Skin In The Game.

America today is no different from other places at other times in history. People in the streets differ widely in their opinions, depending on their circumstances in life — their wealth or lack of it, their age, race, gender, family, peer pressure. Once they invest themselves in an opinion, they rarely change it. You accept and understand that they have legitimate reasons for their opinions. And they have every right to defend them. But, with stimulation from Big Media and Hollywood, millions of Americans have demonstrated that they are needlessly stupid to the bone. These are people, for instance,  who judge Trump by his clumsy, repetitive speeches; by his hulking looks; by his egotistical, insulting style; by his loud manner and by his unpolished behavior. On stage, he pitches it like a  sideshow barker or a has-been standup comic. Simply, he disgusts them. These very same people adored and still adore Barack Obama. They judge him by his dulcet tone, by his soaring speeches, by his suave looks, by his winning smile and good manners. On stage, he speaks like an educated honky; but his skin color is what matters — perfect for 90+ per cent of the black community and majority of other minorities.

Obviously, some people prefer not to judge men by their accomplishments. They generally prefer to ignore facts, the first sign of stupidity. (BTW, you must apologize to Purdue University, that Bastion of Intellect, for using the offensive words — “man” and “men”).

Some selective facts:

In his youth, Trump attended a prestigious private school. Since his Father was a successful businessman, young Donald could have cooled it in his youth. For reasons unknown, he was driven to dream big. So he worked obsessively all his life to build a business to become rich and famous. In the process, he employed thousands of people. He got down in the ditch, took big risks, lost big and won big. The proven fact is he gave opportunities to thousands and bettered their lives in the most fundamental of ways. He is one of millions of other American business owners, large and small, who do similar things every day. Trump wrote some books, became a TV celebrity. To date, he has donated his presidential salary. His net worth allegedly stands at 3.1 billion. Such is American business.

In his youth, Obama attended a prestigious private school. Politifact reported that Obama’s first gig in 1976 was ice cream scooper for a Baskin-Robbins. In the next seven years, he allegedly was a clerk, construction worker and telemarketer(among several other positions)but the company names, positions and even dates of employment are unknown. (Why unknown? You might ask Politifact). Subsequently, he toiled as a research assistant, project coordinator and community organizer before joining Chicago law firm Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland. He became a State Senator, and received a $1 million advance for his book Audacity of Hope. Obama’s net worth after his presidency was reported at $40 million. With book deals, speaking engagements, and government pension, he and Michelle will earn as much as $242 million in the next 15 years, according to the Kogod School of Business. Such is American politics.

Regrettably, for the most part, stupid voters turn a blind eye and deaf ear to facts. They also have no ideology. They are not purposefully Left. They don’t know what Left is. Their point of reference is: “What will I get from Government?” Ironically, many of these people work, in fact work diligently, and contribute to their communities. Conversely, Big Media, Hollywood, Academia, the ABA, the non-profit crowd —  the “intelligentsia” who own a virtual monopoly of the speaking platforms through the airwaves, in publishing and in classrooms — do indeed have an ideology. It is Left. And they do know what Left is. They relentlessly spread the Gospel of Socialism or Statism — never daring to utter either word. These self-appointed mental giants — in the upper echelons of influence — most of whom are situated in the nerve centers of NYC, Washington and other large enclaves — truly believe that the South, and much of the rest of the country, is populated by recidivist hicks, rubes one and all. Witness, for instance, how Hollywood treats the South. But the real haters — many of them in Academia — reserve their deepest revulsion for the American industrialist — business men and women who dare covet a reprehensible self interest and the pursuit of money and wealth.  Academia has contempt for doers and high regard for talkers. Talkers like themselves. With few exceptions, the Left is populated by those who talk, those who essentially do nothing. These are the self proclaimed owners of virtue who sponge off capitalism as they simultaneously scorch the economic system that pays them royally. But no one can deny their influence — as they fill young minds with the swill of utopian statism. Sadly, these same young minds — the new Millennials — have access to the voting booth — an access that should be denied this very minute. if you were a congressman, your first act would be to propose an amendment to repeal and replace the 26th amendment. Dependent children, regardless of age, should not vote, period. Non-citizens should not vote. Wards of the State should not vote. The right to vote is a sacred right — and rightly belongs to citizens of any age who have skin in the game. This doubtless is a view that would cause mass apoplexy in Academia, a reaction, by the way, that would validate its worthiness. If justice and common sense mean anything, Congress should act. There’s no future in Congress being stupid to the bone.


Standing Isn’t Enough.

