True Leader.

Many millions of Americans in this sharply divided nation have a forbidding attitude toward the current POTUS. You, among them. Any one of a dozen issues raises your hackles. In the main, it’s pretty hard to stomach a congenital liar. Generally, the leader of the free world is upheld as a role model; that is, a person of honor and integrity. Not that the Oval Office was without previous stain. Slick Willie saw to that. And the Sultan of Sleaze also was no piker in perjuring himself. In matters of policy, for the sake of brevity, simply listing some of your grievances should suffice to register your prejudice against the peccancy of one B. H. Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro.

Economy. Escalated national debt by $6 trillion in five years,  after he promised to decrease the deficit.

Crony capitalism. Billions wasted on “green” companies, now bankrupt(Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust, etc.).

Immigration. Intentionally refused to enforce federal immigration laws.

Immigration. When states voted to enforce the laws. he sued to stop them.

Economy. Presided over more than 8% unemployment (closer to 15%).

DOJ. Operation Fast & Furious illegal gun-running scheme.

Welfare. Food stamp recipients increase to almost 50 million.

Bailouts. Used taxpayer dollars to bail out union private pension funds at GM & Chrysler.

Bailouts. Illegally shortchanged auto company investors by giving their share to the unions.

Energy. Unilaterally halted American oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

Energy. Blocked construction of Keystone Pipeline.

Energy. Gave $2 billion to Brazil to support their oil-drilling, with promise to buy their oil.

Welfare. Illegally ended welfare-to-work requirement passed by Congress.

Benghazi. Four Americans dead. In vain. Shamefully and dishonorably, lied to cover up culpability.

Healthcare. Obamacare fiasco unwanted by a majority of the nation.

Election Fraud. Disabled the credit card verification system for web site donations.

Libya. Intervened without  Congressional approval required by War Powers Act.

Crony capitalism. Gave 1,200 waivers to donors, exempting them from Obamacare.

Crony capitalism. Doled out $800 billion in stimulus cash for “shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t exist.

Credit downgrade. For the first time in American history.

Drones. Violated Constitution by authorizing drones to kill American citizens abroad — without due process.

Apologist. Bowed to world leaders for American “swagger.”

Foreign Policy.  Ignored secular Iranian democracy uprising, allowing it to be crushed by Islamic fundamentalist regime.

Intimidation. Used Obamacare to greatly increase the size, power and reach of IRS.

Intimidation. Used the IRS to harass conservative business.

Intimidation. Sued Boeing to block location to right to work state.

Mismanagement. Hired tax cheater Timothy Geithner to be Secretary of the Treasury.

Stool Pigeon. Publicized identity of SEAL teams who killed Osama bin Laden, effectively making them targets for reprisals.

Personal Expenses. Billions spent on travel and family vacations.

Nepotism. Named underage daughters as “senior staff members” for African vacation.

Foreign Policy. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Castro during 2009 Honduran Constitutional Crisis.

Energy. DOE awarded $529 million to Fisker Automotive for hybrid electric cars — to be manufactured in Finland. Cost — $100,000 each.

Intimidation. Compelled religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception, violating the right of religious freedom and conscience.

To the dismay of even his opponents, you called BHO a socialist in 2008. But his tactics, his words, his style, his resume, his connections — everything about him — screamed demagogue. This person has a deep seated childhood bitterness and resentment, forged by his mentors, for America’s traditional core beliefs and dominating influence in the world. You can forgive him his stale and shopworn ideology. You can forgive him those policies and actions that have driven this country to its economically distressed knees. You can forgive him for pandering to enemies. But what you can never overlook — even for a microsecond — is the absence of love for his country. As skilled an orator as he may be, he can not hide his ambivalence, his detachment, his animosity. Thanks to kindred soul Roy Filly you revisited what it was like to hear a president, a true leader, who loved his country to the very bottom of his heart. And when you hear him speak, you come to grips with the two attributes missing from the POTUS du jour : he doesn’t know the meaning of leadership and he doesn’t bleed red, white and blue. America deserves much, much better.

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