Elizabeth Warren says everyone in America has the right to healthcare. She’s no fool. The world can suffer fools. You’ve acted the fool often enough to offset any saving graces. Warren is an academic autocrat, a socialist ideologue who in 2011 famously suggested that the rich should pay more taxes (than they already pay)because no one grew rich on their own — they depended on the U.S. infrastructure paid for by the rest of society. Yes, you thought that was B.H. Obama’s social thesis. Nope, he got it from none other than your most famous Native American. Her exact words:
There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody … You moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize . . .your factory . . . because of the work the rest of us did. Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is, you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.
You see, that’s how a windbag who does nothing talks to people who do something. Warren, who never built anything, wants to confiscate the wealth of builders who do everything. Ayn Rand (R.I.P.) would rip her a new one. You have to love the bone Warren threw the “factory” owner. “Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific . . . God bless.” She didn’t say “you busted your ass for a lifetime to make it something terrific.” No, “it turned” into something good. Presto, Houdini. “It turned.” She might also have said that the second you popped out of the womb (if you were lucky enough to survive Planned Parenthood), you owed your future earnings “because of the work the rest of us did.” “Us?” This from a woman who never built a thing, not even a Lego dollhouse. A woman who was a high school and college debate champion, who married, got divorced (God, was he lucky)and went to law school. Incomprehensibly, she managed to hook up with another husband (well, a law professor); then became a career academic, teaching law at several universities. Along the way, the pair accumulated a net worth upwards of $11MM. Not bad for a couple of teachers. As Evan Sayet once smartly offered, “She rose to the top of her profession by choosing a profession where she didn’t have to (actually) do anything.” However, like H. Clinton and Obama before her, she did learn to make a speech — to sound scholarly — and thus, self-superior. Now this self-appointed sophist proclaims that everyone has a right to healthcare. This pronouncement is the decisive doctrine of her presidential campaign. True to her native heritage, she beats the drum of class warfare. Play on the age-old feelings of resentment, inequality and unfairness. Gin up mob mentality. Funny, Liz, some “deplorables” are under the delusion that they only have three “rights” — Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. What Pocahontas and all dictators fail to confess is that if healthcare is a “right” for all, it by necessity must be an obligation for the doctors and everyone else who happen to provide that healthcare. The last time you checked, you had not met one physician standing in line to work for the Federal Government. But Socialist politicians like Warren don’t care about equity or liberty. They just want to be in charge. They want to control you because they know they’re smarter than you and therefore should tell you how to live and what you should contribute to society. It so happens socialist politicians have only one pathway to power — they must attract votes by giving away “free” stuff. Like drug peddlers, they know millions of people can’t resist the “fix.” They know millions will sell their self respect and their freedom for the handout, for what other millions pay for through their blood, sweat and tears. Warren and other despots would never call raising taxes “stealing.” She just thinks it’s fair for you to give a “hunk” of what you make to pay for your neighbor’s healthcare or education or housing or food or abortion — what she calls “your social contract.” During the darkest of days, the handout was routinely avoided at all costs. Families in poverty would not lower their pride to accept charity. Today, millions not only accept charity; they demand it, as a right. The Founders would be dumbfounded. Nonetheless, Pied Pipers Warren, Harris, Booker, Sanders and their ilk, gleefully play their addictive tunes, tempting their junkies to follow along like good little lemmings. But you don’t blame left-wing politicians for pushing a socialist agenda. For decades, they have made it pay off in the African American community, promising everything and delivering nothing. For their part, the majority of African Americans still tread water, either too stubborn or too afraid to throw off the shackles of dependency, preferring to embrace the pathology of racism — something Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton rely on to remain perched on their witch doctor thrones. Your common sense tells you that a majority of Americans won’t fall for Warren’s socialist drivel. But look around. Common sense has been rejected so often, it may just take a hike. Anyway, who said that everyone in America has the right to common sense. You can bet it wasn’t Pocahontas.
“Anyway, who said that everyone in America has the right to common sense?”
Dunno. They might “have it,” but apparently in the tens of millions also have the right to reject it. Every time I try to “keep the faith ” it dribbles out, right between my fingers, onto the floor.
My guess is that there’s an even chance they’ll reject the common sense, and a better than even chance that even if defeated, the “progressives” won’t accept the verdict or the outcome of the choice, but will get off the floor and attack, attack and attack again until they get the Civil War V.2 that they’re trying to provoke.