Her name is Elizabeth Marie Harf, Deputy Spokesperson for the US State Department. She appeared on The Kelly File January 12 to recite a bunch of weasel talking points about why the Obama administration refuses to use the “I” word in the war on Islamic terrorism. She spent most of her time, not only justifying the administration’s position, but astonishingly trumpeted a series of foreign policy successes — victories, mind you — that the administration allegedly had won. There must be a word that surpasses “gall” to characterize the deceitful drivel that flows out of spokespersons like her and Josh Earnest who weave, duck, and spin utter hokum to justify the most deadly, pernicious, if not traitorous, foreign policy in American history. From beheading to mass executions, to kidnappings and rape to territorial invasion to cyber terrorism — the world is in chaos — and no one is more responsible for this free fall than one Barack Obama whose ideology and personal Muslim devotion has gravely weakened America and threatened its national security. For many, he has in fact violated his oath of office. Yet Harf, like all Obama spokespersons, glibly and arrogantly puts aside any sense of professional integrity to smile condescendingly as she blows smoke from her 33 year-old mouth. Not a pretty mouth, by the way. Which brings you to an observation — that, with rare exception, Democrat institutions invariably search for rather plain, if not ugly, women to hold high office. Or perhaps that’s an unfair assertion. Because statistics likely will show that homely women are smarter and more ambitious than pretty women and thus deserve their bureaucratic appointments. And you can’t overlook the likelihood that the Fox Television Network simply scarfs up all the leggy foxes who prove that glamor and brains can indeed coalesce in a tight dress. In any event, outside of Hollywood and other entertainment venues, you must agree Democrat women politicians and activists would be hard pressed getting a date at a maximum security prison. To her credit, Harf never had to lean on looks. She earned her MA in Foreign Affairs from UVA. Doubtless, her magniloquent gifts won her showy positions in the CIA and the State Department. You can’t bring yourself to cattily suggest her work on Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign gave her a leg up, can you? Of course not. Right out of school, her incisive mind propelled her as an analyst focusing on Middle Eastern leadership issues. Next, media spokesperson of the CIA. Next, adviser to Obama on national security and communications strategy. Next, campaign spokeswoman on national security issues. Wow. Not one day of military service. Not one day as a CIA operative. Not one day as a foreign diplomat. Not one day in law enforcement. But now you’re being petty. You can’t blame her for winning a job with no real-world experience and accomplishment. After all, she had a role model. He sits in the WH.