In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, many people gratefully make a list of their blessings — the many things for which they give thanks. But, like Fox News, in the interest of being fair and balanced, you believe it’s altogether fitting to make a list of some of the things that make you sick. And Fox News itself may be a good place to start. Begin with the glut of Fox’s newsy gabfests — where professional gabbers, mostly lawyer chicks with long blond hair and short skirts, rattle off armchair opinions that have zero consequences. Speaking of zero, someone should tell that pipsqueak Geraldo he doesn’t need an ostentatious mustache to emphasize his perfectly capped, snow white teeth. If the teeth don’t blind you and his opinions don’t bore you, take note of where The Five producers position Kimberly Guilfoyle — out front, naturally — the only person at the table whose crossed legs are visible — at mid-thigh, naturally — all that’s missing are flashing Neon high heels. You assume that show producers modeled The Five after Friends, the 1990’s sitcom that featured a bevy of young adults sitting on couches reciting glib lines meant to be cool, but certainly not funny. Speaking of which, there’s certainly nothing funny about death. You’re sick of apologists who say you shouldn’t judge Islam simply because some Muslims choose to murder people in the name of Islam. You’re sick of immigrants who refuse to assimilate, learn English, become American and appreciate American values. You’re sick of political special interests and their organizations — all of them. You’re sick of political parties and career politicians who put themselves and personal power ahead of The Constitution and the nation. You’re sick of a sitting POTUS who greedily spends millions of dollars on extravagant vacations while millions of Americans struggle out of work. You’re sick of knowing that a former Secretary of State, a confirmed liar and criminal, will not be indicted and prosecuted for breaking the law. You’re sick of the assault on individual liberty and 1st Amendment rights. To the point of physical nausea, you’re sick of political correctness. You’re sick of people who are dumb enough to buy the doomsday notion of “climate change.” You’re sick of America’s suicidal plunge into socialism. You’re sick of the ignorance epidemic — of sordid culture and vulgar language. You’re sick of Hollywood. You’re sick of a culture that idolizes entertainment celebrities. You’re sick knowing that a nation’s people endowed by their Creator, are abandoning that Creator as irrelevant. You’re sick that America’s finest are sacrificing their bodies and lives under a craven Commander in Chief. You’re sick of mobs who find excuses to loot and burn. And you’re sick of single issue voters who make their sexual orientation or reproductive rights a matter of national interest.
Since there’s no cure for these sicknesses, you nonetheless will greet 2016 with hope and optimism. You must believe that good will defeat evil. You must believe in your fellow man. You must not be afraid to defend your values — whatever the cost. You must have faith. Sounds like a plan.