If you’re easily offended, please don’t read further. If you’re one of those people who wants to receive a government handout rather then work for less money than the handout, don’t read another word. If you’re one of those people who routinely uses recreational drugs, stop reading now and continue doing your part to ruin lives and support criminals everywhere; then pretend you’re a respectable citizen. If you’re a corporate bigwig on Washington’s crony list, this rant is not for someone like you, desperately consumed by greed and power. If you’re black and think the country “owes you,” hit delete now and bow to your new Master in the WH. If you have no clue and couldn’t care less about American history and heritage, please log out, go to the mall and hang out with your witless friends. If you’re a card-carrying Socialist, quasi Socialist, Marxist or so-called Progressive, you can find better use of your time by finding new ways to steal from your neighbors. If you’re uneducated, you won’t learn anything here — you can always resent and envy the people who are educated. If you’re an elite intellectual, you already despise this “essay.” If you think having babies outside of marriage is a perfect ticket to more welfare, you should be shacking up somewhere right now — and pity the poor offspring. If you think taxpayers, businesses, schools or churches should furnish contraceptives, your brain is already on life support. If you’re a gay rights activist who demands recognition, respect and affirmative action, leave now and plan your next march. If you buy the claim it’s OK to take more money from the rich because it’s the “fair” thing to do, you’re a thief at heart and have no business on this page. If you think taking all the wealth from the rich will somehow make you more successful and well-off, get a canoe and paddle — you’re already up the creek. If you’re a politician with cradle to the grave entitlements, using your office as a lucrative career, don’t waste your time here — there’s a special place in Hell waiting for you. If you think America was built by the Federal Government, odds are you’ve already left this page to waste your time doing what other takers and losers do. If you have farm land and receive federal subsidies for not farming, now’s the time to sign off because you’re one of millions of “respectable” citizens stealing from the Treasury. If you think America is not an exceptional country, you should find the nearest country you can find that is exceptional — and move there tomorrow. If you support the current President of the United States because he’s black, say goodbye and learn how to spell the word you claim to hate — r-a-c-i-s-t. If you haven’t read a non-fiction book in the past year, you definitely shouldn’t be reading this — and definitely shouldn’t vote. If you have a cell phone in one hand and your EBT card in the other, take a hike and don’t play the poverty card. If you think it’s just fine for the Federal Government to grow and private industry to waste away, shut down this blog now and have your IQ checked — quick. If the President tells you lie after lie after lie, and you think lying is cool, exit this site forever and seriously avoid looking at yourself in a mirror. If you’re a Democrat, and intend to vote for BH Obama no matter what, consider how many Americans died for your freedom to do so — and by the way, the mirror doesn’t lie.