Anyone who believes that a Perfect Storm of coincidental, unrelated events is tearing America apart is an ill-fated idiot. If you think the governmental conduct of COVID 19, the sweeping embrace of BLM and the rampage of anarchists have no political agenda, you are an accessory to nothing less than treason. Pretty strong condemnation, at the very least. How dare you? Lots of good people would accuse you of undeserved character assassination. True. Guilty as charged. It’s the same kind of condemnation the world heaped on rank and file Germans who stood by as a minority of Brown Shirt anarchists intimidated, rioted, murdered, ripped apart a country and committed mass genocide. No, of course it’s not the same. In the late 1930’s, Germans were still suffering the economic deprivation of their World War I sins. They had an “alibi” for their indifference to Evil. Adolph gave them hope for a better life. Tragically, millions died for that “better life.” Conversely, a few short months ago, America’s domestic future was shining brightly under Trump’s economic policies. Democrat voters and Never Trumpers curled their bitter lips at the notion of his success but they couldn’t and still can’t deny the evidence — of progress and prosperity. So, it seems reasonable to ask: what justification do mobs have for inciting violence and tearing down the symbols of America’s past — both its glories and its dishonors? You will tell any black person face to face that it has nothing to do with systemic racism. Or that BLM has anything to do with black lives. You will say face to face that black deprivation has everything to do with the most fundamental of all causes — black culture. That assertion will inflame most African Americans. Sorry for that. No longer can the Black Community blame the White Community for anything. That game is over. The victim game is over. And the black & white leaders in politics, sports and entertainment who fuel the Big Lie are the most despicable people on the planet. No, take that back. The most shameful of the lot are major corporations, the leaders of all the virtue signalers out there who fall on their knees — bowing and scraping to reap the loyalty of nearly 50 million black buyers.* Any African American with any self respect and a brain would be contemptuous of that crowd of yellow bellies. George Floyd was nothing more than a BLM convenience. He was the perfect pretext for a Marxist reign of terror. Leftwing organizations like BLM thrive on chaos, violence and mob rule. The story is as old as humanity itself. BLM has nothing to do with black lives. BLM, and the Democrat Party for that matter, couldn’t care less about black lives. It’s a scam. In fact, the evidence proves exactly what they do believe: Black Lives Don’t Matter. Because if they did, thousands of African Americans wouldn’t be dying in major cities run by Democrats. The black communities in those cities prove one thing: that Black lives are expendable, in or out of the womb. Therefore, you must ask yourself: why do African Americans lie down every night, night after night, in the Democrat bed? There’s no sensible, practical answer to that question. So you must turn to a psychological explanation. You compare African Americans to physically or mentally abused spouses who makes excuses to stay with their brutish husbands. They stay with the enemy they know; they pay the heavy price for stability and security — a form of tyranny. But don’t think for a minute that black Americans are the only ones who submit to a coercive existence. All Americans submit to their government bosses. The Governor of your state shuts down the economy, creating irreparable damage, hardship and suffering. The Governor picks winners and losers — which businesses may remain open and which must close. He shuts church doors and opens abortion rooms. He mandates that business employees and customers must wear masks. You submit. He stands down to allow mobs to destroy private and public property. Under his dictatorship, pharmacies may not fill doctor-prescribed hydrochloroquine for patients who want to self medicate. Meanwhile, Media has only one objective — to spread Covid fear as a death sentence, to keep schools closed and keep the economy in handcuffs. Meanwhile, social media networks ban the free speech of frontline doctors who not only prove that hydrochloroquine is the drug of choice to subdue Covid19, but also claim that thousands of Americans have died needlessly. No one can believe federal or state governments would have deprived sick people of a useful drug. That accusation sounds like another far fetched conspiracy. You bet it does, Matilda. Connect the dots. Covid19 chaos. City street chaos. Economic chaos — all designed to do one thing: bring down Donald Trump’s presidency. Since 2015, Deep State operators have pulled out every dirty trick to scuttle DT. When impeachment failed, they fell back on the classic Marxist strategy — create fear, bloodshed and economic devastation. Put the media in charge of spreading misinformation and disinformation. The strategy relies on your submission. Sad as hell to say, it’s working.
Sampling of corporate donations to BLM.
* Google ($12MM); Facebook ($10MM); Amazon ($10MM); Apple ($100MM); Walmart ($100MM); Target ($10MM); Home Depot ($1MM); EA Games ($1MM); Etsy ($1MM); Levis ($200K); GAP Brands ($250,000); Nike ($40MM); McDonalds ($1MM); Wendy’s ($500K); Coca Cola ($2.5MM); United Health Group ($10MM); Peloton ($500,000).