Tattoo, Anyone?

It’s nothing short of laughable. It began with Phizer. Out of the blue, the Big Pharma house rolls out a feel good corporate advertising campaign to pound its chest about how caring and compassionate it is — how devoted it is — to community service. Not to be upstaged or left behind, along comes Johnson & Johnson, stepping into the advertising limelight. J&J’s ad predictably copies the stereotypical, mildewed Phizer pabulum. Big Pharma advertising is nothing, if not arid. The two companies could swap ads, attach their logos, and no one would know the difference, including the employees. In keeping with nearly all media messaging, pharma ads are nothing more than targeted propaganda, aimed at defusing negative public opinion. The ads will cost millions but the CFOs can tell stockholders not to worry. The coffers are chock-full, thanks to the Pandemic windfall — aided and abetted by media driven hysteria. You desperately want to believe 90% of plain American folks like you see the mass conditioning, and recognize the methods of indoctrination. After all, brainwash methods are as commonplace as roadside litter, and equally as conspicuous. You want to believe that All American, genetic, spit-in-your-eye attitudes see right through the frauds and fakes — the experts of dissimulation. You want to believe but the evidence says you can’t. Not when you see friends walk in the cafe, masked up, sit on a stool, drop the mask, say a few words, mask up, drop the mask, eat some food, deposit their mask-soaked pathogens by hand on a bar counter, all the while feeling like worthy citizens. But your opinions about masks or the medical choices of other people is really none of your business, is it? Arguments about jabbing, not jabbing, boosting, not boosting, are irrelevant. There is only one issue. You choose. No one should choose for you. It’s your life. Lots of people die. Routinely, they die of addiction to gluttony, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, sloth, etc. It’s their choice. You may refuse a jab and die. People who know you then will say — “Dummy, serves him right.” But the facts are these. As ludicrous as it may sound, the pandemic has unleashed an unknown, underlying destruction that far exceeds the tragic loss of life. Very likely, the extent of that physiological and psychological destruction will not be quantified for a decade or longer. You are witnessing a socio-political upheaval and the America you know hangs in the balance. Forget your political affiliation. Forget your vax opinion. Forget your race and your gender. Forget your religious affiliation or your atheism. And ponder these statements.

In mid 2020, after Covid erupted, Government health leaders and the medical establishment offered no early-stage medical treatment, despite having knowledge of safe, repurpose drugs being used worldwide by highly respected physicians. Why?

In 2020 and to this day, Government Health leaders and the mainstream media did not and still do not produce PSA television programming to offer known therapeutics that could strengthen immune systems to help ward off potential infection. Why?

In 2020 and to this day, hospitals still send Covid ER patients home with no early treatment regimens that already have been proved effective. Instead, patients are told to come back and visit a ventilator if their symptoms worsen. Why?

In 2020 and to this day, hospitals will not administer Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine at the request of a patient, the patient’s physician or the patient’s family. Why?

In 2020, Federal health agencies and state medical boards banned the sale of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for Covid early treatment intervention. Pharmacies complied and wouldn’t fill doctor prescriptions. Why?

By contrast, until the past two weeks, the only therapy promoted vigorously by the mainstream media is vaccination. Why?

On Dec. 22, 2021, The FDA gave emergency use authorization for the first treatment of COVID that is in the form of a pill. Created “almost overnight” by Phizer, the drug is touted as a major step in the fight against the global pandemic. Why?

Since the Covid outbreak, both mainstream and tech media have suppressed or banned highly credible scientists and physicians who question Government policy. Why?

Since before the Covid outbreak, the mainstream media has suppressed any news or opinion that reflects unfavorably on the present administration or reflects favorably on Covid treatment options that show great success. Why?

In reply, you would expect to hear the following. The policies of the Federal Government are dedicated to saving lives. The combined intellect of America’s health agencies can not be questioned; and outside parties can not be allowed to disorient and confuse the general public with misinformation and disinformation. The average person is not qualified to differentiate between fact and fiction and thus must be protected. Something like that, Matilda?

