Under the aegis of Fox News, Watters’ World routinely exposes utter failure — that failure is the crippling, or more likely, the collapse of American education. Ironically, the students Watters interviews have immediate and unparalleled access to centuries of knowledge. They no longer have to pore through library card catalogues or search library shelves to exhume the most obscure fact. They simply activate their devices, enter a couple of keywords and, presto, they have any answer to any question, plus dozens of associated links. Yet, confronted by a Jesse Watters’ grade school question, they show up laughably dumb. On cue, Jesse can’t contain himself. He laughs. So do you. But that feeling in the pit of your stomach says it’s no laughing matter. Not when you fear America’s future is in the hands of nitwits. Millennials live in the Age of Instant Information and arguably will be remembered as the Least Informed Generation. Worse, they don’t seem to care. You would like to relieve Watters just one time at some well known college campus, to ask one question: “Who fought the Cold War?” You have a few bucks that say 4-5 random interviewees wouldn’t have a clue. You picked that question for a reason — to segue to the following assertion: America, unknowingly, at this moment, is in the midst of a second Cold War. However, this Cold War isn’t a state of political and military tension that exists among world powers — a standoff that follows the cessation of battle and bloodshed. This is a domestic Cold War between Two Americas — one dedicated to preserving the core values and immutable laws and principles of the country’s founding documents — the other dedicated to further transforming the United States into a Socialist State. This country has split into two hostile camps. This is no ordinary divide. This is no ordinary political year. And there is no common ground. America is once again engaged in Civil War — for now, a Cold War — equally as desperate and impassioned as the Civil War which allegedly ended in April, 1865. That war ripped apart families, made enemies of friends, produced over a million casualties and demolished a flourishing land. The 2016 Cold War has no demarcation line. The combatants are not separated by North, South, East or West. The combatants work together, eat together, live together, worship together. The combatants are now engaged in a war of words. The combatants are testing whether this nation, or any nation, conceived and dedicated to liberty, can long endure. With apologies to Abe, you must avoid the tendency to exaggerate. America will endure. But reality suggests, in a very short while, America will be unrecognizable to those who know and value Her history — Her conception, doctrines and articles of faith. In his fun rambling about, Jesse Watters looks for evidence to prove that America is in good hands — and repeatedly finds them empty. Not funny.
Freedom’s Highway.
People who achieve the most ideal balance of mental and physical fitness — that is, health and happiness — are very likely those individuals who limit their exposure to other members of the human race. They necessarily would be people with resources to burn and time to kill. Or they might be people who simply choose professions that consign themselves to solitude — outer space, outer Mongolia, the Monastery of Ki, or maybe a tree house deep in the Atchafalaya Basin — places where the Orlando atrocity is a non-event. Following the most rigorous mathematical study, you conclude that 0.00001 of the U.S. adult population has currently found this ideal balance. That number comes to a smidgen over 2200 souls. You’re not one of them and don’t know anyone who is. To be sure, ordinary people, wealthy or not, routinely duck the scene, escaping to wealthy enclaves where they insulate themselves from the rabble, ruckus and rhetoric. But that escape is fleeting. Then it’s back to the real world. Chase the buck. Mingle with the rabble. Get caught up in the ruckus. Listen to and participate in the never-ending rhetoric. This is the way it has always been for the 99.99999%. In America, you learned to live in this melting pot, muddle through and survive the chaos. In America, you could always tolerate the freaky, perverted and destructive behavior of fellow humans, because you simultaneously could bank on the illustrious, virtuous and productive behavior of their counterparts. In America, no matter how intensely or violently you clashed with other opinions and attitudes over the state of the Nation, you and your rivals would put aside differences and grievances to lock arms in Her defense. That unity — that common bond — died November 4, 2008. On that day, with B.H. Obama at the wheel, America left Freedom’s highway, took a hard left down a blind alley and has been stuck there ever since. In that alley, Obama shaped his historic legacy. He will be remembered as the first President in history who willfully led the Anti-American Movement. He will be remembered as the POTUS who ripped your country in half, pitting citizen against citizen, inciting hatred, class envy and racism. He will be remembered as the President who never instilled pride, never extolled excellence, never professed love for his country and never shed a tear for Her or for the people who sacrificed themselves to protect Her. And most of all, he will be remembered for intimidating Congress and indoctrinating millions of U.S. citizens to follow his Marxist ideology. Before Barack Obama, Americans would brawl like bull terriers to elect their nominees; but whoever won became President of all the people. When your man lost, you weren’t happy; but you didn’t fear for your country. You had no fear because you knew that the new President was an American before he was Democrat, Republican, White, Black, Yankee or Southerner. Maybe you didn’t agree with his politics, but you would have his back when he proudly carried the American banner to foreign lands. That was yesterday and all of the yesterdays long since gone, perhaps gone forever. Tomorrow is another story. Obama will leave behind a dangerously divided land, a perilously weakened economy and massive distrust. Another President in another time faced a similar outlook — a country torn asunder and Her people filled with animosity, resentment and suspicion. He had this to say: With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. America needs a President who can be trusted to put America first, last and always. To bind up Her wounds, rediscover Her greatness and reclaim Freedom’s highway.
