Fake Or Real.

Here’s something for you to chew on. Two types of people inhabit the earth: authentic and counterfeit. That’s another way of saying honest and dishonest. True or false. You get the picture. But you think this viewpoint is a vast oversimplification and therefore a bogus one. You prefer the biblical admonition that we are sinners, one and all; ergo, we all share degrees of forthrightness and fraudulence. You can only thank God that you’re so irreparably flawed. Goodness is a horribly inconvenient condition. Nonetheless, you’re not entirely willing to give up the original premise — that individual people are either one or the other — real or fake. Let’s see, you need a stark example. In America, the ideal example is politics, where you have two camps — Liberal and Conservative. You deplore these labels equally because neither is specific, but that’s an argument for another day. Let’s talk about fake and real. The premise: Liberals are dishonest and Conservatives are truthful. Liberals are hidden and Conservatives are transparent. The argument: First, you need to expose the labels. Liberals are Socialists but won’t admit it. A Liberal will quibble and say, “I’m Pro-Choice. I think we need the government to closely regulate important things like big corporations, education, welfare, social justice, agriculture, housing, income inequality, gun control, etc etc. And I think the government should be in charge of healthcare and energy because those things are too important to leave to private industry. But those views don’t make me a Socialist.” Liberals in fact adopt the most basic tenets of Socialism; yet insist their convictions don’t define them as Socialists. This rationale is called denial. Some Liberals muddy the waters even more by adopting the more Leftist word — Progressive — another euphemism for Socialism, or Communism. Bottom line is Liberals must jive, juggle and lie. Conservatives, on the other hand, are Capitalists; and they’re proud to admit it. They don’t hide behind pseudonyms or euphemisms. What you see is what you get. They believe in limited government at all levels, fiscal responsibility and individual freedom. Bottom line is Conservatives must be truthful. Like any pretender or con-artist, Liberal politicians always rely on deception to gain acceptance, realizing that raw truth would alarm the majority of Americans, but also realizing gleefully that millions of voters are stupid. Not ignorant, mind you. Stupid. Liberal duplicity is most evident in their invention and dissemination of deceptive language. By now, everyone knows the drill:

Affordable Care Act: A touchy-feely term for Nationalized Health Care.
Universal Health Care: Socialized Medicine.
Pro Choice: Vastly more appealing than the truth — Pro Death.
Affirmative Action: In others word, Gender and Race Discrimination.
Economic Justice: Code language for Wealth Redistribution.
It Takes A Village: Cradle to the grave Socialism.
Hate Crime/Speech: Any Conservative criticism aimed at Liberalism.
Gay: Homosexual is too explicit.
LGBT: Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual and Transgender is too explicit
Racial Profiling: Unfair targeting of criminals and terrorists.
Planned Parenthood: Abortion Way Station.
NPR: National Propaganda Radio
NOW: National Anti-feminine Organization.
Employees Free Choice Act: In effect, no anonymous union vote.
Internet Freedom Preservation Act: Expands regulation of the FCC — the opposite of freedom.
America’s Healthy Future Act: Socialized Medicine
Global Warming: Alias Cap & Trade
Women’s Rights: Free contraceptives.

You are led to believe that homosexuals and other “alternative lifestyle advocates” come out of the closet to liberate themselves. Liberals should be allowed to experience that same joy, that same relief — to put aside the subterfuge among family and friends. This freedom of expression will happen only if America’s political parties offer them a clear choice — Socialist or Capitalist. Scrap the meaningless DEM and GOP. No more hiding. No more pretense. The current occupier of the WH should lead this political transformation. As a former community organizer, it would be a cinch. All he has to do is hold a press conference, gaze at his teleprompter and read the following words: “I am a Socialist and proud of it.” That’s what leaders do. Lead. And the Socialist Party will be born. Oops, back up. Some version of a Socialist Party has been kicking since the 1870’s and exists today. Allegedly, eighty-odd members of Congress are proud members of the Democratic Socialists of America. Suitably, you see, Liberals (Progressives) already have a place to go and friendly faces to greet them. What’s stopping them? Simple — they already hold a winning hand. And being a liar’s no big deal.

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