It’s Black history month again. Naturally. Black history is an annual observance in America, recognized primarily by Media and by every other organization that merits media attention — notably governments. These statements are not complaints. Many races, many ethnic people, celebrate themselves annually. Most likely, however, few of these ceremonies, if any, extend for an entire month. Be assured that statement is not a complaint. If you have a complaint, it’s about the designation Black. You could be wrong, but you don’t know of any other people who designate their nationality by skin color. American Indians generally don’t refer to themselves as Red Americans, do they? You have yet to hear people of Japanese lineage refer to themselves as Yellow Americans. Worldwide, both white-skinned and black-skinned people define themselves as French, German, British, Bulgarian — pick a country, any country. It’s no skin off your nose, but common sense tells you that black-skinned residents of America realistically might consider calling themselves Nigerian, Ethiopian, Kenyan, Somalian, Jamaican, Haitian, Ghanaian — in other words, proudly consider identifying with their ancestry. Or, if born in America, choose to be American, as one celebrated (black) politician chooses to do, refusing to hyphenate himself. In your opinion, losing “black” would be one big step for Man, one giant leap for America — an infinitely more difficult leap than the Apollo 11 mission and Neil Armstrong’s stunning step into history. Could 48 million Black people come together to put aside differences? Would 48 million drop their resentment? Would they give up accusations of systemic racism? Put aside that fantasy, Matilda. Put aside the impossible. Because being Black is vital. Making and keeping Black an issue is absolutely essential. It’s not African American History Month, is it? It’s not African Lives Matter. It’s not Kenya vs. Ireland. No, it’s Black vs White. It’s Black skin that justifies racism and the demand for restitution, retribution and retaliation. For many, possibly a majority, Black skin is a world-class victim’s excuse — the key to expecting and accepting what amounts to statutory, guiltless dependency. For many who have Black skin, freedom is not the goal. A free lunch is. KAPOW! That allegation should incite a proper racist uproar. Social scientists, historians, other academics and run of the mill intellectuals will trash this supposition as ignorant, baseless, juvenile bigotry. Most African Americans will argue that no white dude can perceive the Black experience, much less criticize it. True enough, to be sure. In fact, you gladly argue that many hyphenated Americans with black skin suffer economic deprivation. Many of them face disrespect and rejection. But so do other Americans. Economically, these other Americans also live a “hand-to-mouth” existence. Socially, they also are stigmatized and shunned — and their skin happens to be — my goodness — white. You should know, remembering your early years on the wrong side of the tracks. But that statement is no complaint. If you have a complaint, it’s about Black vs. White, because it won’t work. Ever. There is undeniable proof it won’t work. As never before, millions of Black skins now live in stately homes and occupy board rooms, government posts, sport arenas, entertainment, small business and dozens of professions. But no amount of economic and social justice progress has quelled the cries of racism. If anything, the cries are even more strident. Why? Because Black skin is not about social justice or fairness or honor or respect. It’s about keeping racism alive and profiting from it. But who does it profit? It profits those who always profit. Black demagogue leaders. BLM and 20 other Black-led nonprofits. Politicians who push Marxism. Big Media. Big business. Big advertisers. At the end of a very long day, identifying as Black is a self-imposed prison. Someday, maybe a century from now, Americans with black skin will finally decide it’s not the skin — it’s what’s under the skin, what’s between the ears and what’s in the heart. And maybe then decide that Black is just a color. Not a racist crutch.