Pessimism is such a downer. Life is tough enough without being dragged down by malcontents who seem to relish dishing out the gloomiest of prophecies and premonitions. You believe the best way to counter negativity is to deal in reality. But first you have to listen to the bellyachers. They claim there’s a war against heterosexual, Christian, white men on the part of African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, Jewish Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, LGBT Americans, Atheists, Women and Educators. According to renowned Wikipedia, these groups do comprise the base of the Democrat Party, but you argue that some white males are Democrats, many women marry white males and at least 20% of public school teachers are white males. Anyway, white males fight wars, like guns, abuse their spouses, own most of the wealth and take advantage of minorities. Reality says white Christian males founded the country. Today, if it weren’t for them, America wouldn’t be catawampus. The crybabies are in a tizzy because the FBI handed Hillary a “get out of jail free” card. Let’s be honest — everybody from time to time makes mistakes. It’s not as if she purposely gave away top secrets to the enemy. She wasn’t trained in IT. The State Department is a huge Agency and no doubt some of her people dropped the ball. If something really bad had happened, there’s not the slightest doubt that Comey and the FBI would have followed the letter of the law. After all, if you can’t trust your own FBI, reality says who can you trust? If you bother listening to Conservative Talk Radio, you will hear incessant grumbling about the GOP Congress not having the spine to impeach the President for overreaching his authority or for its failure to use the “power of the purse” to stop his executive orders. Congress has to remember that the people elected Obama to transform the country. How is this beleaguered leader supposed to do that if small-minded politicians second-guess his every move? Congress would do well to remember that Obama was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review in its then 104 year history. Reality says that achievement alone is worthy of giving him unconditional authority. One of the President’s most bold and stirring initiatives is giving America a transfusion of new immigrant blood — opening borders to millions of Hispanics and Middle East refugees who bring their assets, talents and culture to a country starved for diversity. Yet, every day you must listen to stingy, selfish white Americans denounce his generosity. These very same Americans deplore the National Debt of 20 trillion dollars while they horde their life’s savings and greedily lobby for lower taxes. In November, if Hillary Clinton becomes President, you can finally bid goodbye to all this pessimism. There will be no need for the negative predictions. She has been in Washington’s front seat for decades; you have seen her performance under fire; you know exactly what to expect. Stop whining. Deal with reality.