Court Of Last Resort.

Here’s the scene. The 25-year-old suspect sits on a metal folding chair in the interrogation room. He’s being held on suspicion of a nighttime home invasion that resulted in the murder of a 67-year-old retired schoolteacher. Freddy has a rap sheet, but nothing on it approaches the level of homicide. The detectives have the goods — more than enough evidence to prove that Freddy and his two buddies broke into Mr. Czarnecki’s small home to empty a safe they had reason to believe held a small fortune. Freddy’s ready to talk because he thinks of himself as the innocent victim of a robbery gone wrong. “We were just going to take the safe, that’s all.  I admit it.  But I didn’t know Terence had a gun and sure didn’t know he would use it; I was more surprised and scared than anyone. It was terrible, terrible. . . a terrible thing . . .” Freddy is telling the truth. He had no clue the night would end in what is known as felony murder. Nonetheless, he, Terence and Floyd each are charged with several felonies, including the brutal killing of a man minding his own business in his own home. Freddy is charged just as a getaway driver is charged in a violent bank robbery. Drivers don’t pull triggers and don’t wield knives; but under the law, they’re just as guilty as the killers. Aiding and abetting a crime is a grave offense. An accessory to crime, whether or not present at the commission of that crime, can be charged, even if the perpetrator beats the rap in court. You just saw this scenario acted out on the national stage. Hillary Clinton was guilty of at least one crime in the premeditated use of a private email server. On a massive scale, Clinton was guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. Unquestionably, she was and is the perpetrator of crimes. And she beat the raps without facing censorship, without facing a grand jury and without facing a court appearance. Not so much as a slap on the wrist. But Clinton didn’t commit her crimes without a bevy of co-conspirators — devout accomplices who did her bidding. Some we know. Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson and John Bentel were granted immunity by the FBI, as were Bryan Pagliano and Paul Combetta. Others were in the tank as well. The FBI’s allegedly upright and untouchable James Comey put on his best blinders and gave the perpetrator and her pals a Get Out Of Jail Free Card, essentially telling all America that citizens of this country are not equal before the law, telling all America that the foundation of this Republic has been reduced to dust.  Apparently, the die is cast. The administration of Justice is left to the Court of Last Resort — to the nation’s last remaining defense — the Ballot Box. If the accessory to crime is as guilty as the perpetrator, American voters who choose to aid the career criminal must by definition share both her past and future guilt. Consequently, in less than a month, millions of American people will be guilty. They risk nothing, of course. Nothing except their self respect. But nothing will erase the fact of their guilt. Not in a lifetime. This conclusion is not arguable. Hillary Clinton is an established hardened criminal. Anyone who supports her — anyone — lies in her polluted bed. Sweet dreams.

Ask Her.

He can’t make a speech at a debate, but in bits and pieces, these are  messages Trump should deliver to the American people during the next debates. (Ed. Note: These remarks are profusely redundant with previous posts).

My fellow Americans, Hillary Clinton says I’m a rotten, dangerous guy. She says I’m a cheat. She says I’m a failure in business because I lost millions and claimed those losses to avoid taxes. First, let me say this: thousands of businessmen and women have risked and lost everything in life, and bounced back to be successful. We have thus taught our children. After being knocked down, get off the floor and try again. I will never apologize for making mistakes and failing. I risked my own money. I obeyed all the tax rules, kept my companies going and thousands of tax paying employees kept their jobs and we did and still do great things together. That’s not at all unusual in America — it’s what Americans have always done. It’s what made America and her people the most prosperous on earth. Yes, I’ve made mistakes in my life just as have every one of you. But Hillary wants you to believe America’s troubles are my fault. Hillary Clinton is worth anywhere from $30 million to $100 million. Ask her how she made that money on a government salary. She never owned a business, never made a product and never hired employees. You, the taxpayers, have been paying her salary for years. She has been an employee of the Federal Government. Now she lives in three mansions. Ask her – please — to tell you exactly how she became wealthy. Ask her why she refused to send help to her people under attack in Libya — why she let them die. Ask her why she broke Federal law to set up her own private server and then ask her why she lied to the FBI and Congress. Ask her why she doesn’t take responsibility for the rise of ISIS – the killing machine that came to power under her watch. Ask her to tell you where the $6 billion is that went missing from her State Department. I lost my own money — she lost yours. Then ask her why she’s running for President. However, before you do, let me tell you why I’m running. On her TV show, Oprah asked me years ago if I was considering a run. I said, no, that I loved doing what I was doing. When she pressed me on it, I said I would only consider running if things got so bad in this country — and that, yes, I didn’t like some of the things that were happening; I would wait and see. Well, things have gotten worse than anyone could have expected. Everything is broken and getting worse — racial tension is at an all time high, terrorism is everywhere in the world, immigration is out of control, the economy is going nowhere fast, the 20 trillion dollar plus debt is strangling us, and the military has been weakened dangerously. You didn’t cause this situation. I didn’t cause it. Your leaders caused it. And Hillary occupied one of the top seats of power. Ask her if she admits to being a big part of the problem. If not she, who? Ask her. I’m running for President because I love my country, period. I don’t need money; I don’t need fame. And this is no ego trip. In fact, I will get old fast working night and day to help clean up the mess in Washington. My party chose me; if they hadn’t chosen me, I would have supported whomever they chose. Americans need to put aside party labels and come together — we need to clean house, get rid of unbridled corruption and bring America up out of the darkness. Please don’t elect Hillary. She has proven by her recorded actions that she’s morally bankrupt and ethically unfit.

