The popular radio talk show host rails on and on about GOP incompetence — about how Republicans can’t seem to read the tea leaves — that they seem oblivious to reality — the reality that leading GOP Presidential candidates are outsiders — that every poll result rejects the GOP Beltway occupants in favor of candidates who would actually be reformers of a broken system. Unless they learn a lesson and learn it quickly, he said, the party is destined for indefinite minority status and members of the GOP Establishment will languish and remain irrelevant. Unless they wake up, they are destined to wring their hands with regret. He’s wrong, of course. He’s wrong because GOP Establishment types don’t think anything’s wrong with the system and don’t fear losing. Not really. After all, they stood shoulder to shoulder with their Demo counterparts to build the system. The Federal monstrosity they created is the type of beast that would make Dr. Frankenstein proud, shouting “It’s alive, it’s alive.” Don’t misunderstand. The GOP will always want to gain power and run the show. Who doesn’t want to sit on the throne and wield influence, gain favor and secure greater individual wealth? But if they lose to the Clinton Crime Family, you can be certain there would be no remorse and no wretched recriminations. The GOP boys and girls will still be members of the privileged Beltway Club; they will feed from the same trough; they will remain members of the Ruling Class, in or out of power. What the vast majority of Americans have failed to grasp is that Washington has, for all intents and purposes, a One Party System. We the people think that competition between GOP and DEMO rivals is some sort of honorable, principled ideological war — big government vs limited government; capitalism vs socialism; individual rights vs collective outcome; welfare state vs free enterprise, etc. Nothing of the sort. Not close. In reality, Ruling Class principles, if any exist, play second fiddle to self interest. And ethics (say what?) nearly always surrenders to incumbency and expediency. Regardless of lofty campaign rhetoric, the overwhelming majority of Congressmen have no intention of rocking their cushy boats and they are quick to rebuke any upstart who dares threaten derailing their yummy gravy train. So it’s no surprise that a handful of GOP firebrands are now in giant cross-hairs, not only of the Ruling Class, but also of career bureaucrats, corporate lobbyists, pundit consultants, special interest PACS, Big Media, Big Business and the rest of the pilot fish that feed off the Washington Leviathan. One firebrand excoriated his own party and its leader. Another said he would go it alone because he didn’t need or want to lie in bed with anyone. But don’t get your hopes up. Because here’s another dose of reality — if an axe-wielding, outsider Republican happens to win the Presidency, with a GOP controlled Congress, don’t be offended or astonished when nothing happens and nothing goes away. Not ObamaCare, not the IRS, not crony capitalism, not runaway welfare, not Planned Parenthood, not the Iran deal, not immigration reform, not energy independence, not a balanced budget and definitely not one dollar of national debt. You’ve been brainwashed, dummy — year in and out. The GOP platform, as trumpeted by the RNC, is nothing more than a perennial smokescreen. It feeds the loyal base what they want to hear and builds a war chest — for what? To feed the GOP gentry who does what it always does and does very well — dance the Washington two-step — win or lose.