In the interest of full disclosure, in the interest of individual sovereignty, in the interest of equal protection before the law, you have a suggestion that might clear the air; namely, you volunteer to wear a label that says “Unvaxxed.” By displaying this badge, every individual you meet — and every place you visit — can choose to associate with you or not. It’s a free country. It’s easy enough to do. Regrettably, it could mean you would be ostracized by the Vaxxed Society. Businesses would see you coming. You would be a leper without the “colony.” It’s OK. Americans have rights. Against their will, they should not feel threatened by the unvaccinated. Actually, something tells you the majority of the “Unvaxxed” wouldn’t mind wearing the badge. Or sporting a bumper sticker. Tattoo, anyone?

Shit Show.

Decades ago, windows down, you braked to a stop at the red light in downtown St. Pete and waited for the green to take a right turn. On the corner, a smallish, stooped gentlemen also waited — for the “Walk” signal. In hindsight now, he looked like the sour, surly Bernie Lefkowitz of Cocoon fame. The signals happened simultaneously — your green and his green — so you eased the Dodge coupe forward, timing Bernie’s rendition of the Tim Conway shuffle, allowing a good seven feet of clearance. Bernie was pushing at least 80, but his hearing didn’t know it. He turned like a ballet dancer, spread his legs like a boxer, and flailing with both arms, aimed a middle finger tirade directly at your face. In the next 10 seconds, you took a graduate school course in profanity. You couldn’t know it at the time, but the episode was an instant life lesson in aging. At that time, all you saw was a bitter, bellyaching old schmuck looking for an excuse to bully and bulldoze anyone in his crosshairs. Decades later now, as you gaze into the mirror, there’s a strangely unfamiliar, corrugated landscape, etched in traces of cynicism and hostility, that stares back. You’ve seen that face before, scowling on a St. Pete street. No doubt Bernie earned his scowl in WWII. No doubt that Bernie also had his heyday. But it went away like all heydays do. And everywhere the old fart looked, new American generations were muckin’ up the place, with no appreciation, no gratitude, no respect. Like the young, impatient jerks in automobiles prodding him to get the lead out on a busy St. Pete street. You would like to tell Bernie that time eventually would teach the jerks a lesson — that one day America would be a more civil place and future senior citizens like him would be able to put aside anger and replace it with a happier outlook. But in retrospect, decades later, you recall that Bernie’s America — your America — was still in love with Mom, God and Apple Pie, even with Her flaws. Nothing like today. Nothing resembling the 2021 shit show. You don’t have to be a scholar to agree that Americans always disagreed, debated and complained bitterly about wars, depressions, taxes and crooked politicians — about hardship, discrimination, rationing and hopelessness. Americans always had a bone to pick. But through it all, Americans of all stripes — Republican, Democrat, White, Black, Poor, Rich, Crooks, Immigrants, White Collar, Blue Collar — believed in America — in what She stood for — and they stood shoulder to shoulder to protect and preserve Her core values, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Nothing resembling today’s 2021 shit show. New generations of leaders and voters, ignorant beyond any sense or sensibility, have decided that biology is relative and children should be pushed to examine and choose their gender. They have decided that unlettered elementary school teachers should be allowed to introduce explicit sex literature to prepubescent children. They — meaning Congress and the people in robes who laughably call themselves “Supreme” — have decided that having a 30 trillion dollar debt is inconsequential — that printing money is effortless and inflation is overrated. That allowing millions of illegal aliens to pour through America’s borders may be against the law, but some laws are meant to be broken — like laws prohibiting the destruction of private and public property or laws against illegal search and seizure, or the abridgment of the first and second amendments. That the Constitution itself is an antiquated document created by white supremacist males whose sole purpose was to subjugate people of any color other than white. They have decided that the future belongs to a new Communism, an ideology that allows all individuals to share equally in America’s bounty — a system that fairly regulates and operates essential industries, from national healthcare to national energy. They have decided that ordinary Americans, ill equipped by intelligence and experience, must be required to submit to any policy that is in the so-called “public interest” — notably to comply with mandated medical procedures. You must acknowledge that quite a large number of Americans are unwilling to put up with government assembled shit. They have searched storage rooms, garages and crawl spaces to find their shovels and are busily using them. Other Americans — millions, really — are deeply worried about their country and their livelihoods. So they choose to comply, to wait and see . . . wait and see. . . and hope. You’re waiting, too. Waiting to see what manner, or what measure of shit, will Americans — all Americans of every stripe — endure before they stiffen their spines and say, “enough.” Suffering from osteoporosis, a pedestrian named Bernie somehow straightened and stiffened his back on that sunny day in St. Pete so very long ago. God bless him. He was American, through and through.