Nobody likes a rat. You remember what you learned on the playground: “Tattletale, tattletale.” Rarely do stoolies gain respect and never affection. However, one notable exception to the rules of the school yard came in the persons of the much lionized Woodward and Bernstein (W&B) duo who selflessly and courageously ratted out Nixon and his henchmen for daring to infiltrate enemy (Democrat) headquarters in 1972. In reality, W&B were the recipients of a tip from an anonymous informant they called “Deep Throat.” Three years before his death in 2008, former Deputy Director of the FBI W. Mark Felt revealed that he had furtively delivered the critical information needed to bring down Nixon. Evidently a modest soul, and obviously an expert in clandestine activities, he successfully avoided the limelight — for (are you ready?) 30 years. But W&B had no incentive for anonymity, as they fearlessly and heroically hammered the Nixon White House until the POTUS and his team fell with a resounding thud. Sixty nine people were indicted; 25 went to jail. Nixon left WH grounds in a chopper, exiled to Yorba Linda. W&B wrote All the President’s Men, won the Pulitzer Prize and cashed in big with the Hollywood movie of the same name..The American people were rewarded briefly with Gerald Ford and agonizingly with Jimmy Carter and his infamous Misery Index. Fast forward 40 years. The presumptive Democrat candidate for President makes Richard Nixon look like Junior with his hand in the cookie jar. Nixon’s “crime” allegedly was obfuscation — an attempt to delay, smother and suppress the FBI Watergate investigation. He initially wouldn’t release certain audio tapes, claiming executive “privilege;” and when he did, 18-1/2 minutes went missing. For that, he took maximum heat. Hillary Clinton broke Federal law by setting up her own email server, by destroying (she thought) thousands of emails, by lying repeatedly about those emails and by obstructing justice. She intentionally broke at least three Federal laws: Mishandling Classified Information, Violation of The 2009 Federal Records Act and Violation of the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA). Nixon’s blunder didn’t threaten national security and nobody suffered so much as a bloody nose. Hillary’s private server, vulnerable to cyber espionage, put your country at grave risk. Her criminal negligence and incompetence created world unrest and today four Americans are dead because she wouldn’t send them help. And where, pray tell, are Woodward & Bernstein? Woodward is now a big shot editor at the Washington Post, posing as an investigative journalist. Bernstein writes books and now and then appears on CNN. But you won’t see any courageous reporting from those two. You didn’t even see any courageous reporting from them when Hillary’s Willie was shaking his willy in the oval office and preying on females that crossed his path. They missed a golden opportunity to write a gripping sequel — All the President’s Women. In case you forgot, Willy was impeached by the 106th Congress that owned a Republican majority in both Houses; yet the first Black president was acquitted on all four indictments. Not one Democrat voted against him and some GOP lawmakers joined them. In Nixon’s case, he resigned because his own party didn’t have his back and because the Democrat Party controlled both Houses of Congress. Maybe you begin to see the light. It’s a bright light. The Media serves the Democrat Party. Always has. Democrats always stand shoulder to shoulder and walk in lock step. Republicans never stand together and often throw one of their own under the bus; thus the term RINO. Both parties fear Donald Trump because he has no political skeletons they can leverage, no political favors to pay off and no political ambition that will either define his life or develop his pocketbook. By contrast, everybody in Washington owes somebody something. Everyone’s on the take. Obama owes Soros; Hillary owes corporations and foreign governments; Congressmen owe special interests and the donors who fuel their campaigns. If you believe pundits, one of the few people uncontaminated by Washington or its bureaucracy is FBI Director James Brien Comey, Jr. who allegedly is honorable and principled to a fault — a man who can’t be bought. Hmmmmm. You want to believe it. But how can you? The FBI has allowed a serial lawbreaker to run for the nation’s highest office as they sit on a mountain of evidence proving that she violated her oath of office, lied and obstructed justice. Where is the FBI informant that will leak the critical information that freezes her criminal career? Where is Hillary’s John Dean who copped a plea and spilled his Watergate guts for a light sentence? We’ve come to this — maybe only a rat can save America.