Paralysis. True, one word can never adequately define the decline of America. But it comes pretty close. Other words offer some needed reinforcement. Cowardice, certainly. Profligacy, an obvious choice. Corruptness, in your face every day. Gluttony, an epidemic. And Treachery, at the very pinnacle of power. But paralysis remains the most relevant. It suggests that this nation’s people, staring in the face of evil, are somehow incapacitated, disabled, powerless to rescue themselves and their country from the enemy within. You listen and watch broadcast media interviews, however distracted you may be on occasion by silken limbs and glistening lips. The pundits, commentators, lawmaker guests and other experts recite chapter and verse about what ails America. They wail and whine. They protest and proclaim. And they, of course, exempt themselves from the issue du jour — from the healthcare fiasco, or the amnesty debacle, or the rocketing debt, or a Middle East run amok, or IRS extortion, or Medicare fraud, or Immigration Fraud, or Crony Capitalism Fraud. And, yes, they admit they now have Congressional power and the power of the purse; but doggone it, the POTUS will not give us an inch on his agenda. He’s a real meanie, he is. He skips merrily along, personally running what is now the world’s largest, richest banana republic; and even sends his minions to Israel to see if he can dim the Zionest star by neutralizing its current leader. Meanwhile, the GOP and media critics excoriate the POTUS for refusing to call Islamist Terrorists what they are — Islamist Terrorists. In other words, they rightly claim, until you call something by its name, you can not begin to defeat it. Yet these very same critics have refused for years to call America’s domestic enemy by name — the one and only Barack Hussein Obama. They refuse to say, publicly at least, that he’s anti-America. They refuse to suggest that, in his heart at least, he is Muslim. They refuse to formally denounce him for engaging in a relentless practice of lies and deception. They refuse to acknowledge that he systematically and deliberately has undermined America’s global hegemony, its domestic tranquility, its vital resources and its economic sovereignty. Through his action and inaction, a mountain of documented evidence proves he routinely has violated his sacred oath — to “. . . preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Yet those we have elected to preserve this “shining city on a hill” avoid their own sworn duty, allowing the city’s lights to dim one by one. Fearing racial demonstration, media hostility and personal risk, they will not renounce and remove the enemy in the WH, despite his stack of impeachable offenses. In private business, any CEO can eventually bite the dust through poor performance or moral turpitude. In professional or college sport, nobody puts up with a losing coach, or a washout player, at least not for very long. But arguably for the biggest job on earth, the Separation of Powers permits any traitorous behavior, any amount of perjuring and any amount of incompetence. The lawmakers you entrust to protect and preserve the America you love remain frozen like the proverbial deer in the proverbial headlights. In the grip of a numbing paralysis. Willing, evidently, to tolerate the enemy within.