names?

Abbott: Well I should.

Costello: Well then who’s on first?

Abbott: Yes.


Well, what can you expect from two insensitive white men.




Countless times you sit with friends and acquaintances for relaxed good times. A chance to catch up, to drink up, dress up, fess up, cheer up and maybe learn to clam up. Sooner or later, politics takes the stage in the form of a casual remark, a pointed question or the report of late breaking news. That’s when the grumbling, griping and groaning begin. You can whine with the best of them and do exactly that. The primary target for group lamentation is the Swamp and the lawmakers who frolic in it. There’s no end to the criticism. Pick a topic, any topic. Preposterous national debt. Grotesque unfunded liability. Bloated bureaucracy. Corrupt Congress. Insidious immigration. Pernicious regulations. Substandard education. Perverted justice. Week after week, month after month, year after year, your group discussions plow the same deplorable ground, hoping, praying for America to shed its socialist inclination and rediscover its enlightened beginnings. But week after week nothing changes. We the people sit and wait. And talk. And complain. You agree Trump’s on the right track but he’s in a manually operated sidecar all by his lonesome. On his own, he can not and will not slay the dragon. All three branches of Government have conspired to murder The Constitution — methodically — like a sociopath who systematically feeds arsenic to a trusting victim. Sadly, most Americans are satisfied to stand by the bedside detachedly, to observe the long suffering victim.  Not lifting a finger. You tell hundreds of them that there’s a foolproof antidote to heal The Constitution — and the country. You urge them to actively support Article V and The Convention of States. The feedback? A dismissive shrug, a polite nod, a dubious wince, a thoughtful frown. A study in apathy. The irrelevant majority is irrelevant for any number of relevant reasons. Primary among them is simple indifference to anything that falls out of immediate self interest — the type of indifference exposed by Seinfeld characters who casually, if not humorously, observe the mugging of a helpless pedestrian. Or perhaps it’s an indifference borne out of abundance and complacency. However, this line of thinking, while applicable to a degree, is inordinately harsh as a blanket indictment. More accurately and fairly, the “irrelevant”constituency that favors limited government and constitutional integrity are the very people who also venerate the tenets of individual sovereignty. Typically, these people are in the ditch every day, determined to strengthen themselves and their families — to support themselves and thus their communities — to be charitable, useful and accountable. Selectively, they will attend political gatherings, meet privately with VIPs and donate money to candidates. But these individuals are not joiners. You won’t see them on a march, carrying signs, attending rallies or personally helping build a grass roots army. It’s not what they do. They are too busy, one by one, digging the ditch. They willingly leave the marching to special interest agitators who take solace in victimhood. You know who the malcontents are. Every country has them. No one of substance encourages them or takes them seriously, do they? Well, no one except the Democrat Party. Oh, yes, and NBC, CBS ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood, Academia, Department of Education, the ABA, ADL, NAACP and Move On, to mention a few. Sarcasm aside, anyone who loves freedom and the American ideal, should act — now — and exercise constitutional power — absolute power — to confront a very clear and present danger. Failing to do so is not cowardice or suicide, but a betrayal of those whom you owe everything, past, present and future. There’s been enough inconsequential talk. Hannity, Limbaugh, The Heritage Foundation and all the other so-called “conservative” talk shows and think tanks combined, may help elect a president; but in the end, they accomplish zilch. In the end, they do what you do during relaxed good times. Bellyache. To what end?



While you have time, you should take time to state the obvious. The turmoil in America today seems somewhat trivial when compared to the bedlam that has occupied every civilization in recorded history. Since the beginning, the world has put up with one form of tyranny or another. Along the way, there were exceptions, as the Greeks, Romans, some Scandinavians and, in particular, Native Americans, instituted at least some elements of democratic government. But most of these attempts eventually gave way to various forms of autocracy. Among those, monarchies and their privileged aristocracies confiscated land under feudalism and the rabble worked that land. Other forms of dictatorship, including socialism and communism, professed to liberate the rabble; but instead subjugated them and that subjugation led to genocide in astronomic numbers. Then along came the American Republic, dedicated to a single doctrine: The Individual is Sovereign. This precept and this precept alone unleashed the most astounding advancement in human history. But, today, for millions of spoiled, ignorant imbeciles, America isn’t good enough. These fools, barren and lazy of mind and body, argue that only Socialism will lead to “fairness” and true equality. These parasites represent the same brand of stupidity that in September, 1977, motivated California Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and other prominent CA politicians and community activists to endorse “religious” Marxist Jim Jones, who later would persuade 900+ of his Peoples Temple devotees to drink cyanide laced grape Flavor Ade. After a testimonial dinner for Jones sponsored by Assemblyman Willie Brown, Gov. Moonbeam said Jones is “what you should see every day when you look in the mirror . . . a combination of MLK, Angela Davis, Albert Einstein and Chairman Mao . . .” A year earlier, Jones was also courted by Walter Mondale and several times met with First Lady Rosalynn Carter. The good news is Jim Jones is permanently domiciled in the Afterlife. The bad news? Jerry Brown astonishingly is once again the big enchilada of the People’s Republic of California. That he was elected again gives you a pointblank look into the face of mass insanity. But CA doesn’t have a patent on public madness. Consider the Media’s new political heroine — one Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29-year-old Marxist Representative for New York’s 14th congressional district. Here’s a tip — don’t move there. Cortez is one of two things — either a knowledgeable communist ideologue, or a world class dunce. Likely, she’s both, but definitely the latter. Cortez, along with newly-elected Muslims Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, is touted by the Left as the “wave of the future.” These newcomers to Washington are in a long line of lefties who have a solitary talent — talking the talk. Community organizers like Cortez and Obama before her — promote class envy and victim-hood, on the pretense that, sacrificially, they are devoted to the well-being of society’s downtrodden. What pure bunk. No one on the Left ever admits that the downtrodden always remain downtrodden under Socialism. America’s dummies, young dummies in particular, drink the Socialist Kool-Aid, never bothering to study history, much less believe it. Thankfully, somebody did believe. America’s Founders. They set up a government with checks and balances aimed squarely at the principle of Sovereignty. Unfortunately, this principle was sucker punched a long time ago. You never hear about it and probably don’t know what it means. Congress and the Supreme Court  certainly have forgotten, if they ever knew.  Listen up, class. America is sovereign, protected from encroachment by other nations. The Federal Government is sovereign, protected and limited by the provisions of the U.S. Constitution. The States are sovereign, protected from encroachment by the Federal Government. Counties and Cites are sovereign, protected from encroachment  by the States. And every American citizen is sovereign, endowed by his/her Creator with certain inalienable rights (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness), protected from the tyranny of all governments. All very well, class, but sorry to say Sovereignty is a thoroughly mutilated doctrine. America’s vital principle is decaying. Illegals pour across America’s sovereign borders. The Fed completely subjugates sovereign States and sovereign Individuals. States abdicate their sovereignty granted by the Constitution. States meddle in the sovereignty of local governments. The swamp has sucked the life out of the Founders’ immaculate work.

Only a tiny minority would listen and give credence to this kind of exaggerated gloom and doom — to this virtual death knell.  All the rest will think it’s a pile of tedious whining.  No one believes a rich country like America would willingly commit  suicide. Jim Jones might. He was a good teacher.

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.