The overwhelming majority of people don’t know who the man is, never heard of him. Colin Kaepernick has the good fortune to live in a free country where his talent and work ethic allow him to earn millions of dollars playing professional football for a Left Coast team named the San Francisco 49ers. But Kaepernick doesn’t like or respect America. He decided not to honor her flag by standing at team events. He recently said: “. . . . .I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color . . . . . to me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder. . . .” All you know about this guy is what you read about him. You know he’s the product of mixed race germination, adopted and raised by white “parents.” It seems reasonable to assume he sees himself as a person “of color.” It seems reasonable to believe he sees himself as a person of courage, willing to publicly stand on principle by refusing to stand for a flag that represents oppression. It’s at times like this you vow to study witchcraft. But, realistically, you must be satisfied with imposing a juvenile curse. You hope Kaepernick fractures a leg on the first play of the new season, ending his football career. True, he might forever miss the thrill of victories but never again would he suffer the agony of flag waving ceremonies. There’s no doubt you will be condemned for this harsh, if not vicious, judgment. Fair enough. You happily accept any assault in honor of the men and women who fell defending the very flag that grants this overgrown bum the freedom to play a game in America for money. At least Kaepernick’s out in the open. He’s the face of the new generation — the Spoiled Rotten, Dumb Generation. He denounces a “country” for oppressing people like himself — people of color. Since the “country” is “the people,” you must conclude he’s denouncing people who have “no color;” ergo, white people. Maybe he didn’t want to call out white people by name because that would offend the NFL minorities — the white players. Regardless, you have a message for this millennial role model. The “country” has been in the hands of a “man of color” for eight years. His chief law enforcement officer and many other top aides are “people of color.” At least 50 cities with populations exceeding 50,000 have Mayors of Color, including Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, San Francisco, New Orleans, Washington DC, Baltimore, Charlotte, Jacksonville, Cleveland, Columbus, Oakland and Newark. According to the FBI, non-whites (“people of color”) commit 90% of all violent crime. Yes, African Americans bodies are lying in the streets and African Americans happen to be the killers putting them there. Now you have a message for the 49er organization that offered this public statement: “In respecting . . . freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose and participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem.” Shame on you. Shame on you for disregarding and dishonoring your fans as well as millions of other American families who understand what the American flag represents. And shame on gutless owner Jed York for besmirching his family’s rich legacy. Such is the debility of lucky sperm. The 49ers had the right to free speech, as well. They could have and should have sent a proper message: “No comment.” But their message and your message have no consequence. The only message that counts belongs to the players — the 49er players and the players of 31 other teams. You hope they send a message that sends Colin Kaepernick packing. You hope they send it soon. Make it the very first play from scrimmage.