But Wait.

It’s easy to sit on the sidelines, complain and pass judgment. That’s what people do. People who aren’t in the game. That’s the only choice they have. Write letters to editors. Speak at government hearings. Write blogs. Organize events and stand on soapboxes. Serious complainers don’t bother talking about their grievances; they much prefer to take to the streets with old fashioned riots. Burn a few buildings, torch a few cars, kill and injure a few people — that’s the kind of criticism that makes headlines. But even a robust riot has a short shelf life. All in all, millions upon millions of critical opinions don’t amount to a speck of dust in the wind until election day. On that day, you have one vote — unless you happen to be dead in Chicago — where magically you might cast a dozen ballots. At times like this, when everyone is denouncing something or somebody, you’re thankful for the genius of a few white guys who in 1775 conceived and implemented a system of government with the types of checks and balances that give your one vote meaning. Their seemingly divine wisdom made it possible for you to slip and make a mistake without the fear of dire consequences.You might elect an incompetent President, or a nefarious legislator or an unethical judge. Not to worry. Because the weight of the system — a system based on the impervious Rule of Law — would stand guard and continuously eradicate the poison of human folly. At this very moment, you are witness to the Virtue of this system. When Barack Obama and Democrat Congress ignored the majority of the people and took over the nation’s healthcare system, you knew the Supreme Court would strike it down. But wait. The SCOTUS upheld ObamaCare by declaring that it was a tax and not a mandate. Even so, you weren’t overly concerned because you knew that a future GOP controlled Congress would either refuse to fund it or simply repeal it. Sure enough, the GOP came to power. And sure enough, Obama continued to flaunt The Constitution with executive orders. But wait. The GOP leadership decided that slashing Obamacare could backfire and suggested they could get it done if only they had a Republican in the White House. You have to admit this GOP betrayal rankled a bit, enough for you to exclaim, “Darn it.” But, then, you trusted that GOP defenders would stand shoulder to shoulder behind a formidable candidate to defeat one of the most despicable people to ever occupy public office. You were confident these stalwart champions would amass their armies and massive campaign chests to elect someone who finally would put an end to tyrannical government and heal the damage, including Obamacare. But wait. Incomprehensibly, GOP leaders harpooned their own candidate, and prominent conservative media voices pummeled him unmercifully.

You might as well face the bitter truth.

The Balance of Powers so carefully crafted by the Founders has given way to Absolute Power. The Virtue of the system has given way to the Dishonor of the system. Now, sitting on the sidelines, it’s altogether proper to point the finger. At a President who has always harbored a deep contempt for America. At a Congress that turns its cowardly tail time and time again as it abandons its sworn duty. At a Supreme Court that shows scorn for The Constitution it vowed to protect. At a Department of Justice that makes a mockery of its very name. At the FBI Director and his surrogates who dishonor the memory of all who held dear their vital mission. At a merciless Hillary Clinton who cheats and lies her way to power at the expense of decent people and a good nation. And at a polluted media complex that brings shame to a once honorable calling.

After they signed their names, several of the Founding Fathers sounded the warning bell. One of them was Tom Jefferson.

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground. To Edward Carrington, May 1788

Experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. Diffusion of Knowledge Bill, 1779.

I love to see honest and honorable men at the helm, men who will not bend their politics to their purses nor pursue measures by which they may profit and then profit by their measures.  To Edward Rutledge, 1796.

I do verily believe that … a single, consolidated government would become the most corrupt government on the earth.” To Gideon Granger, 1800.  

What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun?  The generalizing and concentrating all cares and powers into one body . . . To Joseph C. Cabell, 1816.

Sorry Tom. You tried.


The ranting and raving of critical Dick.