Ted Bundy was famous for revealing a riveting truth about himself. In doing so, he unwittingly revealed an inconvenient truth about many prominent individuals and many trusted institutions. He said that he was really a nice person when he wasn’t killing somebody . . well . . killing girls. What he wanted everyone to know was — to paraphrase — “most of the time I was a good guy.” In that farcical remark lies a deadly truth and bitter lesson — an unintentional, insightful tip from a serial killer — that Evil often conceals itself under a mantle of respectability. Think about what that means, Matilda. It means Evil doesn’t restrict itself to the Bundy side of the tracks. It often occupies the best of addresses. The renowned, 170-year-old NY Times, winner of 112 Pultizer Prizes, deservedly wears the cloak of respectability. In keeping with its reputation, The Times produces television advertising and long form videos that are dedicated to promoting its distinguished image. Beautifully produced in the best Hollywood tradition, these films proclaim Life Needs Truth and Truth Is Essential. The Times embarks on this PR campaign to profess to the world that Truth remains its enduring, scrupulous covenant with the people. You will stand before the world, therefore, and agree that The Times is a good newspaper — that is, when it isn’t lying, deceiving, manipulating, misleading, suppressing and colluding with political and special self interests — basically hiding its Evil under the cloak of righteousness. It’s no skin off your nose if The Times has a political agenda. Go for it, Editor Baquet; but, please sir, have the courage to confess that agenda — instead of covering up with the phony baloney “Truth is Essential.” Almost all other U.S. daily newspapers follow the NYT journalistic model. First, keep advertisers happy by offering obits, crosswords, local sports and civic happenings. Second, ignore news that discredits the Democrat Party. Third, serve up whatever swill is needed to support Biden administration Marxist policies. Above all — and this is essential — be a good newspaper — most of the time. It’s easy to pick on Media. Evil is visible, a daily slap in the kisser. Don’t get started on Broadcast Media; your life expectancy is limited. But the Bundy Syndrome is not restricted to Media. Pick whatever corner of society compels your interest. Philanthropists wallow in the adoration of their beneficiaries as they simultaneously use financial power to gain political influence and control. Congressmen and Senators, wearing their Zorro capes, in full view of the public at rallies or in broadcast studios, express their devotion to America and Her citizens. They promise to uphold The Constitution as public service stewards. And most of the time, like serial killers, they do. The rest of the time, they listen to how loud the money talks and how far it takes them. Most of the time, most elementary school teachers prepare kids to read, write, comprehend and analyze; and some of the time, some of those same teachers are compelled to indoctrinate, brainwash and tell budding minds what to think. As usual, under this barrage of judgment, you can feel the agitation and hear the cries of discord. It sounds something like this. Nobody’s perfect. You can pick anybody in any job and find a specific instance of misconduct, or lapse of judgment, or personal weakness — very often, a financial misdeed. Can you possibly imagine making 24-7 decisions as the chief editor of the NY Times? A few misleading headlines are bound to get by; some facts may be omitted. Even a lie will sneak through. Hundreds of thousands of Americans die every year because doctors make honest mistakes. So, get real — most of the time, most everyone, including you, is a “good person.” True enough. But in those rare moments when you do happen to falter, do people die? Do you destroy business and life savings? Do millions believe your lies and elect imposters? Do you engage in treason or tolerate treason? Do you accept bribe money in exchange for influence? Do you warp young minds and wreck families? Do you engender hate and incite hostility? Do you abandon a countryman on foreign shores? Do you believe pedophilia and sex trafficking are harmless, personal diversions? Decide for yourself. What constitutes Evil? It saunters by every day, dressed to the nines, looks you in the eye and grins that charismatic grin. You will always underestimate Evil. Ted Bundy knew that. And depended on it.
You have to laugh at the lunacy. Every slob out there, including you, dances on the end of a puppet string. The emails pour in from politicians, from dozens of elected officials, coast-coast candidates, think-tanks, podcasts — all telling you that everything’s wrong, why it’s wrong, what needs to be done, why it can’t be done unless you pony up some bucks, that winning the next midterm election will save America, that Democrats out-raise Republicans 10-1, that America is at the crossroads. Seems like America was at the crossroads in November 2019 and 2015. In fact, America is always parked at the crossroads. Politicians love that term; they love to exclaim that “this is the most important election in American history.” Good God, people, how long will you keep listening to the same trite rubbish, year after year, decade after decade. Political candidates come and go but the bullshit smells the same. Seriously, play a serious game. Pretend there’s a complete shake-up in Washington and you get precisely what you want. Sleepy Joe lurches off to the funny farm; Kamala becomes a maximum prison warden; Hillary, Schiff, Brennan, Comey and dozens of other FBI crooks get indicted, convicted and fitted with orange jumpsuits; a new POTUS plays the Star Spangled Banner while he obliterates the Deep State. WOKE gets whacked; BLM has a long needed BM; the NEA and CRT are tried, judged guilty and sentenced to death. Fantasies are as funny as they are foolish. Not one of them will see the light of day, no matter what happens in 2022. Unless you’re schizzo, you should grasp the reality; but incredibly, you continue to play the puppet game. Irrationally, you believe that “of the people, by the people and for the people” is an honorable, faithful covenant. Face facts just once — just once, Matilda. What goes on in America is not about you. What you think, what you say, what you believe, means nothing. Face the truth. America has two political parties that run the show. And these two parties are enemies. Political parties in theory love to express the values of a bipartisan relationship, but that cooperation is a total sham. What