Pipe Dream.

It’s a fantasy, but don’t knock fantasies. Galileo futzed with fantasy before he gave it astronomic structure, then earth shaking efficacy. What’s good for Galileo Galilei is good for anyone; so here’s a new mind trip. Since the vast majority of Trump supporters — the infamous “deplorables” — accomplish the bulk of productive work, they immediately should organize into one massive, national congregation. Not another political party, mind you. Not a religious sect. Not a union. Not a colossal Chamber of Commerce. No, this human swarm would be a grass roots wave made up of individuals who share economic, moral and ideological values. They know who they are. Call them an Army — one without generals, troops, membership fees, budgets and other organizational accoutrements. As with the onset of any hypothetical fantasy, you have yet to work out the mechanism for its composition and disposition. Armies do need some unifying structure. Especially an army that could number 75 million foot soldiers. By comparison, AARP boasts nearly 40 million members. That organization has success because it promotes a type of greed — a 24-7 discount program that fosters an entitlement psychology — rewarding participants simply for reaching the magic age of 50. Your fantasy offers no such financial allure. And since your vision is in its infancy, you must work out a rationale and strategy that could galvanize tens of millions — and worry about structure later — not unlike the dilemma that faced America’s founders. First, your Army may benefit from a name. TRUTH ARMY is a good term. It’ll do for now. Next, TRUTH would need a statement of purpose. Consider this one: To restore individual liberty and the U.S. Constitution — as it was written. Pretty much a cosmic aspiration, wouldn’t you say? Like any credible marketing plan, TRUTH also needs a situation analysis. America’s work ethic is dwindling — in fact, has been slumping for decades as industriousness gives way to sloth. Increasingly, younger generations choose peripheral, dispensable careers. Essentially, these vocations are nonessential to the advance of civilization. These occupations are too voluminous to reference thoroughly, except to suggest that they are mostly expendable. Actors, broadcast media celebs and athletes sit at the top of the list, surpassed only by the purveyors of social media. Include 80 percent of the financial sector, attorneys, journalists, authors, advertising producers and the vast array of corporate and governmental bureaucrats. Conversely, TRUTH members are the doers. They are engineers, inventors, architects, builders, physicians, mechanics, carpenters, welders, farmers, scientists, cops, small business owners, product manufacturers, plumbers, electricians, utility workers, rescue workers, sales persons, locksmiths, machine operators, nurses and dozens of essential technicians — to name just a few. You conclude, therefore, that the situation is topsy turvy. The people who do nothing occupy the seats of power, while funded by “deplorables” who are too busy doing things — so busy, in fact, that they routinely concede power to the “do-nothings.” So busy they finally decided they needed to act — so they elected a renegade to do the job for them. Predictably, the outsider Trump took office with bulls eyes on his back and chest as the “do nothings” have mobilized their immense power to drive him from office. Strategically, your fantasy says that TRUTH ARMY members could play their trump cards by a 1-2 week work stoppage — let the “do nothings” climb utility poles, repair gas lines, mine the coal, drive the semis, run the trains, build the homes, man the factories, pursue the criminals, fight the wars, etc. Shut it down, baby. Something approximating The Day The Earth Stood Still. In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand proposed a version of this fantasy. You can see  eyes rolling and  heads shaking. Here a sneer, there a sneer, everywhere a sneer sneer. Deservedly so. Even 9-11 couldn’t rally an army of like thinkers, much less 75MM souls. But there is a small army already afoot attempting to accomplish your exact statement of purpose. The Convention of States is on its way toward restoring individual liberty and the Constitution — as it was written. The TRUTH ARMY could make it happen in matter of a few  months if Trump voters would step to the plate and simply sign a simple petition. It’s not asking a lot, is it? Is it? It’s certainly no fantasy. Nothing approaching the pipe dream of July 4, 1776.


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