It was never your intention to be famous. You went about your business doing the ordinary things ordinary people do. Work a little. Play a little. Pay the bills. Pay attention to family. Invest time in worthy causes and worthwhile people. Open your mind. Speak your piece. And stay under the radar. But your fame would not be denied. That reality came today when Donald Trump tapped you for his Presidential Advisory Board (PAB). You placed the handsome, embossed membership card in the safest of places. Well, to be perfectly accurate, it was the National Republican Committee that did the tapping. Nonetheless, the NRC would never choose you for this seminal assignment without Trump’s personal OK. You should have predicted this call would come. For some time now, important lawmakers, highly touted political organizations and political newsmakers have sought you out by name, keeping you informed, asking for your counsel, involvement and support. You met Newt Gingrich years ago but never expected he would remember you with weekly letters. And this fame has a way of accelerating. Rand Paul and Speaker Ryan are among dozens of Senators and Congressman who entrust you with their insider knowledge. These courageous lawmakers wage war against seemingly insurmountable odds to restrain an overreaching and spendthrift Federal Government. Try as they might, struggle as they might, they turn to you for help in tipping the balance of power. But they aren’t alone. They get heavyweight help from the likes of Carl Rove, John Bolton, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Bill Kristol and other luminaries who never let a day pass without either asking your opinion or inviting you to join their missions. You never expected this kind of notoriety from so many bigwigs. You haven’t met most of these celebs, but they actually call you by your first name. You can’t ignore such friendly people, can you? Of course not. And because these political stars choose to admire and appreciate you, so do these special interest groups who also exclaim how hungry they are for your opinion, guidance and backing:
Patriot Update
Patriot Tribune
RedState Spotlight
Heritage Foundation
Jay Sekulow, ACLJ Chief Counsel – Amer. Center for Law & Justice
Personal Liberty Digest (Bob Livingston)
Winning America
Chaplain Klingenschmitt
The Weekly Standard
Project To Restore America
Jonathan Garthwaite (Townhall Daily)
The Daily Signal
Trump Train News HQ
American Action News
Election Alert
American Update
Elbert Guillory’s America
American Patriot Daily News Network Solutions
Hot Air Daily Express
Sheriff Joe (Legal Defense Fund)
NRCC Victory
Trump Impeachment Alert (Defense Team)
The Club For Growth
Great American Daily Newsletter
Hillsdale College
AMAC (Association of Mature American Citizens)
Tea Party Patriots
Great American PAC
Eagle Rising
Washington Examiner
Justice Network
Right Wise (Tim Mathew)
The Daily Grind
The Club For Growth
When leaders of your country — beginning with the Man in the White House — seek your counsel, you must remember to stay grounded. Much too easily, you could forget your humble roots. Much too easily, fame’s limelight could blind you to lose sight of your greater purpose. People well above your station have brought you in to their inner circle because they value your intellect, experience and strategic mind. They brought you in for a reason — and now you must decide which of them should receive your generous twenty five dollar contribution.
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