goes on in Washington isn’t about you or about what is good for the health and well being of the Republic. Your two political parties, like two Mafia families, are at war to see which party takes control. The party in control gets the goodies. The party in control snuggles up to billionaires and global power brokers. Like organized crime, the two party system is corrupt beyond repair. Each party has been responsible for unconstitutionally taking America down in complete violation of Her charter. A few courageous congressmen and women make dynamic speeches on chamber floors to call out this breach of trust, to make a case for America’s animating principles. But those speeches, however dazzling, are nothing more than echoes in time. You will find nothing in America’s founding documents about a two party system. The Founders never wanted a centralized government to insinuate itself into the lives of citizens. The Founders, in fact, despised centralized power, giving vast powers to the individual states. You then must ask the questions: What value does the two party system bring to America’s greatness as a nation? And what value does the system bring to the freedom and prosperity of the American people? Legal scholars will rush to provide numerous examples of proper government oversight. Have at it, professors. Nothing will change the historical record — Congress, complicit with the SCOTUS, has taken America through the doorway to ruination. And not one Congressman, living or dead, would suggest that he or she bears any blame. Meanwhile, new candidates by the droves rush into the breach to save the country by putting the GOP in charge of the store. Same old 66. Same old store. Same old bilge. Puppets like you may finally get wise. Candidates may behave like warriors. They may have good intentions. But they will not save America from Marxism. There is but one fix. The Federal Government must be stripped of 70% of its jurisdiction, as dictated by The Constitution. As long as Washington has unlimited power to spend, regulate and rule, the two party political process is a circus without the laughs. Think of it this way. Washington is hopelessly addicted to money and power; and like a true addict, will do anything — anything — to feed that addiction. Only one therapy can heal the junkie — eliminate the drugs. If you believe otherwise, keep dancing — the puppet in you is definitely in charge.
Journalism school was like many other disciplines. The fundamentals came first. The rules of study. The precepts were black and white. Perhaps not as lofty as the Hippocratic Oath, journalistic covenants nonetheless set towering standards for a noble profession. Those standards rested on principles like Truth, Accuracy, Objectivity, Impartiality, Fairness and Accountability. The American people trusted those standards to preserve the Constitution and defend individual freedom. After radio and television hit the airwaves, the term journalism remained synonymous as The Press, respected and appreciated, even as literary critics pounced from time to time. For one, Oscar Wilde wrote that the press had become the “only estate” that had “eaten up the other three.” In America, the “other three” are the three branches of government. The Fourth Estate term is centuries old and even in its earliest days had almost instant fame. According to ThoughtCo, British historian and satyrical writer Thomas Carlyle wrote that that “there were three Estates in Parliament, but in the Reporters’ Gallery yonder, there sat a fourth Estate more important (by) far than them all.” No one can argue — America’s press, now called Media — had lived a spirited and honorable life. But now both the spirit and honor are dead. America’s Media is morally, ethically, spiritually and professionally bankrupt. With premeditation, every one of its noble standards have been systematically liquidated. In years past, Hollywood produced movies that lionized America’s heroic reporters, while denouncing the dictatorship-run news media. Hitler’s propaganda machine was absolutely essential to Nazi success. Ditto the Soviet Union’s and China’s genocidal tyrannies. Control the message and you control the peons. Unless you live in la-la land, you get the point. America’s media is owned by the Left, a ruthless and shameless tool of so-called Democratic Socialism. America’s media is in full propaganda mode, with one goal in mind — to bring about citizen compliance. Look around your own backyard — to people you know and those you love. The strategy works. Begin in elementary school. Get rid of God. Belittle the Church. Undermine the Nuclear Family. Create racial animosities with CRT. Cancel America’s Culture. Trash the Flag. Revise America’s history. Federalize the Health System. Push Political Correctness. Sabotage the First Amendment. Debase the Second Amendment. Cripple Law Enforcement. Concoct the Social Injustice straw man. And crush anyone who gets in the way, no matter who. Even a President. Figuratively, Trump was assassinated. Meanwhile, in North Carolina, the Lieutenant Governor has been demonized for daring to suggest that explicit, gay-driven, pornographic filth has no place in the schools. True to form, State media, Governor Cooper and certain Legislators vehemently demand Mark Robinson’s resignation. You see — North Carolina’s first-ever Black Lt. Gov. has a problem — he’s a Republican; he’s an avowed Christian who believes in America’s goodness; he despises communism; and most of all, he detests the indoctrination and brainwashing of children. He is the ultra antithesis of Cancel Culture. So he voluntarily put himself in the crosshairs. And he won’t back down, believing that North Carolina parents and grandparents must have his back. But do they? If they do, where are they? Where are the 10,000 marchers in Raleigh? Where are the thousands of letters asking for Roy Cooper’s resignation? Where are the thousands of letters to Robinson’s office? Instead, what you hear is criticism that he should have more sense than to insult the Gay community. “You can’t say things like that, Mark. Times have changed.” These are the shrinking attitudes, the words of compliance. You won’t hear them coming from individuals who refuse to buckle — airline pilots, nurses, air traffic controllers and thousands of others who risk their careers and say “No” to corporate and government mandates. America still has Her heroes. She had them in 1776 and countless times since. They didn’t comply. And as always, they were the few.
Ed. Note: Heartfelt thanks to those rare media outlets that courageously follow lofty journalistic standards.