Consent of the Governed.

Vivek and Elon, the twin towers of efficiency, are hell bent to reduce the size and scope of the Federal Government. They are painfully aware that their assignment is under the most intense scrutiny — also that a MAGA mob numbering in the tens of millions is beyond impatient to see the axe fall on the federal bureaucracy. The mob better take a sedative. Because these boys are not like Rambo, out for vengeance. These guys wear suits and iPhones, not combat gear and survival blades. True, they have a mandate; but Congress will have something to say about how far that power reaches. And never ever forget that a GOP-controlled Congress has no interest in rubber-stamping a Trump agenda. Unlike the Democrat Party that gleefully shows its face, the GOP has been nothing, if not two-faced, especially in the Trump era. It won’t take long to get a fix on the latest version of the GOP under Thune and Johnson. But c’mon, Matilda, face some reality. If Congress wanted to slash government growth; if Congress wanted a balanced budget; if Congress wanted to enforce U.S. immigration law, it would have acted before now. It didn’t act when Trump was at the helm. It didn’t act when Biden spit on The Constitution. It never does, can you not see that? A Democrat President breaks the law, Democrat agencies break the law, individual officials commit treason, and what happens? Nothing. No one can explain it. House Speaker Mike Johnson can’t explain how the Democrat Party gets away with it. He can’t explain why the Supreme Court allows the Democrat Party to use Federal agencies to assault Donald trump for years on end. Neither can your congressman (who couldn’t care less). But you do have to give it up for GOP lawmakers who are especially gifted in one important function — fundraising — to help them explain why they are unable to hold Democrats accountable. Under these circumstances, you may want to grit your teeth and accept a clear and present fact — except for holding hearings, the GOP has no interest in holding anyone accountable for anything. So, do yourself a favor and face reality. Your country is $35 trillion in debt and the Federal Government is a ravenous beast with a gargantuan appetite for power, with no intention of relinquishing one single ounce of it. The good news is Vivek and Elon understand that politics is the dirtiest of businesses. Excluding a handful of loyal GOP lawmakers, the daring duo will face a bureaucratic wall that will obfuscate and stonewall D.O.G.E for the entirety of Donald’s term. And as the soap opera progresses, please train your eyes and ears on your own senators and congressmen. Measure their public support for Trump. Gauge what cooperation they give the efficiency tandem. Monitor their voting records. Meanwhile, to begin their work, Vivek and Elon will attempt to find the list of Federal agencies that need their attention. They won’t find it, laugh though you might, because no authorized list exists. The Federal Register is likely the place for them and you to begin. Therefore, for your personal viewing pleasure, the four URLS below give you a sense of the monumental task facing the D.O.G.E. team. You can almost hear their cries for help. People who tune into this blog could easily answer those cries by clicking the URLS to find an alphabetical list of agencies. Find the one you prefer. Do it for one purpose: To literally recommend the agencies you would blow up, those you would constrict and those you would retain, intact. Help give the people a voice — help to obtain “the consent of the governed.” You’re reminded that in 1792, the ordinary people of France stood by the scaffolds to approve who lost their heads. That was, in a manner of speaking, the eyewitness “consent of the governed,” known as  The Reign of Terror. Daydreams aside, you approve the idea of giving the people a voice, because not for a minute do you trust the representatives of the “People’s House” who have abrogated their oath of office with impunity. And, whatever else you may feel, don’t feel guilty about your condemnation. Congress has earned it. While you follow D.O.G.E., Trump will hit the ground running. Be ready for a 2016 sequel —  counter-insurgency warfare waged by none other than the federal government itself. Biden started it in earnest with the ATACMS in Ukraine.

Note: Send your agency hit list to Vivek and Elon. Copy your Congressmen.* You’ve been promised repeatedly they work for you. Ed.

*Note 2: Catch-all “Congressmen” is not a slur against Congresswomen.



