You had the best of intentions — seriously — to offer a positive outlook for the New Year. But you made a dumb mistake. You watched TV. Prognosticators of all kinds — journalists, philosophers and politicians — advanced opinions about the year that just died. But every one of them missed the top story of the 15th year of the 21st century. It wasn’t Trayvon Martin. It wasn’t Ferguson. It wasn’t the IRS scandal, Benghazi, the mid-term election beat-down or the executive amnesty debacle. Or even America’s international irrelevance in showdowns with ISIS, Putin, Iran, Syria — well — pick a country — any country. No, the scoop of 2014 was the stunning attainment of one Barack Obama, to become the most successful president since George Washington. GW gets top billing because the Grand Experiment rested entirely on his shoulders. Two hundred eighteen years later, Barack Hussein Obama announced to all Americans that he would transform GW’s United States and, given their vote of confidence, set out to do exactly that. He laid out his agenda in clear, explicit language and, to the letter, delivered on that promise. You could not give him any grade less than A+. His promise came to its ultimate conclusion with adoption and implementation of national healthcare, the foundational pathway to socialism. It happened that at least two thirds of Americans didn’t want Obamacare. But the President couldn’t care less. And neither did the GOP-controlled House members who had no stomach to oppose him and no courage to defend The Constitution, even after the people elected them twice to do just that. On New Year’s Eve and New Year’s day, as bowl games ran amok, Obama’s transformation of America roared victoriously with the following TV ad:
Your ObamaCare with government subsidy is now available. Health Insurance is guaranteed!! If you are uninsured, under-insured or struggling to pay for your health insurance, call NOW. Call the uninsured helpline to find out how much money you get from ObamaCare. It’s FREE! Health insurance is Guaranteed. Call to find out the amount of your subsidy. Call NOW. It’s FREE! Get the health insurance subsidy YOU DESERVE.
Yes, this ad runs repeatedly on American television. Read it again and again. America has come to this — transformed from the land of self reliance to the land of entitlement, from the land of givers to the land of takers, from the land of responsibility to the land of dependency, from the land of moral greatness to the land of immoral excess, from the land of spiritual belief to the land of secular self-worship, from the land of global prestige and power to the land of disrespect and impotence. Some will say this summary is distorted, false or melodramatic. If so, they must ignore a mountain of evidence. A national debt eclipsing 18 trillion dollars. Over 22 million people unemployed or under-employed. Nearly 50 million people on food stamps. Welfare benefits surpassing minimum wage. Racial division at an all-time high. Crony capitalism thriving. The DOJ making a mockery of justice. Education failing at every level. The world teetering on a powder keg. And still, with this new year in its infancy, Obama’s transformation of Washington’s America need not stand. The new and incumbent members of Congress can begin doing the noble work of restoration. Is restoring America worth risking their political lives, fortunes and sacred honor? Be vigilant. You don’t have long to wait for the answer.