This Fodder posting is an interruption to the traditional self appointed judgment and opinion dumps that routinely plow the ancient ground of human folly. Instead, what follows is a report from Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Convention of States (COS) movement. You should pay the closest attention to this historic undertaking. And you should leave the sidelines and take the field. No matter where you live, if you do nothing else, simply take a minute to read below and add your name to the COS petition. If you believe the Federal Government will restrain itself from growing exponentially and restrain itself from meddling in every facet of your life; if you think Donald single-handedly can restore The Constitutional limitations on the Fed; you better lay off the Kool-Aid. Ed.
Excerpts from Mark Meckler & COS Team
It’s easy to idolize people, to put them on a pedestal and assume they’re better than they are. Actors, athletes, politicians and many other celebrities disappoint us. Some make their flaws more obvious than others. Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace; Bill Clinton was impeached. Most have failed us in some way. Conservative hero Ronald Reagan – a favorite here at the COS office — vowed to do away with the Department of Education. Yet the Federal Government grew under his administration; and, yes, his DOE swelled even larger.
Now, many of you are hopeful about Donald Trump’s presidency. So are we. But no matter his good intentions, Congress will resist and his power as President is limited. You have witnessed Congress blocking improvements time and again. No one has earned the distrust of American voters like the current established political leaders. Ideally, Trump will try to “drain the swamp” as he colorfully promised. But ask yourself, “How can he remove the sludge of ego and corruption from Congress?” Electing and appointing better leaders and Cabinet members won’t cut it. Changing people is only temporary. We didn’t amass a $20+ trillion debt by electing better people.
Thankfully, our Founding Fathers planned ahead. They created three separate branches of government to help keep each in check. The checks and balances haven’t worked out quite as they expected, have they? But the Founders weren’t naïve – hardly. They anticipated excessive Federal control and the threat of tyranny. So they gave us an “emergency cord” in Article V – so that we the people could pull that cord if the three branches fail to keep each other in check. Tom Jefferson warned against having “confidence in man,” but that we should “bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
As Trump (and Reagan before him) have used the phrase so well, we do want to “drain the swamp” ego, incompetence and corruption. Thanks to our Founding Fathers, we – and only we — actually have the power and the obligation to do it. Donald Trump said this in his Inaugural Speech, “Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning because today, we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.”
North Carolina is on the front lines in the fight for liberty. Because you stood with us from the start, I wanted to give you the “inside scoop” of what has transpired to date and where we stand today in The Tar Heel State regarding the COS Resolution.
NC filed the Article V Convention of States resolution on February 7th in both houses. Since 2016 was a budget only session, this is our time and we must take advantage of it. Representative Bert Jones is leading the way as our Sponsor. With a strategic plan in place, it is North Carolina’s time to shine.
On the national front, Washington DC will undoubtedly resist President Trump’s promises. It is human nature. Even Reagan failed to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. This is no time for ‘We The People’ to rest. We can’t rely on those inside DC to do this, no matter how well intentioned. What is needed is not just a change in personnel, but a change in structure to create long-term permanent change.
Everywhere, people are waiting for a long-term solution. State by state, Americans are fighting to restore liberty and North Carolinians are no exception. Over 17,000 of you have signed the COS petition asking their legislators to vote yes on the COS Resolution. NC will take a stand and stand behind the Constitution.
Sign the petition here and now.
Reminder to those of you who are new to the objectives of this movement:
This is not a Constitutional Convention. It is a Convention of States to offer amendments as empowered under Article V of The Constitution. With ratification approval of 34 states, the COS would call the convention to offer amendments in three legally restricted areas: 1. To place fiscal restraints on the Federal Government; 2. To limit the Power and Scope of the Federal Government; 3. To set Term Limits on Federal officials. MM