Utter Stupidity

If you happen to be one of those enlightened people who embrace PC sensibility and “civil debate,” you may want to back up. If you resent a contentious, judgmental attitude, don’t venture to the end of this tirade. Instead, find something else to do.  It’s a beautiful day. Plant flowers. Take a long walk. Look at the glass half full.  Look on the bright side and cherish the silver lining behind every dark cloud. Love your enemy. Read Desiderata or some other uplifting essay that proliferates cyberspace. Meanwhile, as Philadelphia officials pass out free condoms to 11-year-olds as an incentive to practice safe sex, please go about your merry way. It’s got nothing to do with you. As your government refuses to let your tormented country become energy independent, fear not – higher prices and taxes will lessen your carbon footprint. You can only go along with this absurdity. As runaway national debt terrorizes current and future generations, you’re as dead in the water as a Fukushima nuclear reactor.  In all fairness, you have to rely on somebody else to fix the problem. Unfortunately, the guy you asked to run the show is woefully suited and ill equipped to lead.  Even after two years, you  wonder why he’s in charge. Why indeed? You can study a myriad of political complexities and nuances that led to his anointing, but two words pretty much sum up the answer: utter stupidity. Any individual who voted for the Muslim in the White House was an imbecile. There, it’s said. But time out. Black voters are exempt from this defamation. They were not morons; they knew their choice was strictly racist. Likewise, give a pass to communists, socialists, so-called progressives and other leftists who would vote for a Democrat serial killer over Christ Himself.  No, you have to reserve your contempt for the millions upon millions of numskulls who easily could have witnessed this candidate’s absence of qualifications and humiliating voting record. These nitwits could not fail to look behind the scenes and recognize his money barons and other hangers-on. The evidence was in plain sight, just like it was at O.J.’s trial. But the jury – the voters – swooned in rapture at the dulcet evangelistic rhetoric, the sham, the cock-and-bull and the promises. Like 13-year-olds at rock concerts they gushed and sighed and marveled at the messianic pronouncements as if made on High. That’s what fools do, you know. They hunger for a savior. Forget accomplishment. Forget facts. Hide from reality.  And then one morning you wake up and there’s a Marxist contaminating the Oval Office, hallowed ground ostensibly reserved for Americans of high accomplishment who vow to uphold the principles of liberty outlined in The Constitution.  If it makes you feel better, cut the idiots some slack. Suggest they were temporarily deranged, disillusioned by, heavens to Betsy, 5.5% unemployment. Yeah, right. One Martin Luther King said, Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Under the circumstances, you have to admit you’re terrified. The leader of the Free World never held a real job, never produced a product, never run a business, never served in the military and never played Little League baseball. No one knows him. Jason Bourne is more transparent. Setting aside the 2008 coronation, his accomplishments don’t measure up to the attainments of any average American in any walk of life – a carpenter, an electrician, a mechanic, a teacher, a physician. Blindfolded, you could walk down a busy sidewalk in any city and bump into someone infinitely more qualified. Yet, there he reigns nonetheless, making speech after speech, confident that his teleprompter voice will continue to hypnotize his groveling followers. You’re terrified. Not because he has two remaining years in office. You’re scared stiff because, unthinkably, he could reign over his ignorant subjects for a second term.

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