Despite the continued belligerence of a Big Apple judge, the Big Guy is slated to occupy the Big House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. on January 20, 2025. Until then, Joe Biden (or whoever is in charge of Joe Biden), is apparently free to risk World War III by authorizing Volodymyr Zelensky to employ the U.S. long-range missile system (ATACMS) for strikes inside Russia. There was no formal threat of war by the lame-duck lamebrain; so just call it an informal one. But it’s interesting that Joe (or his proxies) decided last spring to covertly — that means secretly — supply Zelensky with ATACMS. At the time, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said, “Ukraine has committed to only use the weapons inside Ukraine, not in Russia.” Evidently, Zelensky kept his word until Joe (or Barak or Jake) gave him the green light to light up the Russian sky. For his part, Putin coolly announced his mutual defense treaty with N. Korea and now thousands of DPRK troops are on the ground. Apparently, Biden (or whoever pulls his chain) can claim he had a legitimate excuse to jump into the fray by sending ATACMS to Ukraine, since some NATO allies, including the Brits, are supplying their own versions of missile technology. Some military experts who favor the shipment and use of ATACMS insist it by no means is an escalation of the war — that ATACMS range of 300 miles can’t compare with Russia’s missile launching capability 1500 miles away in the Caspian Sea. You would argue that major wars always begin with some type of provocation. The Boston Tea Party, Pearl Harbor and Fort Sumter come to mind. The escalation argument will rage on and eventually some future novelist will write The Ukraine Protocol, recounting how and why millions of people died, complete with the requisite conspiracies and betrayals. One conspiracy theory is inevitable. Biden (or his handler) needed some way to take advantage of the crisis following the mortifying Democrat defeat at the polls. What better way than to authorize the use of U.S. ATACMS? What a cool way to poke Comrade Putin in the eye and beat the drums of war. What exquisite timing. Just like 2020, orchestrate a pandemic called Covid, and hand Trump a red-hot crisis to submarine his aggressive, domestic agenda. Surely, you don’t suggest Biden (or his overseer) would pour fuel on a fire simply to play politics. Could anyone be that treacherous? Take a minute. Ask yourself the question. In any event, millions of Americans speak casually about WWIII as if it’s a video game or a movie like the Dr. Strangelove spoof that suggests America’s elite class would live underground as the rest of humanity melts under a nuclear cloud. Of course, the manner of death is irrelevant, isn’t it? Ask the people of Ukraine and Russia. Their men are dying on both sides. Why? Because government leaders decided they must. There’s no other reason, Matilda. Nobody knows how many North Koreans troops will bite the dust, or whether Kim Jong Un gives a rat’s ass. Or how many women and children will suffer and perish. But you can count on this. It’s the little people who die. The nobodies. Neither Putin nor Zelensky nor Kim Jong Un are staring down the barrel of an AK47. Bet on it. Neither does Biden. Or Secretary of Defense Austin and  Secretary of State Blinken. Or Members of Congress, or owners and shareholders of Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics. In fact, the only big shot at risk of staring down the barrel of a gun is Donald Trump. He has the scar to prove it.


The movie Liar, Liar (circa 1997)is fantasy. All kinds of fun. Remember the plot? A slick attorney builds a flourishing practice through his skill as a habitual liar. Well, truth is that’s not fantasy, is it? Considering the occupation, that is. The fantasy is that the attorney’s son wishes his dad can’t tell a lie for an entire day — and the wish comes true. You imagine everyone in America plays the wish game from time to time. In this political season of lies, you’ve been mulling a special wish — that in at least one news interview, at least one commentator and one politician must tell the naked truth.*

Your wish is that a well known, respected, talking head would  interview Kamala Harris. Since Bret Baier just had  this experience, you choose him for an encore. In your fantasy, Harris’ remarks would be unrealistically brief. Each  participant would be truthful, and Fox  News would would let it play without interruption.


Baier: Ms. Vice President, are you happy being the Democrat nominee for President, considering you were not elected by the people?

Harris: You must realize, Mr. Baier, that I didn’t ask to be the nominee. Please remember that. It was a special circumstance and the Democrat Party did what it had to do. The leaders said I was the most qualified candidate based on my four years experience as second in command. I think they were right.  Anyway, there was no one else in the party who could win. Ask Joe, he’ll tell you.

Baier: Ms. Vice President, as the border Czar, fentanyl smuggled into the US under your watch has killed thousands of people; and many Americans have died at the hands of criminals who crossed our border. Are you guilty of being an accessory to murder?

Harris: Mt. Baier, I have to say that this question shows your partisan bias and it should end this interview. I have no doubt that Fox news management will agree. But in the interest of the long suffering American people, let me say that drugs and killers were entering this country long before the Biden/Harris administration. When we took over, we tried to correct Trump’s failed immigration policies. The only other thing I would say about your insulting insinuation is to ask you to put the question to Secretary Mayorkas and the border personnel who have been working courageously on this issue. Both would give me high marks.

Baier: Ms. Vice President, are you a communist?

