In case you haven’t noticed, you’ve been had. You, being you, enlightened and savvy, above the fray, reject that assertion out of hand. Yeah, sure, nobody can lay any blame at your feet. As the divinely inspired American experiment slides into the abyss, you’re confident the descent has little or nothing to do with you. Anyway, you won’t be around to see the outcome, just as the Founders couldn’t survive to see what became of their historic courage and passionate sacrifice. Just as the tens of thousands lying at Normandy and all across the globe couldn’t survive to know that their last full measure of devotion was wasted on generations devoted to self-gratification, corruption and ignorance. On March 21, 2010, you remembered the term “the enemy within.” That’s the day when 219 traitorous citizens, empowered by your vote, trashed The Constitution. These are the Congressmen you elected to uphold one lofty ideal – to support, protect and preserve your most sacred treasure. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same . . .” (laugh or cry here). Who are these people? They are your sanctioned leaders who have robbed you of the very freedom they vowed to protect. Are you through laughing? They are bureaucrats who, with your approval, have won the lottery — a lifetime of wealth and privilege paid for by you and those yet unborn. They are slugs who create nothing, produce nothing and contribute nothing. They are nobodies compared to the farmer, the mechanic, the businessman, the craftsman, the physician, the homemaker and other individuals who live purpose-driven lives. Yet you allow them to dishonor the memory of those who gave everything to see that tyranny would never visit this land. And now that tyranny is here, you understand that America’s real threat was never ruin from without, but rot from within.