Speaking For Trump

My Fellow Americans,

When my political career ends, assuming I’m still kicking, my fondest memories will be the spectacular rallies — rallies just like this one — where I’m privileged to hang out with true Americans. You are the people who love your country — you are the heart and soul of this great land. I think you know I gave no real thought to presidential politics when I was in my prime. I was concentrating 100% on real estate development. You may remember when Oprah had me on her show. She asked me if I would ever consider running for President and I quickly said, no, I don’t think so because I was dedicated to building my business — but I also said — and remember, this was quite a long time ago — I said I was very worried about our country; and if things got bad enough, I might consider doing something. Well, then Obama came along. And look what the heck happened. He transformed my country to honor his hero — none other than  Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto. I wish I could say our work smashed the Obama years. I wish I could say the Democrats improved on our work. Sadly, they chose Marx..

But tonight I’m not going to bad-mouth the Democrat Party. Joe’s gone. Kamala is an avowed Communist although she won’t admit that. But you can decide who she is, what she’s for and what she’s against; and most important, the truth of what she’s done the past four years. You can decide how she’s performed as the Border Czar. If voters don’t believe who she really is and what she’s really done, there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s all I’ll say about her.

Tonight I want to talk to you, but not only to you in this building.  I want to talk to people who don’t like me, and especially those who think I’m the enemy. To begin, let me tell you why I’m running for president again. I’m not in this fight for fame or fortune. I don’t need either, believe me. I freely admit — I  especially don’t like being lied about and attacked. But what truly pisses me off is seeing the destruction of the greatest country on earth. So it’s like this. I’ve climbed in the ring again because I love my country. It’s that simple. I don’t care who you are — friend or foe, rich or poor. Don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Socialist. Your sexual orientation is your business. So is your religious affiliation, if you have one. I’m running for President to see that you and everyone else in this country is free to live the life you were promised to live.  You were promised, by the way. The Constitution promised you. Only through your individual freedom can America be strong, prosperous and free. That’s all of it. Everyday people — you make this country great — and don’t you forget that — ever.

Now — I must editorialize. Regardless of your opinion of me, it’s important you know the truth — why people in power want to wipe me out. Washington wants to get rid of me because I want to see the  Federal Government reduced in size and scope — to return Washington to the authority originally granted it by The Constitution. The truth is both parties have been trying to get rid of me since 2015, before I was elected. Well, I’m still here to tell you that your country is being run for the benefit of people in Government, not for the benefit of people who grind out a living day by day. YOU — YOU — are the people who grow this country, not politicians who push paper in Washington. You build and sustain this country. Not Presidents or Vice Presidents, not Congressmen or Supreme Court Justices, and especially not un-elected civil officials. Too many people in Washington don’t serve you; they serve themselves. They get in the way. They make rules and regulations that get in the way. And have you noticed, while you do an honest day’s work to put bread on your table, they somehow find a way to quietly put “bread” in their vaults. Think about it, Why do politicians work so hard to get to Washington? The annual salary in Congress is OK but that salary won’t make them multimillionaires in half a dozen years, will it? Will it? Ladies and Gentlemen, the Federal Government did not build America. The Federal Government built itself. It has grown by leaps and bounds. It has spent your money in every wasteful way. One number tells the story. $35 trillion. It’s your debt, like it or not. The Constitution of the United States never gave the Federal Government authority to take over your life. That’s why we need to drain the swamp asap. And now you know why there’s been a bullseye on my back for the past 10 years. It’s no mystery. People in power can’t give it up — the power or the money.

I believe everyone in this building knows the truth. I believe every thinking voter knows I’ve nothing to gain as President — except to see America be true to Her founding principles. If we can accomplish that goal, I’ll walk away a happy and blessed man. God Bless you all.



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