The Payoff.

FOR the most part, most Americans have no clue about what the Declaration of Independence and The U. S. Constitution — together – really mean. Assumptive at heart about “land-of-the-free” security, Americans generally believe these documents guarantee freedom. They go about their business, fully expecting what freedom promises — that they can own property, sell property, drive any car anywhere and own a gun. They can call the sitting President a jerk – in public. More important, they don’t fear military police patrolling the streets to demand ID’s and Passports (yet). But no, the American people still don’t fully grasp the origin of America’s liberty — that Freedom itself is the dazzling payoff of humanity’s transcendental bombshell – never before ordained by a ruling government.

                 Each Human Life is Sovereign.    

THE American Republic rests on this precept, and this precept alone — that each American — each life — is sovereign. Over time, you routinely repeat the opening sentence of the Declaration, while miserably failing to comprehend the enormity of what it truly declares. Regardless of circumstance, of social status, of material worth, of genetic difference — each American is equally sovereign, subservient to no person and no government — endowed with opportunity, with correlative accountability. With the responsibility for self determination and the responsibility for success or failure. At no other time in history has this relationship been codified within a civilized structure. Individual sovereignty is the wellspring of individual liberty — and Freedom is its moral and spiritual construct.

HOWEVER, amid the chaotic events of modern tribalism, the true nature of America’s essence has been violated. That transgression must be extinguished. New politicians, in particular, presidents, governors, congressmen, senators and other leaders must speak directly to America’s individuals. They must put aside constituencies. If Donald Trump should once again seek the highest office, you would urge him to make the case: “Everyone within the sound of my voice must understand something — I’m not speaking to you as Republicans or Democrats, or as African Americans, or Latin Americans, or European Americans, or Yankees, or Southerners, or white collar workers, or blue collar workers, or the rich, or the poor. I’m speaking to each of you and asking you to listen as if you and I are aloneface to face. I’m speaking to you as the sovereign individual you are, not you as a member of some party, or gang, or race, or nationality, or special interest group or some agenda-driven organization. I’m asking you tonight to know yourself as the unique individual you are — to think for yourself, not what your friends think, not what your social circle thinks and definitely not what you hear broadcast by Media hucksters. Listen to only one voice — your voice. After you hear what I have to say, or to what anyone else says — listen to your inner voice, the voice that speaks to you and commands your life.”

AMERICA wasn’t created for its government — everything in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution was dedicated to your individual freedom — because you are sovereign. The founding documents were not written to boost the growth and power of the Federal Government — in fact, these renowned documents were written precisely for a contrary purpose to limit the growth, jurisdiction and power of a centralized government. Pay attention. Read the documents. You will find nothing in them about growing governments. They were written and ratified by “we the people” to unshackle the enormous potential of individuals working toward their own self interest. You know this — unequivocally. It was individual freedom that unleashed the greatest accomplishment the world has ever seen. Whatever else you may think, Matilda, never make the mistake of believing that your Federal Government conceived that shining city on the hill and crafted her divinely unique footprint. Free individuals – you are America.

IF people the world over would honor and follow the Ten Commandments, imagine the outcome. If Americans would honor and follow The Constitution, imagine the outcome. If all Americans would put aside their loyalty to a group identity, and render their judgments and attitudes — individual to individual — imagine the outcome. Racism, prejudice, bigotry and every other hate-filled “ism” is based on dumping member individuals into a common, group-think barrel. The Founders gave us a way out of this unhallowed abyss. We ignore them at our peril. 

The ranting and raving of critical Dick.