Political Parties in America need to disappear. Before you dismiss this recommendation as a fascist notion, put your prejudice in idle as you shine a light on it. Logically, you might begin with accepted definitions:
The main purpose of political parties is to join people together with similar points of view about government . . . to participate in and influence government by having members elected to government positions.
Or, to bring people together to achieve control of government, develop policies favorable to their interests or the groups that support them, and organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates.
Pretty bland stuff. So is TNT, just sitting there. These definitions sound so democratic, so broad-minded, so equitable — so — legitimate. Yet consider this — although highly involved in the operation of government at every level, political parties are not the government itself, and our embattled Constitution makes no mention of them. So you have a choice. Decide now to shine a light on the reality of political parties or pretend they are stalwart, heroic guardians of our Republic. Let’s get real. Political parties are Gangs in Suits. That’s the true definition, stripping bare the Party’s lofty disguise. Party affiliated voters like you are rank and file gang members who have blind loyalty, no different than a sport fan’s devotion to a team. These peons have no influence (unless they have deep, deep pockets). They elect leaders who operate at the seats of power. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist and Communist Parties are represented by the Washington Gangs whose sole purpose is to compete for power. Parties do not exist to serve all the people or even the national interest; they exist primarily to seize control of government (and the Treasury) and consolidate individual and group power. You must acknowledge that the political parties are in a state of perpetual war. The gang hierarchy in Washington is no different than the structures of Cosa Nostra, Crips, Wah Ching, Bloods or Aryan Brotherhood — or any Trade Union. You have the Bosses, Underbosses, Consiglieri, Captains, Enforcers, Soldiers, Recruiters, Money Launderers, etc. The Political Party, as constituted, is antithetical to the tenets of liberty. Consider the preeminent goal of any elected leader: To remain at the seat of power indefinitely. The politician achieves this goal by: 1. rising in Party influence; 2. returning patronage to supporters; 3. obeying Party leadership; 4. growing the size and scope of government; 5. enhancing personal wealth; 6. seeking higher office and 7. raising money. You may reject this summary to suggest that very good people are doing their very best to represent the diverse interests of a great nation. Perhaps. But a few rowers in a lifeboat have zero chance of moving a massive, tyrannical iceberg. No, there’s only one way to kill the beast — cut off its head. Political Gangs should disappear. Congress and Senate should have Members, period. Members individually accountable, without allegiance or obedience to any group, special interest or even State. How dumb can you be? Without allegiance? Members of the House or Senate eventually would form alliances and cliques and you would be back at square one. Yes, but not in lock-step. Remember first how Members would get there. Voters, no longer having the option of pulling one lever for their favorite Gang, would be forced to vote for individuals based on something other than a party label. Jiminy Cricket. The flaw in this recommendation is that the CLU would instantly bring a discrimination suit, charging that millions of disadvantaged people would not have the time, the ability, knowledge or interest in properly evaluating the candidates. Think of voters who can’t read. Think of those who are illegal. Think of those who are dead. Think of the interminable waiting in voting lines. America then would have the imbalance of being controlled unfairly by those citizen elites who are informed, knowledgeable and patriotic — citizens whose political IQ would surely select the best and brightest Constitutional disciples. Oh, yes, the very citizens who in 2008 and 2012 voted for eight years of gang rule and tyranny. God bless America.