Harris: This line of questioning is inflammatory in its intent. But once again I’ll take the high road, I will proudly tell you and all freedom loving Americans that I was brought up by family and mentors to respect all ideologies. There is no question I am politically progressive because I believe in the suffering of the underclass — that the people who suffer discrimination — are much better served by proactive policies that respond to their welfare. The reactionary policies of yesterday have no place in America’s future.

Baier: Thank you Madam, but, to be clear, are you a communist?

Harris: I am not a card carrying member of the Communist Party. Is that answer clear enough?

Baier: Thank you. In your debate with President Trump, you repeated several times that — “the American people are hurting.” Please tell me, how and why  are they hurting , and just who is responsible for their pain.?

Harris: I’m glad you asked. And my heart goes out to those who can’t make ends meet. The fact is we inherited an administration who devised policies that had some short term effects; but it was all smoke and mirrors. Trump’s economics plan was so devious that there was no way to correct the eventual damage in just three years — and even now our corrective strategies are just beginning to take hold to reduce the devastating inflation that rose out of control  during our tenure in office. At the same time, you can see  our unemployment numbers are in decline.

Baier: So are you saying that inflation and resulting 30-40% cost of living increase is Trump’s fault?

Harris: Yes, for the most part. The average person doesn’t take in consideration that there is a lag factor in the economy. They lose sight that what happened in 2016-20 may have looked OK, but we were left to deal with the fallout.

Baier: Madam VP, I think you have stated that Donald Trump is anti woman and that under his administration, women will lose their reproductive rights. Is that true?

Harris: Definitely true. I’m surprised you asked this question. He has made demeaning comments about women so many times, he even brags about it. He was successfully sued for paying hush money to a woman for his sexual escapades with her. And now, many states want to outlaw abortion rights altogether. Of all the issues that face this country, this is one that makes Trump most unfit to serve.

Baire: But, Madam VP, Trump has no jurisdiction over the abortion issue; The Supreme Court found Roe vs Wade unconstitutional. The matter is in the hands of the states. Isn’t that true?

Harris: Don’t you believe that for a second. He put those justices on the Supreme Court and he’s responsible for the repeal. If he gets in, he will find ways to see that all American women further lose their most basic rights. As we’ve said many time publicly, he’s a danger to our democracy and it begins with depriving women their rights.

Baire: Madam VP. How do you intend to reduce the astronomical US debt? I believe the figure is over $35 Trillion.

Harris: We have to bite the bullet. The fact is — there is no way to reduce debt without taxing many millions of incredibly rich people sitting on enormous wealth. That would be a beginning — in fact, our deficit is evidence that millions of taxpayers have found loopholes to avoid their fair share of the tax burden. There is no way we will ever have equity in this nation until we recognize there is inequality throughout all segments of our social structure.

Baire: Madam VP, it sounds as if you suggest that America can tax its way to prosperity.

Harris: You put it abruptly to make it sound bad. I said it was one step. We also must look at how large corporations and businesses rip off the people. In energy alone, the people would be much better off if the government had a greater role in the energy sector as well as considering price controls, particularly in the food industry. Already, we see how much better off people are now that the government is essentially in charge of the healthcare industry. We should look into other sectors of the economy and exercise humanitarian policies that  would be more beneficial than encouraging greedy profit motives. Greed takes the bread out of the mouths of the working class.

Baire: Are you talking about replacing capitalism with socialism, Madam?

Harris: I think replacing is the wrong word. If you look at many successful countries around the world, you will see the coordination between socialism and capitalism is successful and fair. We must strive for a world that endeavors to make all citizens more equal. As it says in the Declaration, “all men are created equal.”

Baire: With all due respect, Madam, you may not have the card, but aren’t you preaching Communism?

Harris: Mr. Baire, I’m afraid you’re determined to let your own politics interfere with your obligation to conduct a non-biased journalistic interview. The people want change. We can’t fix all the problems of the past in four years — problems that Trump initiated in his four disastrous years in office. If you don’t see it, the people do. They saw it so clearly, that they felt it necessary to indict Trump and charge him with dozens of felonies — and he’s still trying to wiggle out of paying for his breaches of the law.

Baire: Thank you. This interview is concluded. For me personally, let me say in closing, madam, that you are totally full of shit, to such a degree, that knowing millions of people nonetheless will vote for you, is like living through an episode of the “Walking Dead.” God help us. To the management of Fox News,  you necessarily have my resignation — and condolences.

*Note: To explain why Harris appears to lie, you may want to recall a famous comedian’s advice on how to deceive a polygraph: “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” Ed.



The ranting and raving of critical Dick.