You are routinely proud to proclaim your love of and dedication to Freedom. Sporting events ritualistically pay homage to Mother Freedom. Americans make a point of paying homage to men and women, many in their teens, buried on foreign soil and lying at rest at home — generations upon generations of them who “gave their last full measure of devotion.” Yet you must suggest all that patriotic posturing is just that — posturing — sincere and heartfelt enough, certainly, but inconsequential, as your precious Freedom crumples in the face of onrushing tyranny. You can hear the cries of derision now: “You’re nothing but a vindictive rabble rouser, spouting a gross, indefensible exaggeration. This is the freest country on earth.” Tell it to Tom Jefferson and ask if he agrees. He would tell you something about the “illusion of Freedom.” He would remind you that The Constitution gave the Federal Government “enumerated powers.” For those of you who don’t like to read, “enumerated” means “defined” and thus limited — in this case, very limited. Contrarily, the several States were given broad sovereignty over what you might call “domestic affairs.” The Founders had a reason for limiting the Federal Government to “enumerated powers.” Perhaps you have a sneaking suspicion what their motive was. Think back to that pivotal time in history. They had just defeated a King’s tyranny. America lives today because a few brave people hated that tyranny. No other reason. And these very people then set about to put into place a system that would place shackles on the power of any central authority that might one day mutate into tyranny — the one outcome Tom and his pals feared above all others. Well Tom, short of your beloved Republic being conquered by a foreign power, your greatest fear has been realized. Your Central Authority of these United States, step by step, has seized power and control over every aspect of American life. The 50 United States are neither united nor sovereign. Worse, they are irrelevant, having given away their sovereignty and bowed to “peaceful tyranny.” Your brilliant Balance of Powers is AWOL. Congress is a dysfunctional house of cards. The Supreme Court has completely eviscerated your master work. And Lady Justice weeps behind her blindfold, her scales mangled. The Central Authority regulates and controls banking, publicly held business, privately held business, energy, transportation, education, healthcare, human services, housing, urban development, labor, homeland security, immigration and agriculture, to name a handful of jurisdictions. The Federal Register lists 440 Federal entities. But no one knows how many really exist. No matter who is President, no matter how many new congressmen are elected or how many incumbents are reelected, no matter which party is in power, the Federal Government will continue to enlarge, spend indiscriminately, fall deeper into crushing debt and forever tighten its grip on the lives of the People. The States will collect taxes and spend that money precisely the way Federal agencies tell them to spend it. But in the midst of this political maelstrom, you do see the lamp of Freedom still shining brightly. It is no illusion. American citizens in 12 States have decided that publicly standing up to honor fallen heroes is not honor nearly enough — that allowing Freedom to fall with them is having them die in vain. Twelve states — Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas — have ratified the Resolution to hold a Convention of States for the purpose of restoring The Constitution and ending tyranny. Americans claim they love Freedom. Lawmakers stand and solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. You stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. You stand for the National Anthem. Standing isn’t enough. Is it, Tom?

Are They Serious?

The preoccupation with Death in America shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. There was a time when Life shared at least top billing and perhaps it still does in some significant ways. But not while the Grim Reaper performs at the top of His game. Currently, Old Scratch has a thriving operation. He seldom goes into His office since business is, shall you say, running on automatic pilot. He can always rely on disease, accident, murder and decay to keep pace with Life. His Wholesale Divisions specialize in war, massacre, disaster and terrorism — these are the catastrophic events that dramatically inflate His bottom line. And when things get a little slow from time to time, the Old Boy gets a lot of help. He counts on various accomplices to boost his numbers. One of His favorite cohorts is Planned Parenthood whose factories snuff Life like it’s nothing at all. Another is Death Row — not so efficient, but highly dramatic and stable in the long run. By far, however, one of his most dependable colleagues is Self Destruction. Droves of his best customers apparently believe Life is either too boring, too painful, too bleak — simply too repellent to offer any value. You might say they live on a sort of self-imposed Death Row; but at least they have the freedom to choose the time and method of their denouement — a high place, a wet place, a deadly narcotic, firearm, rope, blade, toxin, CO exhaust. Lucifer isn’t partial to method. He’s only interested in outcome. He disagrees vehemently with those who suggest that Life is inviolate and therefore can not be manipulated by those who believe they own it. The subject is creepy enough, to be sure. But it can’t be avoided can it? Death Row inmates in 31 States live it every day — where the Justice System routinely adjudicates the time and method of their expiration. In opposition, 19 States have resolved that one potentially innocent Life is not theirs to take; ergo, no Life is. Satan Himself has mixed emotions about this dichotomy in the Justice System. Keeping His allies alive is good for business, only if they can support His work. Otherwise, He’s all for pulling the plug. In the interest of fair play, you have a different view. You suggest the Justice System should allow all relevant parties to have a say in the matter of Death. The next of kin could have the choice of personally administering death,  or sparing the accused. As a last request, the remorseful accused could be allowed to choose the manner of execution. For their part, Judges could decide that specific punishments should fit specific crimes — stabbing for stabbing, asphyxiation for asphyxiation, bludgeon for bludgeon.  As for Old Scratch, He couldn’t care less about these judicial proceedings. He’s happy to leave Death Row to the system. He would much rather visit the homes, heads and hearts of his unsuspecting recruits — those he knows are primed to self destruct and, in particular, those poised to destroy others. He revels in His work — in the mammoth size of such a receptive audience. Meanwhile, America remains dumbstruck when Death visits — again and again. America’s loud voices accuse those who must be responsible. America’s loud voices demand to know answers to the question — why do these killings keep happening? Incredulous, Old Scratch listens, smiles and whispers to Himself, “Are they serious?”

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.