The Kentucky primary returns roll in. Hillary Clinton gets 212,000 to Bernie’s 210,000. You can justify Bernie’s turnout because most of them are kids who are unread, puerile and unaccomplished and the rest are either on the dole or wannabes on the dole — the slugs of society, the unapologetic takers. Hillary lovers, on the other hand, boggle the mind. Doubtless, many women will vote for her because they happen to be women — it’s that gender loyalty thing. Highly intelligent. But 212,000? Knowing what there is to know about Hillary — not rumor, not speculation — but absolute fact — you must conclude that millions of Americans are either drop-dead ignorant or have no moral or ethical underpinnings whatsoever. Think about it — two elderly people are running to command the highest job in the free world — one an avowed and utterly unaccomplished Socialist; the other a career deceitful criminal. This obscenity is happening in America. Happening now. Happening before your very eyes. This is not the Twilight Zone. This ain’t no reality show, Edith. Out of 300,000,000 people, the Democrat Party is offering up these two as their champions. This is the best they’ve got. They couldn’t have picked two people more unworthy. Anyone reading this has a friend more qualified than these two. The truth is the Democrat Party only picked one. They didn’t want Bernie. But Bernie had enough smarts to see a vacuum and said to himself, “Why not?” Knowing who these two are and what they represent, you would have expected the voter turnout in Kentucky to approximate a football score — say, 31-14. You could not imagine these two attracting more votes than that. But, no, a combined 400,000+ pulled levers in Kentucky. You’re smart enough to know that any society will produce a few dozen people who drink the Kool-aid. Jim Jones brainwashed 918. But 400,000? Millions? You do realize what this means, right? It means you necessarily interact with these people every day — at the grocery store, in the doctor’s office, on the golf course, in church, in your own home. Everywhere you go, there they will be. Unless you drop out, you will be in the company of these very people — speaking with them, buying from them; God forbid, shaking hands with some of them. You can’t be sure derangement isn’t a virus, deadly contagious, infecting millions. Now you can fully understand why many important thinkers have suggested over the centuries that democracies can’t survive. Obama’s two terms have proved that a traitorous autocrat can occupy the WH while the erstwhile Balance of Powers go missing. What the Democrat Party unabashedly is telling you is this: “We’re willing to elect a woman who has never run a business, never run a State, never run a city and never headed the PTA. We’re willing to elect a profane woman who was a failed attorney, an insignificant Senator and corrupt Secretary of State, and is guilty of malfeasance, money laundering and treason. We’re willing to elect this unprincipled woman. Why? Why haven’t we produced a worthy, credible candidate — or two, or three? Simple. We think the Clinton name can win. We have no one else who can win. If she wins, we win. If she wins, we have Bill Clinton back in power.” There you have it. For the first time, if the people allow, America will have a Queen and King — a Royal family — the Clinton Crime Family. Somebody needs to make an inventory of the WH furnishings. Then somebody needs to call Don McLean for the sequel to American Pie. Bye bye.
Sounds like “House of Cards”, entertaining but scary
My wife loved this!!!
And what is it that ‘we’ offer?