Socialism courted America seriously for at least a quarter of a century, making friends, talking junk and sleeping around. But when Chief Justice Roberts ruled Obamacare constitutional, Socialism moved in — lock, stock and barrel. Get used to it. The train has left the station. Americans who believe we can send Socialism packing by electing a GOP Senate are genuinely delusional. Capitalism — the economic system that built the grandest nation in the history of civilization — has been jilted, cast aside by a spoiled, spineless and shallow people. However, while Socialism goes about dismantling the wheels of free enterprise and defiling the altar of individual liberty, pure Capitalism still thrives in one sector of American life. You find it laughable. One arena of American life idolizes Capitalism, rejects discrimination and bigotry and unites a nation — providing a pristine model — a blueprint — for the rest of a free society. This section of American life is a glittering affirmation of Capitalism, so recently belittled by the Pope himself. (So much for Popes and the tens of millions of subjects who actually believe in his inherited divinity). By now you have a clue. The World of Sport worships success achieved under the rules of engagement. All sport has strict rules. All sport has law enforcement. Capitalism — not the meddling arm of government — tore down the wall of discrimination. The World of Sport worships the best athletes, the best coaches and the best administrators. You will never see Affirmative Action demand that white athletes comprise half the rosters of the Boston Celtics or the Crimson Tide or the local high school. You will not see equal pay for equal work. You will not see a redistribution of income. What you will see is a system based solely on merit. You will see athletes and coaches fired. You will see athletes change jobs. You will see union/owner negotiations, strikes and shutdowns. Meanwhile, Socialist demagogues like your President and his minions encourage you to despise the excessive salaries of corporate executives; yet you don’t make a peep if Payton Manning or Tiger Woods makes gazillions. Capitalism honors preparation, worth, performance, fealty, ethics, duty and accomplishment — in any walk of life. Capitalism doesn’t play favorites. If the basic tenets of Capitalism were applied to the Federal Government, The President would be the first to bite the dust, followed by a host of other leeches and entire Federal departments. Ironically, under Capitalism, the American people have always adopted the highest standards — in choosing which athletes should play the game, which coaches should be fired for failure, which restaurants to frequent, which plumbers to hire, which building contractors to trust, which products to buy. Their devotion to high standards created the likes of an Angie’s List. Yet these very same Americans — who demand credentials from a car mechanic — twice elected a murky person of no credentials, no proven ability and no accomplishment to the most powerful political office on earth. Don’t be fooled. What is left of Capitalism in America is window dressing. Yes, you can work at a job of your choosing, drive a car and own property. But Socialism lives in your back bedroom and will never leave. Because, you see, it controls your most fundamental right as a free human being — to choose or not choose your own healthcare. Consummatum est.